HotA and Ball Lightning are 100% gonna be fixed in S3

Yeah, true. That’s not easily fixed if at all, though. I think the best attack points are barb specific aspects and ability scaling/damage itself.
The issue isn’t damage alone, however. Barb does everything on the move without ever getting hit by anything that’s not a telegraphed attack. Slowing down animations and “fixing” animation cancelling would put it more in line with how other classes play.

How does it ruin your fun in a bland, single player game?

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Blizzard doesn’t know how it’s own game works. They lowered some numbers without actually calculating anything. Overpower was an obvious one, because of all the streamers bragging with overpower numbers. Guess what, it’s still OP. There are just too many multipliers and skill usage can get out of control.

That’s what you get when you balance the game by live data analytics (which was always their plan).

Maybe the OP nerf wasn’t meant for anything else than to adjust for the max HP changes.

Overpower is still vastly overpowered. Plus the combination of crit damage with overpower just makes it 10x worse. Not sure why crit and crit damage builds got nerfed to the ground but overpower is allowed to one shot all content. Plus HoTA literally has the most outrageous upgrade, what other class has a 250x multiplier on a core skill? Then Barb also has Blood Rage on the paragon tree. They get the best multipliers while having the most crit damage and the most offensive aspects.

Like the OP Blood Surge on Necro which also takes advantage of the Overpower mechanic? Blood Surge is not even an S tier build.

This, there’s nothing overpowered about OP. In contrast to crit, you can’t guarantee 100% chance. Therefore, you can get more additive bonuses.
The issue is how classes trigger, scale and multiply the conditional.

Let’s replace Unbridled Rage with something like:

After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Core Skill Overpowers. This timer is reduced by 2 seconds each time you shout.

Then you have 100% crit ring together with double dip crit damage with grandfather plus 3 more slots for other multipliers. Over a thousand main stats to unlock beautiful paragon boards to the fullest.

Poor Necro only has strength for one 2h sword and has to drag it on the ground to move about.

Possibly still over performing with the grandfather, again its the combination of overpower + crit damage that is making overpower builds substantially stronger than most (see HoTA, the one shot Rogue using Precision, or Blood Lance with Grandfather).

Doesn’t seem like they are testing their stuff properly before releasing. That’s the bug that needs fixing.

Personally I’m enjoying my HoTa/charge build. More fun with this than any previous build or character thus far.

What, no Necro build was OP in S2, even with ubers.

keep believing them, specially rearding sorcrer…
sorcerers in D4 are meant to be dead every 4 mins

I’m gonna try most Necro builds once I leveled him up, too. My barb does have Shako and Grandfather. They probably dropped to compensate me for walking away with nothing but a Starless Sky after weeks of grinding, last season.
None of Necro’s builds will come anywhere near barb, though.

I keep forgetting about this reworked Uber. Would like to try it on a Necro.

Yeah, last season it sat in my bank until I gave it to a farm char and now I’m grinding for it XD

Oh great! So does that mean all classes will suck and be awful now, instead of a few.

I’ll pass… The entire game is in broken, buggy BETA land! I will wait until this game gets the many badly needed QoL features missing since Diablo IV launched, and also class balances and power fixed, itemization and a laundry list of other ongoing problems and issues that need serious improvements and fixes in this game!

Not to mention, Diablo IV Season 3 is absolutely awful, grindy, buggy and worse than the past two season with a robot companion that sucks and barely does any damage or serves and useful purpose!! And just to get it to max level requires the most ridiculous, senseless time wasting, unfun, unrewarding, awful grind! NO THANK YOU!! Epic fail!

Get it together Blizzard, because temporary band-aids will not address and fix the many problems this broken, buggy beta game has, which we all, unfortunately paid for! Very disappointing to still see Diablo IV in this state since it launched in June 2023! Unreal! - JJ -

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Buddy, HOTA still hits for 1 billion. Game is way better now than it was at launch and it continues to improve. If you’re gonna check out from gaming you don’t need to advertise it for attention, ty

Buddy, this forum is to express the disappointing BS beta game D4 is since it launched! Yes, there have been some improvements but definitely not enough at all! And I am not the only one complaining about the problems and issues with Diablo IV. Season 3 is a prime example of epic fail! How is it that it is worse than the past two seasons! Just disappointing to say the least!

Hopefully, Blizzard will do the right thing for all players who paid for this broken, buggy beta game sooner than later. I will call out the BS when I see it, and give credit where it it’s due. - JJ -

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AS long as they have Seasons and use those seasons to try out new mechanic and content to see what player like and do not like, this game will always feel like it is in beta. The Devs told us that that was their intention for seasons way back at the Campfire chats. Each season is like a PTS and then the successful aspects are added to the base game in the future. That is kind of one of the problems with a Live Service game. The game is never finished.

During S1, when they released a patch mid-season that gutted several popular builds, myself and others pretty well savaged the development team over the incompetence on display.

You can’t do balance patches mid-season, in a game where the seasons only last 3 months. Not if you want to pretend you respect the players time at all.

They told us this wouldn’t happen again, at the time. And yet, here we are. Doesn’t seem like they have any intention of stopping, either.

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