Grizzly Rage is the Druid's Achilles Heel

I’ll keep this short, even though it’s much more in depth than this.

But, basically… Grizzly Rage needs to allow every skill to be usable, regardless of it being a bear or wolf skill and THEN re-balanced to keep damage numbers at a proper level, as well as buff the other ultimates in some way, before any other change to the druid should even be discussed.

This alone fixes pretty much all the issues with the druid, in regards to both overpowered builds and under performing builds, and can also bring the entire class under more control for the future. This change would fix so much, and for a very long time. Until some other Unique or whatever starts to exploit too much sometime in the future. But as of right now, this is the only “problem” for the druid on every front.


If you open up Grizzly Rage then it becomes a must-have. No other Ultimate will be used.

I’d rather see Grizzly Rage just nerfed into the ground for something else bear-related.

Not if you rebalance it. Then it’s just a choice. And yes, i also agree that the other Ultimates need to be reworked and buffed in some way as well. But not until what I stated in my original post is addressed first.

It’s already just a choice.

You’re asking to make it a universally applicable ultimate – i.e. usable for every possible build by allowing any skill to be used during rage. That will push it up to the must-pick ultimate. In addition, it will make one or two aspects must-have as well.

Of course if you mean “nerf it in to the ground” when you say “rebalance it”, then I may be on board.

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Grizzly Rage is currently the only ultimate in the game that can only be used with specific abilities. This is a huge problem. Allow the use of every skill, then rebalance the numbers for damage, and it’s in the place it should be.

Every other Ultimate in the game is universally applicable for every class…

And no, not nerf into the ground. That’s such a redundant point of view, it’s not even funny. I hope you’re at least attempting to troll, because that would just lead to even more issues. By “rebalance it” I mean making it so it’s not as exploitable as it currently is being used.

In context if used with nature’s fury passive you’d basically be asking to GR while perma bulwark as a ww. That’s a bit OP. You can still use abilities while GR, and there a aspects that let you cross skill if you want, eg debilitating roar becomes a ww skill. Also, I’m not sure if it was a bug or not (haven’t run it in awhile). But, I had a bear ability equiped, and when I went to GR as WW, my Rabies auto equiped (I hadn’t equipped it).

At best a middle ground where if your True form is say WW, then you can use “human” companion actives while GR is up.

And if the numbers were balanced, what would really be the issue?

This isn’t a bug, it’s the way it works when you have Dire Wolf’s Aspect, it will take your Bear skills off your bar and replace them with Wolf skills. You must have had a point in Rabies (even if that point is coming from somewhere on your gear).

Why? The middle ground is making Grizzly Rage usable with any skill… and then rebalacing it accordingly. Also, this completely leaves out the option for Bear/Wolf builds. Something that is an ongoing issue with Druid, Bear/Wolf is completely not viable. What I’m proposing would actually make that build (and many others) viable.

What numbers are you referring too? I’m referring to 100% uptime on bulwark while not needing to spend spirit w/a 2HW.

Regarding the 2nd point and your reply, so basically we get around the skill slot limit already w/Nature’s passive and we also now get around it even more so with GR and that’s not enough?

Bear/wolf builds already have the Nature passive w/Aspect that makes their abilities earth/lightning. Companion actives just have the lucky hit chance to reset on crits, but don’t also cast another ability. What you’re asking for isn’t a middle ground, but everything under the sun when we can already do most of it anyway.

Edit: That said, I really only use GR or ults in 1 off cases. I prefer the slots for abilities w/higher uptimes in general.

Illuminate us please. All I see is you wanting to make the skill a bigger problem than it already is. It’s a must-have in all of the top builds (werenado, stormclaw, pulverize, trampleslide). Nothing you are proposing makes it less of a must have. Your “middle ground” opens it up for even more builds, thereby pushing other ultimates further out of use.


