HotA and Ball Lightning are 100% gonna be fixed in S3

HotA still do way too much damage.
Now there´s the rapid fire Rogue spitting 132.000 arrows at once.

But it doesn’t shoot 23 arrows anymore…

Nops… now it shoots 132.000 arrows at once. Check out Rob video @ youtube.

Barb is always going to be the most powerful as long as it gets more gear slots than others and they fail to compensate for it. More gear isn’t just stats, it’s more aspects. Since most of the players gear related power comes from aspects it only makes sense that the class with the most of them would dominate.

People were pointing out the overpower change would be insignificant to the class and have a detrimental effect on others that relied on it. That came to pass. The fix always should’ve been barbarian specific.

I refrained from giving specific suggestions and maybe I shouldn’t have. A place to start would be something like having skills ignore weapon aspects unless it’s the weapon used for the attack. It may not be the perfect solution but it’s where it should’ve started. Or at the very least they could’ve reduced the base weapon damage contribution for all barbarian skills.

The fact remains they listened to players when it was painfully obvious they shouldn’t have. It’s kind of silly that they couldn’t think of their own solution in the first place.

To be sure not an EU formatting issue, you mean to say 132 thousand arrows are fired or 132 thousand damage per arrow?

No, 132 thousand arrows doing 27 billion damage.
search for " ROGUE = OP! EASY DURIEL 1 SHOT - Crazy Season 3 Build Diablo 4" in youtube.

That guy Rob expend his entire time finding bugged builds. Of course this time its not a real playable build because requires a lot of setup to work. People may use it to kill duriel and Lilith only.

Looks like hota not so much while BL got devastated.

January 30, 2024 -

That’s why the majority of D4 players are playing the Barbarian class this awful season lol… :rofl: - For Season 3 I initially created a Barb… got to level 21 and just couldn’t keep playing… it’s that bad!

The funny thing is seeing how most players are playing the Barbarian classes lol. Not too messed up, and definitely not surprising. And to think Leaderboard is being added to this broken buggy beta game is a joke, and classes are not even balanced properly in this game!

Diablo IV is just too damn boring, repetitive, buggy, grindy and lame and far worse than the last 2 seasons! Not to mention, there is NO REAL END GAME IN D4, and the fact players have to farm mats to summon bosses is JUST PLAIN STUPID, TIME WASTING, AND NOT FUN OR REWARDING AT ALL!!! No other Diablo game has any of these awful problems, issues and ridiculous red tape restrictions! None!

D1, D2, D3 and even Diablo Immortal are far more fun and rewarding than Diablo IV! The only good thing about Diablo IV is the initial campaign, which is epic and fun, but after that the game is simply bad, buggy and grindy as hell! It’s unfortunate because D4 has the potential to be so much better, fun and rewarding! Instead, Blizzard has done the complete opposite!

I can’t understand what the hell Blizzard is thinking releasing this disaster Season 3!???

I definitely like the Barbarian and Necromancer class, both favorites. Hunter is cool too. But I am not a fan of the other classes, but then again with the awful buggy, boring grind, I haven’t had time to experiment with other classes as much as I would like because D4 is just bad, and still lacks a lot of fixes, improvements and QoL features.

Season 2 of Diablo IV was definitely off to a great start and I enjoyed it for the first time since the game launched. I thought Blizzard was on the right path too, but sadly, this new D4 Season 3 is simply an epic fail, BIG TIME! Even the Mount feels slower and clunky!

Instead of Diablo IV getting better, it’s worse than the last 2 seasons! This is just shameful and beyond disappointing! Blizzard can do better!

I will not waste anymore of my time or money on Diablo IV, especially for any expansion for this game, until I see REAL improvements, fixes and badly needed QoL features to bring this game out of its broken, buggy beta status! And a PTR should be added for this game! D4 can be so much better. Very disappointing!

Hopefully, Blizzard will do the right thing for all players who paid for this broken, buggy beta game! - JJ -

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