Helltide Cinders - droprate nerf?

Level 100 Shred Druid here. Just finished a helltide, killing about the same as pre-patch it seems.

Farming for an hour pre-patch: About 1000 Cinders, committing genocide everywhere and doing any and all events I run across

Farming for an hour now: about 400. Would murder multiple groups together and get 0-2 cinders

Anyone else notice this? Just an increase in mystery chest cost would have been fine but combined with a horrid drop rate now it doesn’t seem worth it.

Maybe I just had 60 mins of bad luck, but it seems way worse.


Drop rate was Buffed on patch notes, Sacred and Ancestral. Mystery Chest cost 250 cinders now

They have nerfed the drop rate to hell and back. Got about 6, yes 6, from a solo event. 6. I wonder what else we will find.


I was running a Hell Tide still online before my friend loaded up after patching. I had shut down to patch and while he was running Hell Tides he was getting almost zero cinders clearing out areas as well. I honestly believe there has been an error in the coding for this and needs looked in to. He is not one to usually complain about anything and he said it was bad.

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Yeah all they added was a chance to get cinders from interactive objects and changed the cost of the mystery chest, I didn’t see anything about a cinder rate buff.

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They didnt note the cinder drop nerf but its ~ 30% of what it was pre patch.


This was my experience…seems a lot lower.


If it wasn’t in the patch notes I’m guessing this is a bug.

Tried in WT3 on my rogue and same thing drop rate was so much lower. I also interacted with every “interactive object” I passed and none of them dropped cinders. I actually did not mind helltides before, but this makes them feel terrible.


It took me 45 min to collect 250 cinders. They definitely nerfed the drop rate. Helltides are no longer worth it. I’m not spending 45 min for a single Mystery Chest. Instead of increasing our endgame options, they’re reducing them.


" * Fixed an issue where enemies resurrected by Shamans would continuously drop Aberrant Cinders in Helltide. *"
This is the only cinder related fix in the notes.
Helltides are borderline useless with the cinder drop rate nerf, whats worse is the drop rate nerf wasnt even in the patch notes. Now either this is an unintended bug due to some change or they did a shadow nerf and thought we wouldnt notice. But for now i guess im just gonna run dungeon until they change the drop rate back to what it was.


Cleared half the zone and only got 43 cinders. I’d clear out entire groups of mobs and not get any. It’s a waste of time now.

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Yeah, it does seem it was nerfed. But since it isn’t in the patch notes, I am betting it’s a bug. I caught the last 15 minutes of a helltide and only got around 81 cinders.

Something is definitely off with the drop rate.

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Enemies spawned by fallen no longer drop cinders - nerf
Interactables drop that are non-red - extremely low, I got 1 from 25

It’s almost as if you do not get the buff from being in party/near players anymore

Level 91 rogue took me 35 minutes to get 250 cinders for 2 ancestrals

Consensus - Helltides are complete garbage


Yup. It was stealth nerfed.

No Blizzard nerfed Helltides into the ground.

They are tired of Payers now that they have our money

so unless you get into the helltide at the very beginning there’s almost no point. I could join with like 20 mins left and get 1 almost 2 mystery chests. Now I’d be lucky to get even half required to open 1.

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I haven’t tried NMs yet, I hope those are better - Helltides just aren’t worth it to me for that much effort now.

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Yeah the drop rate is complete s*** now and it makes me wanna stop playing cuz I took an hour getting 250 just for the mysteries chest to disappear on me.

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Sure felt like it, I was farming for ~40 minutes, barely got 250 total. Level 93 necro on T4. It certainly seems that the cinder drop rates were nerfed and now you need 250 cinders for a mystery chest. It felt really bad to kill a pack of monsters and get maybe 1 or 2 or even 0 cinders per pack…just bad – frustrated here. I thought maybe they upped the loot a bit for the price, but nope, got 3 legendaries for the 250 cinders.

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