Helltide Cinders - droprate nerf?

Indeed absolute garbage drop rate. Chest needs 250 and loot is the same. Goodbye Helltide

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Level 100 Sorc on T4

Farmed just 250 shards just to test.
2 Legendary (Sacred)
4 Rares (Sacred)

Can’t say this is motivating or hopeful for season 1


There is nothing in the patch notes about a Cinder drop rate nerf, but I noticed the same exact thing. Typically I could get enough for 2 mystery chests in 30 min easy (175x2=350) After patch spent 33 min and only got 248, not even enough for 1 mystery chest.
I killed 3 packs of mobs and did not get one cinder drop from them. I thought maybe it was just my bad RNG but based on the rest of this patch I guess not. Super disappointing.

Def does not feel worth it now if this nerf to cinder drop rate is intended and not a bug.

XP Seemed really good though.

It is a bug, see the other tread with the def post

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Noticed same thing , its not worth the efforr to get 2 rare and one sacred leg under 650 i, on a levl 95 rogue, whispers are just as much a waste of time as well, xp went up but loot is trash . If they want to nerf any drop it should be the spectral charger, get 3 to 4 a day.

Same here, cinder drop is way lower than before…

Yep helltides are useless now.

Its not a bug until people complain

Last Helltide event was few min ago:

  • 500 cinders, i got second chest 2 min before the end;
  • 1st chest (5 legs items), 2d chest (4 legs and 1 unique), not sure if number 5 is “fixated” right now, also, maybe im lucky, but they can increase drop rate from chests;
  • was 1000+ cinders before update

Wow. Played for about 50 minutes and walked away with 54 cinders. Not even enough for any chest. Thanks Blizzard!

Lvl 100 sorc. 1 shot pretty much everything. Did nothing but events and killed mobs on my way to events and barely got over 400 by the end. I saw someone say they got 6 from a solo event, i did 1 and went from 94 to 98 cinders lol. A whopping 4 cinders from a solo event. Insane how they thought this was a good idea. Also i killed kixx with a few mins left and he also dropped about 4-5 cinders n 1 ancestral ring

I started my helltide at 45 minutes left. After 40 minutes I only managed to collect 150 cinders, and I would say at least half of them were from the clickable herbs and demon trees (or whatever they are called). Then I opened a heavy weapon chest after the light weapon chest mysteriously disappeared, and got a sacred yellow… yeah, I’m going to take a break. Maybe start up a fresh run of Grim Dawn.

1 mystery chest got 3 sacred and 1 ascentral and all of them are trash, i don;t need super rare gear i just need gear for my build and now so hard to grind. Not everybody have time to grind like streamer or hardcore gamer. i had to abdandon last helltide since the patch nerfted a ton of stat and easy to die solo.

He means the drop rate on Cinders. Even with the increased drop on actual legendaries I only had one drop in the entire Hell Tide I just ran. The drop rate is abysmal. Prior to the change I’d be able to open at least of the Mystery Chests and a couple of the other chests. Tonight it took me almost an hour just to get the 250 for one Mystery chest. And then only got two legends from it. It was terrible.

The nerfs to stats I didn’t find to be that big a deal. Some were nerfed, others were buffed. I’m not dying any more than usual. But with the terrible drop rate on cinders Hell Tides are not even fun to do anymore. The increase to 250 cinders to open the chests would be fine if the drop rate on cinders was the same. But they increased the chests to 250 AND nerfed the cinder drop rate. The hell tides aren’t even worth the time now. I can get far more gear just farming dungeons. The only reason to bother with Hell tides now is for Fiend Roses, etc.

That is true, drop is way lower, but acording to them that is a bug and was not intended, will be fixed on the next hotfix…when is that gonna be we don’t know !
Stupid move, instead of increasing quality/ drop from chests they increased cinder required

Helltides aren’t even worth it anymore. It takes almost the entire hour for you to get 250 cinders and you end up with garbage. I play solo and was doing event loops. It was the only way to get to 250 in time. If I died, I would just give up and grab two 75 chests or one 125 chest.

Events are mostly kinda pointless. Always been.
Also why you doing comtemt that is currently bugged?

Because I like to rotate content. When I get bored of NM dungeons, I will do a hell tide. When I finish that, I will then do some tree bounties.

Sorcerer 86, average iLvL ~700,
oneshot = one pack of mobs (farming build)

my 2d Helltide event after update:

  • each pack of mobs is mostly 1, rarely 2 cinders
  • each elite is mostly 1, rarely 2 cinders
  • red glowing “containers” and hell plants now is your best friends, 3-5 cinders
  • amount of cinders from events is hightly depends of event’s type, it can be 5 and 15,
  • helltide boss(i mean that bug) is absolutely don’t worth your time even in prty now( 4-5 cinders lol)
  • with non stop farming i maked 500 cinders, it was about 3 min till the end, im almost didn’t have a time for trash selling and for obols exchange
  • i got 1 and 2 legendary items from mystery chests, the lowest was 660 ilvl and hightest 750

Result: the cost of 1 single chest now is 250, so its (100%+30%) x 2(twice reduced cinder drop rate) = ~260% of what do we have before?(or near this) But the content is the same thrash, actually i got better loot from the random event’s chest this time.
Question: WTF?