Helltide Cinders - droprate nerf?

Drastically reduced drop rates for cinders make Helltides now boring and pointless. Took the whole hour to get 249 cinders.
With world bosses and nightmare dungeons already being boring and unrewarding there is NOTHING TO DO in the end game. The last fun I had was getting the last of the Renown after the story campaign (which was ok too), but I’m not going to do any of it again in Seasons so… I’ll just stop playing the game I guess. I’ll wait for an expansion pack

yeap, they nerfed it

A blue came into one of these threads (Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed - #19 by PezRadar) and said that the cinder droprate is a bug that they’re looking into. So at least that’ll get fixed, hopefully soon.

And now back to normal

I dont know if 1.1.0 cause the cinder issue again. But after the most recent update The cinders are not nerfed like after the nerf patch but there is a very noticeable difference compared to the “cinder bug fix” to after the recent patch. after the bug fix cinder drop rates were back to normal. But now Ive done 3 helltides so far and i have barely been able to even get one mystery chest let alone both. Where before within 20 mins of farming Dense mobs and Events I would have atleast enough cinders for 1 and almost enough for the 2nd mystery chest. I just did one now no deaths and barely got 480 cinders of nothing but farming events and killing huge pack of enemies. Thats is doing over 45mins in the helltide not leaving it just constant farming.

Cinder nerf again…10/20/23