Grizzly Rage is the Druid's Achilles Heel

TL:DR I don’t care if you have reading problems, read what I wrote below. Furthermore, if you want to prove a point, then actually prove it. Make a point. So far you’re saying a lot of words for nothing.
P.S. Knock that chip off your shoulder, it’s gross.

You think I’m offended by you? lol… Is this your first conversation with another person or something? I was just pointing out how you start a conversation, and how useless of a statement it was. Then on top of that, you post a link to a wall of text where you’re wrong a dozen times. Are you offended?

I think you came here upset because, as you stated, your post and all its bs was ignored.

There is absolutely no reason it won’t work. If allowing any skill to be used by Grizly Rage would break the game, then take a moment and actually explain why. Be specific. You’re pretending to debate me. You claim I’m not being candid… but are you with your blanket statements? Quit with the broad strokes, and petty jabs for no reason, and paint an actual picture. Why would Grizzly Rage not work if any skill was allowed to be used during it?

Beyond that, you’re just… well… challenged at understanding things if you absolutely can’t imagine a world where my idea is even possible. That’s so unbelievably narrow minded, I honestly feel for you a little bit. You’re coming off like you just need a win right now. And I’m sorry for that frustration, but it’s not happening here unless you actually prove something. Anything, really. Other than “you have a different opinion and it matters more because you say it does”.

And yes, I am being completely candid with you, even in regards to my thinking that you’re immediate stance of aggression was stupid, to say the least, because as you pointed out you’ve also offered your thoughts on the same topic. Congrats, you have an idea about the same topic?

I have an idea too. Does that surprise or offend you? You had an opportunity to actually discuss, you chose to immediately argue. That’s your problem. Not mine. Make no mistake about that. You were offended, not me.

Again… you’re wrong with trying to claim that it’s ONLY the Aspect and not at all the skill. You’re also wrong that Grizzly Rage allowing for any skill to be used would be broken by default. And I know there are plenty of people that agree with me on that. Some are already on this thread.

Bear/Wolf builds aren’t viable because there’s no real benefit to them.

It’s easy to stack crit damage, armor, etc for one form, leaving the other form weaker. There’s very little incentive to shifting between forms, there’s skinwalkers and a few other minor buffs, but nothing that makes it desirable over specialization.

I don’t think Grizzly Rage is a problem, every other ult is just garbage because Spirit is an awful mechanic.

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Maybe. But that’s still a problem, regardless of reason. I’m still pretty sure that this is a pretty big reason though, all CURRENT things in consideration (as in the ult 90% of builds use),

Spirit is what it is. But I hear you on that point. You might be on to something. I’d like to hear more of your thoughts though.

So I look at ults among other classes, and I don’t think Grizzly Rage is too strong, its very similar to Wrath of the Berserker. It is, however, the only ult worth picking as a Druid imo.

You got two Druid ults that are pure RNG; Lacerate and Cataclysm. I don’t see how this isn’t problematic. While cataclysm makes sense striking at random (lightning being chaotic), the same can’t be said for lacerate.

My initial build was a lighting storm + cataclysm build. Too often I found myself casting Catacylsm and then running around in circles waiting for it to do its thing as a slowly tried to restore my Spirit. I think if Catacylsm offered passive spirit regen while active, we may see its usage increase. It fits thematically, and it allows the player to feel like they have some agency in their Ultimate.

Did anyone who used Lacerate for the first time expect it would work the way it does? I assumed it’d be like Shred but on steroids, where you have control over what it attacks or at least its general direction, like a wolf version of Conduit Shrine Buff. What I got was… uh… honestly I wasn’t even sure I used it, it’s a very, very underwhelming ability.

Petrify seems like it wants to be a panic button, but why does a Druid panic? Because they run out of Spirit. So ultimately, if you don’t have Umbral Aspect, you spend the beginning of your petrify trying to build up Spirit to cast your core. The exception to this would be if you’re a Trampleslide build, but Trampleslide on its own is an effective panic button. I just can’t figure what build would ever want to use this in lieu of something else. Moreover, Poison Creeper is almost a mini-petrify. On a personal note, I tend to avoid abilities that have lesser effects on bosses.

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It’s like Wrath of the Berserker for barb and Shadow Clone for Rogue. All three of these Ults are basically the same thing with a different flavor. And you/re correct about the Druid having only one choice (if you really want to have a top tier build).

I like this. I would have to say that this is a great idea, but I would want it to make all spirit costs reduced by 100% for its duration if the damage wasn’t buffed.