We don’t though… Nature’s Fury does absolutely nothing for a Bear/Wolf build. Just for an example immediately off the top of my head, and one that is pretty huge when it comes to adding more build diversity to the class. It also does nothing for human form builds… because you can’t use GR at all as a human.

No… I’m starting to realize that you actually don’t know what you’re talking about at all, or you are misunderstanding me. So I’ll start off by clarifying my end of things. When I say Bear/Wolf builds, I mean a build that uses both Bear and Wolf skills, in ONE build. Not separately. There is nothing in the game that makes Bear or Wolf skills work with Nature’s Fury. I know there are Aspects like “Aspect of Nature’s Savagery” but that does nothing unless you are planning your build to use Earth and Storm skills, as in it doesn’t make Pulverize have a 30% chance to cast Shred via Nature’s Fury (for example). So it does absolutely nothing for Bear/Wolf builds.

The Crit Damage buff and Spirit cost reduction from the legendary aspects, as well as the natural damage ramp over time of the Ultimate. But, honestly, what would it matter if you had no Spirit cost with 100% uptime on Bulwark?

How does that affect anything?

TL;DR My perspective opens more builds and keeps current top tier builds alive. Your perspective just nerfs 80%-90% of druids current and only option to compete at top tier, as seen in your comment below:

Only for your obviously limited perspective. I’ve already said to you that I agree that the other Ults need to be rebalanced as well. What are you stumbling over? It seems like you’re asking me to make you less narrow-minded. How can I do that, exactly?

I’ll explain this, again… even though you could just read my first post and actually open up your point of view instead. But what the heck…

Currently, we have exactly what you just stated. Every top tier build uses Grizzly Rage. We both agree on something it seems. YOU want to just nerf Grizzly rage, which would just remove it from being a choice. I want to allow other things to use Grizzly Rage AND nerf slightly to bring it in line with every other Ultimate choice, as well as the other ultimates reevaluated and potentially buffed (a little off the top, and a little off the bottom to a GASP middle ground). This would keep current top tire builds, instead of just nerfing them into oblivion (something you clearly desire, a lot…) and then also open up more build options to be in line with current top tier builds.

Btw… I’m just ignoring you from here on out, Kozikuru. Nothing constructive. You must be just trolling at this point. You can’t say I didn’t try to explain things to you at least (outside of using popup books and crayons).

Here is the issue with balancing so far with the game. Massive nerfs and meaningless buffs. Right now GR is the only ultimate in the class that really shines. Bulwark build uses Petrify because otherwise they are locked out of bulwark. Cataclysm and Lacerate are weaker than core skills which have no cooldown.

If they nerf GR you will maybe get a token buff to the others of maybe 2% damage bringing a 10K tick all the way up to 10,200 per tick. I don’t necessarily want GR nerfed, I want the other ultimates to feel, well ultimate. Right now they should rename them to mediocre skills because that’s what they truly are.


You’re wrong. Grizzly Rage is not the problem, it’s Rampaging Werebeast that is the “problem” and I posted too many Druid suggestions (Druid suggestions on issues, overall improvements to game and class) in another thread that was basically ignored. Plus, Rampaging Werebeast isn’t really a problem, it’s that it should be for all Druid ultimates, because the other ones are bad to mediocre, which is why Grizzly Rage feels great when you have Werebeast rolling up to 1k crit damage.


I can agree with that. But it’s still more than just Rampaging Werebeast, because it’s also the ultimate that innately has unstoppable, which is also a must at endgame. So, I could also just say “You’re wrong.”. But that’s useless, when we are in fact, both right (well, you are in some regard), were looking at the same glaring issue, you’re focused on one specific aspect of it. I’m looking at it more broadly.

Furthermore, upon reading your post you linked, your ideas on a lot of things are still very short sighted. Especially from someone that just wants to start off by stating “You’re wrong”. Many of your suggestions would absolutely not fix anything, if I’m being completely honest with you. But your idea for Rampaging Werebeast is exactly what I’m saying… HOWEVER… the glaring issue still remains that you can’t do anything with that change if you don’t let the player use any skill they want with Grizzly Rage… and now we’re back to square one, and my point exactly.

