HotA and Ball Lightning are 100% gonna be fixed in S3

if you wanna have some fun, seriously remove all 5 of your vampire powers, don’t use anything from this season, and try an Aoz 10 with hota. All the ubers you want. see how fast the xp bar moves for ya.

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Owns restaurant down road from me.

So they finally admitted it in this video (13:37). They knew it was broken. They were like meh whatev let them enjoy it for 3 months we will fix it later. Then they showcased a broken build in other video for AoZ and balanced AoZ based on this BL build.
This is such a shame for this company. I am very sad how far Bliz is willing to go on these matters. Do what is right not what is easy.

All the ppl saying BL was working as intended and fine are now proved wrong.

I and many others who played with this for 5 minutes knew it was broken.

Somebody bump my thread so we can discuss there too.

Blizzard showcases bugged BL Sorc and does a disservice to community. :angry: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums

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They actually had promised already before S2 (or was it even before S1) that they wouldn’t deploy mid season patch.

BTW this is also the stance that Bungie takes regarding Destiny 2, that they will let players enjoy whatever broken mechanics they discover within a season. Patches are only deploy between seasons unless there’s a game breaking bug. Interesting that Rod also plays Destiny 2.

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i believe what he said is ball lightning sorc is ridiculous. that isnt saying broken or bugged. that is saying overperforming. we all said it was overperforming and will be tuned. all the people saying it was performing according to the tooltips and the changes they made are still correct.

Rod and I quote “…and the thing about a Diablo game is its those overpowered moments that make you feel like you are cheating or that you know you fooled the devoloment team or you are taking advantage of some EXPLOIT that it feels really really fun and so thats what we have really try to embrace so that now in season 2 you know the ball lighting sorc is rediculous but we are going just let them have fun we will deal with it lateryou know and uh same with hammer of the ancients barbarian they got to like okay fine there’re going to EXPLOIT it a little bit but its fine we will fix it next season you know…”

Bugged means not performing as expected. This is what they will fix and HOTA as well. Both these classes are going to get fixed. ITs 100% verified BL and HOTA are bugged in my definition and many others for word bugged.

ITs also very troubling Bliz not only is ok with players exploiting according to Rod’s words but they are also encouraging it with the BL showcase.

  1. Blizzard embraces exploits. How the mighty have fallen.

“…those overpowered moments that make you feel like”

feel like you are cheating or exploiting isnt the same as cheating or exploiting.

yes the builds are overpowered and overperforming and are going to be tuned. still doesnt mean they are bugged.

The moment they announced the change to Overpower I knew it was going to be well, overpowered. To add to it, Talisman etc. just adds ridiculous multiplier on top.

If anything, I can see them changing Overpower sources like Earthstriker specifically to have an Internal CD, meaning once you use Earthstriker Buff, you cannot gain it for another 20 seconds or some trash. The real issue has to do with Animation-Canceling allowing you to swap between 2 weapons extremely fast to gain Overpower.

Additionally, it is only conditional on swap which means the Skills do not have to deal damage. This allows you to use Skills in place switching between Basic and Core Skills prior to ever engaging a Boss. You can open immediately with a fully buffed Overpower Crit on a Vulnerable Target While Berserking.

This pattern can be repeated very easily to gain Overpower MUCH faster than you should be able to for little effort. If I had to guess, it will be changed to gaining Overpower when you gain the Key Passive Walking Arsenal. This would make Earthstrikers require you to swap between all 3 Weapon types which will limit builds and playstyles while still being relatively easy to activate.

What this does for Barbarian is that it means you do not gain Unbridled Overpowers super often. This is really the problem with scaling as HoTA disproportionately benefits from Unbridled since it.

Closing the loophole on animation-cancelling and Snapshotting (which absolutely is an exploit and not working as intended) will go a long ways to fixing problems without outright nerfing everything. Outside of this, Overpower probably needs its Additive Bonuses scaled down a bit, coefficient changed from 1.5 Max to 1.2 Max and Brute Force needs to be reworked as x45% is a huge modifier that can be increased with Brute Force Affix on Amulets even more. It can be argued Banished Talisman can have a run for its money with Max Fury, Brute Force Rank and a 50% bump to an Offensive Passive instead.

But - we all know they are probably not going to fix the actual broken stuff and just decrease HoTA damage so everyone ends up swapping to Deathblow Overkill or Upheaval.

If overpower is the issue, what other overpower builds (Druid or Necro) are performing at that level?

Thanks for the link. Only a fool would think otherwise and we got some folks here, in YouTube, and in X begging Blizzard to let things be in S3, lol.

They nerfed, fix, or put whatever word you wanna use, Hydra and Bulwark interactions from S1. If those got fixed and some fool thinks the current bugged builds (I know some of you are semantically arguing it’s not a bug. Ok let’s follow whatever phrase you wanna use it) or insert phrase here won’t be addressed is really a big fool lol

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Good. Glad to see the devs actually paying attention & admitting HotA Barb/Ball Lightning Sorcs are ridiculously OP which ruins the fun for the rest of us playing with properly-balanced builds. That’s right - I purposely avoided those ridiculously OP builds in favor of a properly-balanced build that provides an adequate challenge while still being powerful & fun to play with.

It is overpower along with some new items. The main thing though is the Barb stacks it better than the other two.

Rob even made a Druid build with Overpower that hit hard.

overpower is the issue. streamer made a druid before aoz ever came out doing 17bil with overpower crit. thats more than hota ever did before aoz

You lost the bet on HotA.


The tried but nerfing Overpower means that other classes and builds which use Overpower but not OP also got nerfed. They compensate Blood Lance on Necro by giving us the new Mutilator Plate but Blood Surge got nothing to compensate for the nerf.

Overpower was never the issue, imho. I say this as a Necro player, who switched to druid and barb because the Necro nerfs feel unjustified to me and I don’t want to be locked into bone builds.

During leveling, charge, HotA and upheaval deleted anything on screen in one hit regardless of level. I saw consistent 10k hits at levels my other characters would deal 1k.
At max level, my HotA hits for 150-250 mil now and charge about 3 mil. All while being movement speed capped, having zero cooldown and rocking like 38k hp.

Idk how anyone play tested this and was like “Finally, barb is balanced. Good job everyone.”

I also never said (not to you) or thought that Overpower on HOTA was/is the problem.

Hota has a 1%[x] based on total fury. While Barbs can get the fury to 250+ that 250%[x] is going to keep them broken. Charge is a little over tuned right now but that was told to us during the campfire.

A couple of aspects are questionable, too, when compared to other OP builds. Take Earthstriker for example, it guarantees an OP on every fourth HotA while also giving a 1.5x multiplier? That alone is way better for OP damage than anything you can get on blood builds. You can procc Banished Lord’s Talisman way more often than Blood Lance/Surge can, as well.

There are a lot of things going on with Barb. You mentioned offensive aspects and Barb can run 4 of them on the weapons alone since they can equip 4 weapons.