HDR is washed out, hazy look

Does anyone play on anything other than oled these days?

I havent had a regular led for years

You apparently didn’t read the thread, not seen the acknowledgment form Blizzard that the HDR was still being worked on in ServerSlam.

This game has incorrect HDR implementation.

When you have your tv calibrated correctly , your console calibrated correctly, and other games that properly implement HDR look correct on your system, it’s simple to identify the problem as Diablo 4.

Having to adjust your TV to make Diablo 4 look correct is not a solution as that throws off the calibration for all other games.

Blizzard game. Might as well get used to how it looks. It will be awhile before they even look at it… if they ever do.

I still don’t understand what the issue is.

Is the issue that you can see more black on sceeen in SDR?
That’s because SDR lacks dynamic range especially in low end.

Or at least can some of you show the issue? Image or video. Because all I can find on Youtube is 3 videos (two by GamingTech and 1 by Daniel or Danial something) all in SDR.

If HDR looks like in thumbnail of Daniel’s video then issue is definitely in TV or console settings, not the game.

Yes pls fix hdr Xbox series X and Sony X 85k here

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HDR on OLED TV looks bad in this game, black levels are better in SDR, it’s especially annoying in locations where there is fog


So it must be TV or console calibration then. Sounds like you have followed PS5’s HDR calibration instructions to letter which means you can never get black. Instructions at least used to tell you to move slider until you barely see image which is wrong because black will be very dark gray.

in other games everything is fine, this is a diablo 4 issue, not TV or console calibration. Do you think that it should look like this or is something not working correctly?


Even just looking at this picture makes my eyes hurt.

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Are you trolling, white knighting, or just clueless?

How is it the ‘TV or Consoles’ fault for bad HDR settings when I can play a dozen other current gen games with HDR support and not have to change my ‘TV or Console’ settings to make it look good,

Those games just work properly in HDR.

If you actually watched those videos you would see he is adjusting the TV settings to COMPENSATE for the bad HDR implementation in Diablo 4. If he wanted to go back to playing another HDR game he would need to adjust his TV settings back.

Diablo 4 does not implement HdR correctly. It’s really not that hard to understand.


If it’s not TV setting thing why he has to change anything to make them look same?

Yes, for some odd reason in Gamingtech’s videos for example HDR looks washed out.

Thing is that I don’t see that difference on my TV (Sony XE70, VA panel, Edgle-LED). Yes, Edge-LED, worst backlighting for HDR. Only way I can even get close to his videos is by switching to HDR Vivid. But not even that makes game look as bad as on his videos. What switching from SDR to HDR does on my TV is that overall brightness of image gets slightly darker even though HDR has brightness set to max.


I play ps5 d4 occasionally on a 1080p tv… and was being floored by the graphics… on the 4k tv, the graphics are above average, but on the 1080p tv… especially the character select, is magnificent.

Turned off hdr on the console as suggested… and yep its the same.

Corporate employees will arge whether thats expected or not, but from a players perspective, its very significantly worse in hdr.

Magnificent it is without it. Thanks for the tip.

EDIT: I love desaturated more realistic colors, d3, w2 and w3 without reshade make me puke… why d4 has issues is the picture all over appears to have less detail by the hdr effect. The non clamped looking colors from non hdr appear as detailed, and they’re not saturated to change the tone, there’s just more color detail and somehow environment detail.

Oh, good. This is still broken at the start of season 2. It’s not like I paid $70 expecting a game with advertised features to work as expected. The lack of ANY communication from Blizzard will be remembered next time I think about paying full price for a game again.

Just some extra random data…

Most of my time has been on ps5 with hdr, but yesterday i got the steam version… and wow… the entire game looks extremely better on pc. When i saw the dialog scene in loraths house on pc… the difference was so dramatic and much worse on ps5.

Seeing the pc version makes you think very highly of the game compared.

I have a high end PC and it’s well above average, including an RTX graphics card, but the issue with the visuals is still not fully resolved by Blizzard. When I zoom in everything looks awesome, clear and as it should but no one can really play the game zoomed in lol, so when I zoom out to the default view in D4 it becomes misty and greenish, yellowish and dull… like what the heck is going on with the graphics in Diablo IV?

I did everything and even reset the graphic default settings and nothing works. I mean it’s fine as is and playable, but it should be much better. Not so good to play in dull, misty, and hazy graphics throughout the game. If they have it work so it looks the same as when you are zoomed in that would be great! I don’t have any issues with any other Blizzard game or any game when it comes to the graphics and visuals. Only on Diablo IV.

Not to mention the social wheel is still broken along with the forced dialogue you can’t skip sometimes… very frustrating to say the least. Other than that, I have been enjoying Season 2 and at least Diablo IV has improved a lot after this latest update and season 2, but the game still needs fixing. I just hope Blizzard fixes the dull and hazy graphic visuals in the game and the annoying social wheel E button that constantly resets to default after logging out. Cheers! - JJ -

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agree waiting on them too fix HDR

Hey Buddy,

Due to HDR settings with an OLED TV and a PS5, I followed the calibration process in this video:

Video Link: https://youtu.be/FwcSCgW47rY?si=SX40qYkGAYe6tPwW

In my setup, I always had an issue with washed-out HDR, but I managed to adjust it with some fine-tuning for my TV and the room lighting.

Ensure that your console and TV are configured properly, and check that the Black Level is set to Auto or turned off. On my C9, I can only choose between Low, High, or Auto.

For the best HDR gaming experience in my environment, I had to set it to Low. Also, check if the HDMI slot is running in PC Mode to output 4:4:4 color chroma (even though the console may not send the full bandwidth).If the video I’ve attached doesn’t help you, please check the channel for HDR settings specific to your model.

The worst HDR I’ve experienced so far was in Hitman 3; no matter what you do, it always looks terrible.

Conversely, Diablo has acceptable HDR.

Add explanation for HGIG mode:

Best Regards

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HDR is not fixed and they said they were working on it 8+ months ago. I’m on PC with Samsung monitor.

I struggle to see what’s going on in Diablo 4 with HDR on or off. HDR would be so helpful for the detail of this game. I play other games and they’re transformed by HDR. It’s too bad. Feels like I’m playing thru a dirty fish tank in many scenes. I can adjust the HDR so it’s almost the same as SDR, they both suck for black levels


I (regrettably) just bought this for my Xbox Series X and I can’t believe how washed out it is. I happen to find it fun with the controller and wanted to play on a big 4k TV. It looks horrendous. Please fix, it seems like this has been broken since launch. It looks better on a TN LCD laptop in SDR than this.

To chime in, I’ve noticed this as well. I’m playing on an Xbox Series X on a Samsung TU7050. HDR is calibrated properly on my console and no other games have HDR-issues.

Diablo IV does have a “washed out” look, and no amount of adjusting the game’s white or black level resolves this. Lowering the brightness overall has helped, and the game is more than playable/enjoyable, but there are absolutely HDR issues in the game.

Interestingly, my Xbox One X is in another room connected to an older Samsung LCD TV which does not support HDR, and the game is not washed out there.

I found the difference is most visible in the game’s intro cinematic.

Would love for this to be addressed, or for an in-game option to disable HDR to be added.


Here we are on January 10, 2024 and HDR is still not fixed. Bravo Blizzard! As a colleague wrote above, if you can’t fix it give us options to disable HDR in the game itself.