Helltide Cinder Nerf?

Wow, what have you done to helltide? Made it pretty much a waste of time that’s what! I logged in for the first time since the patch, saw a helltide up, a little over 30 minutes remaining, and jumped in. I start Teleporting around killing group after group at a good pace, and it didn’t take long to notice the HUGE nerf to the cinder drops, lots of GROUPS of monsters were dropping 0 cinders, large monsters were droping 0 cinders, events were giving roughly 10 total! After 30 minutes I had aquired a measly 200 cinders which is no longer enough for a single mystery chest, which is now costing a whooping 250… So since time was running out I spent them where I could. At least with cinders being so much harder to obtain the cheat loot should be buffed right!? WRONG!! Not 1 legendary drop in whole damn run. Comparatively assuming I was lucky with chest rotation I would have gotten 3 mystery chests. Roughly 600 cinders in that time previously, and about 10 legendary items. So who’s this nerf for blizzard? The 1% hardcore players who game 16 hours a day? It’s ridiculous, and felt like a complete waste of my time, which is precious. You act like all your players can just sit around all day grinding and waiting. I’m lucky to get on the game for 2 hours in a day, and luckier still to get to play a helltide for the whole 1 hour, a half an hour is typically the best I can get, and now that’s garbage. Additionally you’ve nerfed defensive making it even riskier for the casual player to go for the big chest. This nerf won’t effect the 1% of uber players, your not going to even slow them down. Moreover who cares? Your never going to keep the hard core professional gamers from crushing your game without hurting the casual players. So let them kill it, and find some other way to entertain them that doesn’t effect me, Or let them get bored and quit, but don’t ruin the content at my level. Massive thumbs down.


Its a known issue but they’re stalling. Just say you had a shako drop so they’ll hotfix it real quick.

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I noticed this also. It doesn’t appear anywhere in the patch notes, but the drop rate from monsters has been considerably nerfed. It’s a waste of time right now. This patch shows how out of touch the devs are with this game. I felt bad about all the review bombs for the game just after launch. It turns out the reviewers were right and the only thing I feel bad about now is buying platinum before the season 1 patch notes came out

yes it was nerfed

No it was not nerfed.

They have confirmed that there is a bug, and it will be fixed in a hotfix.

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No it was not nerfed.

They have confirmed that there is a bug, and it will be fixed in a hotfix.

Pls tell me 250 price is also a bug :0