Blizzard showcases bugged BL Sorc and does a disservice to community. 😠

Blizzard just stated that Ball Lightning sorc is perfectly ok and not bugged as they showcased it as the build in the AoZ and lost on level 10.

I think this is a complete disservice to the community. You should never showcase a broken / bugged build. You should not balance endgame content based on bugged / broken build. This is a huge failure by Bliz. All the BL sorcs know its broken. All the build websites say its broken. Streamers say its broken.
But Blizzards says nope its :white_check_mark:! Look at our video!

All the players that said that BL sorc was not bugged must have now been proven correct and can take a bow because how can this be bugged and be the showcase build? :man_shrugging:

What are your thoughts?

Do you think BL is still bugged / broken?

Did Blizzard just confirm BL is performing as expected in your view?


I think Blizzard should stop their “more open communication” as people will just find something to moan about.

The first game play stream people were moaning about the two devs cause they were “too casual and just smashing buttons”. Now people moan about them playing a meta build.

This community doesnt really deserve the campfire chats

as for the build, since they wont change the behaviour of the build in s2, its a absolutely valid build to play.


If they said it isnt broken, then it isnt.

That being said, it wont be anything without the vamp powers when those go away.

So….either way, it is fine i guess🤷🏻‍♂️


Both are justified. The 2 art devs had no clue how to play the game. Bliz did a disservice to community and those 2 devs by having them play the game in a video. They should have handled it a different way. Have the art devs go over art process in detail without the distraction of playing the game as well.

Im not moaning they are playing a meta build. Im not expecting them to go in with incinerate sorc and die 100 times. Im saying they should showcase a build that is not broken or bugged like we all know BL sorc is but I guess its not and will not be balanced.
Maybe everyone was wrong. All the streamers, build sites, sorc players, monkeys playing BL sorc, must have all been wrong.


maybe yes.

they stated before they dont nerf builds inbetween seasons (as long as they dont lead to performance issues)

I dont get this whole BL sorc discussion anyway. It doesnt even matter if its intended or unintended. its there and the people playing it seem to enjoy it.

I personally dont use it. It also doesnt hurt me that others do, Even if its the devs playing it.

But yea, im quite serious when i say that this community doesnt really deserve campfire chats.
Save yourself the time blizzard, do posts about updates like most other games and let it be.


It does affect you if AoZ is balanced to broken / bugged builds like BL sorc which is obviously was as its the showcase build. This is my main point. This is the disservice to the community. Also leaving broken builds broken for an entire season is now the norm. So we get balance every 3 months. Kind of a joke with ladders and pvp.


i think you dont know the definition of bugged. bl is not a bug and hasnt been. its overperforming and will be nerfed at the end of season, but its working as per the s2 patch/changes


we will never get balance, infact, i dont know any rpg thats actually “balanced”.

some builds will always perform better than other.


You do realize that there will ALWAYS be builds every season that are meta, right? With all the new powers and gimmicks that happen every season there will be interactions that are much better than others. I dont get how many people dont understand this.


The only broken thing is the amount of attacks it can dish out per second in comparison to all other skills and aspects, due to its interaction with attack speed. Tbh everything should have the same 200% dmg rate speed modifier buff ball lightning have.


It just streams well. the blue ball lightning effect looks great. that’s why they picked it.

With all the people playing the broken builds it’s clear what most players want. You can’t really blame the devs for catering to them. I would expect broken OP builds for every season going forward.


“These developers don’t deserve a player base” is more fitting.

When they said they would not nerf it, that alone was confirmation it was not working as expected. Why does nerfing come into question when something is working fine?


and yet here we are :wink:

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For the moment.

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i still dont agree that bl is bugged
is it op ? yea
is it bugged ? no
people who claim its bugged litterly all point to a BUG FIX and claim its a bug and that makes 0 sense

I interpreted it as “bugged build is perfectly ok”, since they must know that BL is not working as intended but it’s perfectly okay!

Looks like you are right but it will be really embarrassing on S3 if they announce a nerf or update to fix BL after showcasing it in AoZ. We will see. For now the BL is not bugged is winning out according to Bliz actions. I will be closely watching patch notes!!!

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Ball Lightning Sorcerer is beyond broken/OP & is precisely why I purposely chose not to play that build. I chose to play a Chain Lightning Sorcerer build which is far more balanced. It’s a powerful build but still provides a decent challenge in Nightmare Dungeons 60+. World Bosses are melting in seconds when a Ball Lightning Sorcerer is present on the battlefield. I know since I’ve participated in several World Boss events with one or more Ball Lightning Sorcerers present this season. If that’s not the definition of a broken OP build, then I don’t know what is. Hopefully Blizzard is taking note & will nerf Ball Lightning come next season.


Don’t think it was ever bugged. People just said it was because it was changed to be actually good and then a bit OP with the seasonal attack speed mechanics. That’s OP not bugged or broken.

I agree that stuff shouldn’t be balanced around the most OP builds. Yes something will always be best but if you balance around that then all you end up with is cookie cutter builds.

Would be nice if they took the “play your way” a little more to heart.

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