HotA and Ball Lightning are 100% gonna be fixed in S3

Rod recent interview (timestamped).

Not that no one expects that already, but we’ve got some kind of confirmation from dear Rod Fergusson himself.


Thank you for the link, :+1:

I just watched the whole interview.

Who is him?? The developer?

He knows it’s not fine, they just don’t want to deal with all the crying by fixing it right now

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Bliz fix eh? So HOTA and BL will be completely unplayable for the next 5 seasons, good to know.


Can´t wait for another few total broken builds.


I believe BL has a bug in its damage calculation that can be fixed. For HotA, nothing is broken to fix.

He needs to pick better wording.

HotA is performing extremely well due to overpower, so we are going to address that to bring it back to the pack.

Better wording.

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This is true, technically HotA is the one which would be going to be directly nerfed, i.e. having some of its values changed.

BTW HotA being the top is not just due to the damage formula rework (which buffs overpower), but also because of the new Uniques (Furor, Talisman) and Ubers being obtainable. Try it without Talisman, Furor, and Grandpa. You’ll overpower crit for a more “reasonable” 20-40 mil or so, and it will happen far less often.

You mean the skills will be completely dead the next patch, oh okay.

Then comes the next OP skill to get nerfed, I’m guessing Upheaval !

Barb equips grandfather and still has 3 extra slots of offensive aspect. Multipliers ftw.

Necro equips grandfather and loses 1 slot of offensive aspect (off-hand)

Werewolf Druid, pathetic dawg with Staff of Crone and loses 2 offensive aspects.

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ofcourse it gets fixed. it was an intended bug anyway, they did it on purpose to mask the other problems both classes have, so 99% of talk is about that and not the countless other things not working with both classes.

And as u can see it worked. Pretty scummy but it worked.


No!!! What is everyone going to cry about next season?? Forum whiners are the true endgame here. Always screaming for bans, nerfs, or free stuff in true D3 fashion

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Skills changes…okay…guess that’s what happens with games with live service for seasonal play.

My guess is they will nerf actually the Banished Lord values retrospectively, and this I hate, how they keep changing gear post drop. Really ruins the flavor of a looting game when they mess with loot that’s already been dropped in a nerf (or random manner). This is especially aggregious in bad code when they from from Min-Max to Max-Min in how an aspect works and the code rollout re-roll flips over from best to worst.

It’s ok. You can switch to the next broken build and pretend you have skills.

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If you think HOTA is overpowered and want challenge, unequip all of your vampire powers and try some AoZ. No season help!

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This is the main reason why I played other builds this season, to not be carried by mechanics that were going to take a big hit next season.

Any barbarian you throw together following a guide or not in season 2 is powerful. Even the silly build I threw together running 2 basic attacks, upheaval, thorns, beserking and walking arsenal still performed well. I didn’t specialize in anything and the only unique I was wearing was 100,000 steps.

The fireball sorc I have been playing the past week lagged way behind on the other hand because the skill lacks no real punch for the cost of the skill and it’s extremely mana starved making it gear dependent for all affix rolls such as cost reduction, cool down reduction and resource generation. The build is also highly unique dependant to boost damage to a reasonable level and took me some serious grinding until around level 80ish to feel any real power. Other sorc specs seem to be doing OK, but fire is not in the best place until much later in the game.

Without vampire powers though my feeling is both of these builds are very mid at best and I am worried the nerf hammer isn’t going to take this into account. Will Tibaults even be used on half the builds once metamorphosis goes away? What about applying vulnerable without metamorphosis, how many classes will go back to exploiter glyph. And what about next season where I don’t anticipate any build defining powers after what we had with S1 and S2. Nerfing because of “big numbers today” without any hindsight as to why they got out of hand or and foresight into what the next season will bring is a mistake.

So what? There will be other s-tier builds in S3. Feel sorry for BL sorc and HOTA …they will be unplayable for the next 3 years cause Blizzard is a real amateur in nerfs.

It will be quite a blow if they destroy Ball Lightning.

It’s the Play Style that I like. In this, Gravitational Ball Lightning is unique - more akin to WW Barb than standard post up, drop Artillery - spam Core repeat which has been Sorc style forever.
The Class finally gets a fast and fun, duck in and out, run and gun Play Style, something never seen in D1/2/3(outside of maybe Crtitical Mass in D3) and it’s on the chopping block.
Balance it, great! - don’t gut it and destroy it.

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Overpowered builds are fine IMO. You’re supposed to be insanely powerful in an ARPG. Buff other builds to make them stronger rather than nerfing the strongest builds.

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Sounds like your projecting your pretending of having skills. I was Ice shards/Blizzard 95% of my playtime this season.