In your idea, we have a Legendary that does exactly the same thing as it does right now, because you can’t use Grizzly Rage with anything new. So your idea solves nothing in terms of what I’m posting about, which is Grizzly Rage.

That’s why I state, and stand by, the fact that it’s not JUST that legendary Aspect (Rampaging Werebeast) but it is specifically Grizzly Rage that is at the core of the issue.

Thanks for your input, it was thoughtful, and I honestly do appreciate it immensely. But… you’re wrong. it’s not JUST that Aspect that needs to be reworked.

My suggestion for Lacerate - Leave the initial skill as-is but change supreme lacerate to critical hits during lacerate lowers the cooldown of the skill by 2 seconds. Or put that on an aspect that would augment lacerate as such.

Personally I think the entire ultimate skill needs completely reworked.

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Lacerate needs to hit everything in it’s area before anything else needs to be addressed about it. It’s weakest part is that it only hits 10, single targets. Why?

Bear/Wolf abilities will trigger earth/storm skills that’s not nothing. Also, most builds use bulwark regardless and it can reset consistently. For awhile I messed around w/a Claw/shred/pulverize build which is how I remembered rabies going in when GR was active (I didn’t run bulwark at this time b/c I was still WT3 messing around w/different builds). But, there’s nothing stopping someone from building a bear/ww & buwark (or other nature ability) build which was my point about having GR w/Bulwark up all the time while spamming a ton a secondary storm/earth effects.

But, I could have misunderstood your OP, are you asking for GR to “allow every skill usable” or only every Bear or Wolf skill slotted and not earth/storm/companion?

The Druid is what I consider the highest offender of “all eggs in one basket” where one specific spell from each skill node is no-brainer to invest in: storm strike, bulwark, grizzly rage, and such.

Grizzly Rage in particular, even if you completely strip it of all % bonuses, will STILL be best in slot exclusively because of permanent unstoppable

All of Diablo 4’s most critical stats (unstoppable, vulnerability, fortify) must be distributed to every branch in a way that they all have access to it to some degree. This is how to balance Grizzle Rage (GR) while leaving it appealing to those who already use it and also improving the viability of the other ultimate’s which need to be buffed to achieve the utility viability as GR

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Don’t bother – the OP has refused to describe how he’d rebalance anything. He essentially wants the best ultimate made even better with the cop-out of saying “buff the other ultimates too”.

Adding to Grizzly Rage without taking something away is purely a buff. It’s already over-powered to the point that every end-game build uses it. Every end game build takes the spirit animal buffs to get the +25% ultimate duration, and the 2s c/d reduction on lucky hit. But when you explain this to the OP all he has to say in return is insults.

Get offended much? You’re wrong, which is why no one agrees with you. If you get offended by being wrong, you shouldn’t post online and then prove how fragile you are.

Grizzly Rage is restricted by the abilities you can use, which is one of the limiting factors and the reason that it works with specific abilities. And there’s an aspect you can use to go wolf and two uniques that let you use a nature tree in respective forms. Then you say other suggestions are short sighted yet your solution is to make it non-form specific at this point? Wow.

Buffing the other ultimates with Rampaging Werebeast is not what you’re saying, you want to make Grizzly Rage generic, which won’t work. I said to buff the other ultimates, directly and indirectly, and allow a powerful aspect to work on all of them. The end result is close, but one of them is feasible and the other one isn’t.

You made one point and it won’t work. Thanks for your input, we all appreciate your attempt, but besides getting a few replies to point you in a better direction, you get offended and instead offer fake candor, seething with passive-aggressive contempt because we all disagree with you.

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I hate Storm Strike for exactly this reason. This “basic” skill is absolutely loaded. Damage reduction, a cleave, vulnerable all in one. Meanwhile, I’m using Claw and it… attacks a little faster. The super high lucky hit chance doesn’t even affect anything I do.

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