I beg you get rid of other random players

With the game being designed around this social aspect, what if they made all these systems, then allow option to play solo with zero interaction then half the playerbase does that and you lose that functionality for the ones who want it. It’s almost impossible it seems. Unless they can then increase server density for the MMO players

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They could have just done what POE does and have everyone in the same city but when you leave you go into your own instance in the world. But I don’t mind the open world feel. My experience was that I never saw more than one or two people in the world and for the most part it didn’t impact anything.

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Having people in the city its probably OK and supports trading and other activities, perhaps to party up and go. But once you go out you should be alone (or with your party).


there is some legit concern from the people who will be going HC.

If HC groups…its often with select people. friends, guild mates, w/e. I know 3 dudes know the drill…they know I do too. Premades basically.

or in solo we go our own way. I play HC conservative till I feel very comfortable.

others may yolo this stuff. either way is fine…but I don’t yolo till geared. Randoms on a yolo kick can mess that up.

why at least for HC I hope we get some kind of options here. if not pure 100% solo unless wanting 4 mans then some layering/phasing to make the world as small population as possible would be nice. if possible that is.

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get rid of scumbag randos from my world.


Good thing D4 gives you personal loot.
I wonder what you would have thought of them if this was D2/D2R and they took “your” loot.

This won’t happen because it’s their business model to sell cosmetics. Cosmetics require an audience for those buying them. I would accept this and move on. It will never change.

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If they had taken the time they could have at least cobbled together a lore reason for why there are other heroes around.

I use the MMO Final Fantasy XIV a lot for things done well…and this is no exception.

When you start off you are one of them new “adventurers” the same as all the others, that’s why you see them around in the world. When you have to do group story content it talks about getting some help from your adventurer friends.

They use this for the base game and first two expansions.

D4 could do a version of this.

Just for completeness FFXIV changed the formula in the third expansion. You still can do the group story content with other players, but they also added the option to do it with story NPCs, canonically you do it with the NPCs (even if you actually did it with other players).

At the end of the 3rd and in the 4th expansion they use a combination of that…and something else that would take way too long to explain…and would make me sound like a lunatic. :wink:


I feel like they could just add a toggle in the social panel to ensure you were always in your own phased zone outside of town hubs. Its possible with existing tech in the game, just set the concurrent player cap for that player from 12 to 1, and override the cap for partied players.


Similar to poe, this is done so that you can see other players mtx. Their basically walking billboards for others to see.


So, did anyone actually go to “Private” rather than “Public” mode? There was an option for this in the game prior to actually entering it?

I left mine in public to see what would happen. Did not care for a whole lot of other random players jumping in on areas I was at because even with the green highlight nameplate, I still shot off a spell at them, because I am used to trash mobs attacking me or coming at me, not another person in the game.

Next Beta access this weekend, I will choose the private mode and see if all the other players disappear, if they do, awesome, I am not into group content of any type.
It is not being anti-social, it is being practical and efficient. How many of you have regular work or school hours? eh? if you want to enjoy your time playing the game, you don’t want to have to wait for someone else, and this is what wrecks playtime, organizing adventures with others always requires lots of patience and working around people’s real life daily schedules. Diablo, I, II III were designed for solo play, but IV is throwing a wrench into the works, breaking the machine.

I honestly do not care what other players think of my character’s gear or transmog, it is there to impress me, and little can be said so far about it, I think that the characters are more detailed, but not as appealing as the previous D3 characters artwork. Likely someone is there in the coding world saying keep everything neutral, so we don’t have people complaining this is too big or too small, etcetera,…
I may have dropped $140+ on my collector’s version, but if I find I don’t like it, it is not a problem to uninstall an continue playing other titles that keep me interested in online games.

Give the game a chance the Beta is just that, a simple offering of mechanics and interaction to find bugs in the system. It is not the complete game at all and is only for us to test, crash, break, and comment on to see how we took it. leave your comments and let the developers, and coders take your opinions and bugs and fix what they think needs fixing.

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the game was advertised as open world style , with other players in the main world , why are people now posting to remove it , you chose the game , u bought the game knowing all the details of how the world would function ,

Yeah…that is gonna be the side of the mmo bit as well.

for those new to this since you never went this route…you are supposed to bow down in homage, or something.

I do mmo’s and don’t do this. but in theory you will now see player x in armour x or mount y…and go he is sooooo cool.

Now to be fair some of this is hard to get. they have some skill. its just I have seen some mmo armours if transmog an option…I’d take that option asap lol. ugly as hell to me. but that’s my tastes.

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Want to ‘solo’ yet ‘with your friends’. The game holds a lot of people, so if you want to be private with your friends, find enough to fill a game!

especially since it’s essentially a demo. you can play solo 95% of the time. i rarely play with anyone except a few friends

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if you wanna play solo like an emo, go play skyrim… that’s it.

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the players i did see during the beta in the overworld were few and far between , even the random events didnt bother me that other players joined in , just means i get the rewards fastter ,

players just complain for the sake of it , if they read the game description and still buy the game then dont keep posting about changing what is a core part of the game .it was advertised and described as exactly what we have seen so far .


i dont think they care for the solo feel. youve even got fake players npcs hoping on horsies leaving town just to make it feel more alive lol

im fine with it. tbh i dont buy an “open world multiplayer arpg” if i absolutely want to isolate myself from others.

then again its not like its super social. you might cross path with some randos and maybe get an emote if youre lucky and thats about it.

as long as they dont bring some kind of raid-without-groupfinder it’ll be fine.
that killed destiny 2 for me heh


so what exactly is impractical and inefficient about encountering other people? With a whole bunch of people killing the level 35 boss, I get good gears faster. With more hands helping world event, I finish it faster and get reward same as if I would play solo.

Even being an introvert myself, I don’t see a single down side to encountering people in the wild.

You wait for what exactly? There’s no queue for world event, if 20 people are there, even when joining half way, all of them will get the reward.

I just don’t see your point at all. There’s zero negative thing to having people around, except for some antisocial people.

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I don’t mind it, but having the option of not seeing random players outside activities that actually requires a large number like world bosses would be appreciated.

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