Druid suggestions on issues, overall improvements to game and class

Build variety, mechanically and skill based, should be easy to obtain and plentiful, but power scaling of niche builds should be more dependent on uniques. Pretty soon this is going to be D3 again with completely imbalanced skills providing vastly different degrees of damage and many being laughable compared to others, with many players already frustrated at even being able to try many mechanics. Also, blocking/unlocking form mechanics/synergies like you’ve done with Druid shapeshifting feels bad. Human form also feels left-out, there’s very little interaction from paragon boards/aspects/skill points.

Vulnerable word spam, etc. - seeing this flash up is annoying. Can we please get a toggle for “words” on the screen like combat numbers.

Gold - gold costs are kind of outrageous, probably 3x higher than they should be.
Need to reduce the cost of rerolling Paragons and Skills.
Need to reduce the cost of rerolling and/or cap it at like 2-3x the value of the item.
Need to reduce cost of materials also.

POE Style Nightmare Dungeons are lame. I don’t understand the need for the variety on sigils. All the AOE/chaser garbage for the first negative is annoying at best, it reduces the game play experience for the sake of pseudo difficulty increases. The same thing goes for puzzle style 1-shot mechanics from NPCs.

Druid Skills and Boons fixes:


Earth Spike - Enhanced, Increase the stun chance to 20%.

Wind Shear - Enhanced, increase Vulnerability to 35% chance.

Maul - Give base maul 3% Fortify,
New Enhanced Maul - Increase the damage of your Basic skills by 20%[x] for 4 seconds.


Abundance - Increase Spirit Generation by 6/13/20%


No skill changes - scale pets passive damage and defense more with enemy level.


Elemental Exposure - Increase Lucky Hit chance to 20% starting

Charged Atmosphere - Increase damage to 65% and add - Lucky Hit: up to 25% chance to reduce timer by 1 second.

Boulder - base skill, have it slow by 30%,
New Enhanced Boulder - Throw 3 boulders instead.
Natural Boulder - update to have 20% chance to stun and automatically Critical on Stun.

Rabies - Make it a dash attack and double the spread time by default.
New Natural Rabies - Reduce the cooldown of Rabies by 2 seconds whenever an enemy dies while infected with Rabies.

Neurotoxin - update to - Poisoned Enemies are slowed by 20% and your poison damage has a 5/10/15% chance to cause the enemy to become vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Mending - get rid of Werebear requirement and include barrier generation per level to match heal.

Provocation - revert back to previous, OverPower isn’t OverPowered at endgame.


Petrify - Separate the crit bonus as a self buff, so it feels like an actual Ultimate.
I.E. Stun enemies for Z seconds. You deal 30%[x] Critical Strike Damage for 8 seconds, increase this bonus to 50%[x] for Bosses and Unstoppable enemies.

Cataclysm - decrease base cooldown to 45 seconds and allow each bolt of lightning to proc lucky hit chances. Why is this ability so weak?

Lacerate - Damage change - Increase to 50% per attack.

Defensive Passives - rework these, Unrestrained is the only good one and it’s too low of a %. Pretty crappy list for Ultimate tier passives.


Perfect Storm - Storm Skills that you cast grant 1 Spirit and deal 15%[x] increased damage. If you have Hurricane and Cataclysm active, you deal 15%[x] increased damage.

Beastial Rampage - Reduce form requirement to 1.5 seconds. All the other applications for this shapeshifting style rely on quickly changing forms for max benefit, this seems to be counter productive. If not, revert attack speed and damage to previous amounts, then remove requirements to remain in form.


Combine Prickleskin and Advantageous Beast

Combine Energize under Gift of the Stag

Calm Before the Storm -fix it, it’s pathetically bad for almost all skills. My current build is committed to Cataclysm, so I have 28.6 seconds cooldown, 14.7 second duration, I’m running 21%+ Lucky Hit. I rarely ever see this trigger so I’m basically 50% uptime on it with a useless aspect. Cataclysm is 100% LH for me and I’ve never seen CBtS trigger on casting it or from it’s bolts.

New Stag Boon - Survival of the Fittest - 10% Cooldown Reduction

New Wolf Boon - Sigma Wolf - Restore up to 2% of your maximum Spirit every second.


Blurred Beast - add Rabies and Lacerate for dash triggers.

Rampaging Werebeast - renamed to Rampaging Druid - The duration of your Ultimates are increased by [3-5] seconds (attacks for Lacerate). In addition, Critical Strikes while your Ultimate is active increase your Critical Strike damage by 10% for the duration.

Metamorphic Stone - change spirit cost to 40.

Nature’s Savagery - this should be a utility aspect.

Tempest - Add Cataclysm to this.


Uniques - allow 1 stat reroll like other items.
Raise the minimum rolls of each stat line by about 50% of the range, the lower ranges on Uniques should not suck.
Give them Max Sockets, if applicable.

Tempest Roar - Make this LESS rare!

Greatstaff of the Crone is another missed opportunity, and the stats are even badly done. The unique component is a basic attack unlocking, awesome design, except it’s locked on a 2H weapon on Druid. The unique ability should have been tied to 1H, totem, amulet, or gloves, 2H makes more sense for Barbs or Rogues, but not Druids for what the item provides.
Item Level - get rid of the level requirement based on character level, make it 10 levels lower than the equivalent item power requirement, with a minimum if needed for transitional gear.

Build options should not be locked behind hard to obtain unique items. While certain builds end-game power level can and should be dependent on harder to obtain items or uniques, it is poor design to have so many builds not have access because 1-2 items are extremely rare and/or hard to find. Tempest Roar is a prime example, many players are making it to 100 or close to that and not finding an item that provides build options. Rampaging Werebeast is what really makes the Druid Grizzly Rage builds strong, and it’s a great concept, although it should be ultimate based, and not Grizzly Rage based, like I indicated earlier. “Rampaging Druid” would be an awesome unique ability and really set the tone for ultimates, as opposed to blocking critical damage scaling for WW behind a unique and not providing it to other ultimates at all, like how it is now.