I felt exactly the same as you when I pictured it. However, that aside, as I’ve stated many times on these forums, the only thing that needs to change about Lacerate for now is that it’s made into a legit AoE and not this weird single target damage thing. That change has to happen for us to see what needs to change beyond that. I also think that it’s iframes are not needed, and is likely what the designers had as a reason for it not doing much damage at all. So I would want it’s immunity changed to Unstoppable (that lingers for a period of time afterwards) and it’s animation sped up so that it does it’s damage in half the time at least (it’s been a long time since I’ve used it, but i don’t think Attack Speed affects it, but that would be another choice). That’s a good start on getting that Ultimate actually worthwhile without potentially making it overbuffed.

I honestly think you’re overlooking Petrify a bit too much. It’s not nearly as bad as the others, but still not as good as GR. It is really strong for what it is though. The issue is that there is too much setup to take advantage of it. So the only change that I would make for this one is two things.

  1. It restores your Spirit to max on use.
  2. It resets your other cooldowns on use.

This way, you can just use it and not have to line things up to take advantage of it’s small window, which is what makes this one feel WAY worse than it actually is.

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If you think I read any of your reply, you’re wrong again. I already know the type of internet personality you are and you’re not worth anyone’s time on this post. Good luck in life, there’s more out there than internet forums and sinking in your ship, shooting at anyone that doesn’t buy into your bad idea.

I see why. You project so much, and it seems you have no clue either. I honestly feel sorry for you. Take care, kid.

Btw, I already knew your answer would be this because I called you out on your bs. You can’t prove your point because you don’t have one.

My offer still stands though, little guy. Explain how what I’m saying wouldn’t work, or gtfo. Looks like you chose the latter. Good choice, imo.

Not a good look, there.

I’m not here for looks. If you want to cherry pick to make a point, I’d argue that isn’t a “good look” for you either.

Regardless… why are you perpetuating this nonsense? Share some opinions about the thread’s topic, and back up your points, please.


I think you just called your own post nonsense, which makes you the perpetrator!

My opinion on the thread’s topic - It’s too strong, which makes everything else a non-option. Making every ability available while in form is not a great idea, because it makes it more mandatory than it basically already is. It goes from some drawbacks to zero drawbacks.

That’s probably a good thing, because a lot of the interactions from you I’ve seen so far have been largely negative.

Can we agree you both look pretty bad flailing insults at each other on interweb forums?

Just give it a rest guys.

There a number of very strong builds with out grizly rage . So yeah… they may not be meta or as fast to clear a nm tier 60+ but they can do it.

Grizzly rage is why I rerolled and what’s keeping me playing the game. It is not because it is very useful but rather, it gives me more/new buttons to press besides just mashing 3… over… and over…and over again. The performance is not that great compared to Bone Storm on my necro, but I am a bear with new things to do, thank god. Granted, to do this I had to “waste” skill points or get +skill gear so my different boredom fighting toys worked ok. Meh. In truth, it does feel like chopping wood waiting for my “normal” action bar to return so I can finally end the fight. Things are getting a little better though in that regard.


Only if… and I’ve said this numerous times already… but only if you keep the damage numbers of it the same and you don’t buff the other ultimate abilities. The lack of vision and open-mindedness in this community is disturbing. nothing new from a Blizzard gamer community, but i was hoping that if the game had a more mature rating, I’d find more people that can see past their own nose and actually think clearly. Obviously I’m not saying just allow any skill to be used with it… and that’s all. I even VERY clearly state this in my very first sentence about it in my original post. It hadn’t even reached all of you illiterates out there’s “TL:DR” moment. It’s right there in the first sentence I state about Grizzly Rage. Just. Read.

The ONLY interaction from you I’ve seen is negative. I’d also heavily question what you personally find negative, when all I’ve done here was deal with an a__h___ the way he approached me. I didn’t just make this thread and start flinging poop at people (as you’re trying to imply) Take my comments back to you, for example. Three times now, you’ve tried to insult me or my character. I never spoke to you until YOU started off… by insulting me. Then in this post, you insult me another two times.

I’m not saying I care, but I’m also not just going to let it slide without pointing it out, and throwing it back your way. My having an opinion on this game, right or wrong, doesn’t deserve to be insulted. Also, my defending myself from a guy (Toclmi) who is simply here to insult me and troll my thread, is also not reason for you to just step in and start doing the same thing.

So you might think that “a lot of the interactions from me that you’ve seen so far have been largely negative”… but I’d say that all of the interactions I’ve seen from YOU are completely negative, and for no reason or provocation on my end.

I’m not here to start, condone, or be a victim of any sort of bullying. If you can’t tell the deference between a bully and someone standing up for themselves (regardless of how “dirty it can get”) Then you’re just part of the problem, honestly. And it’s no wonder these forums are in the state they are in.

Have I? I don’t recall. I did a quick skim of your post history to see if there were any topics that I would have responded to you in such a way, and I couldn’t find anything right off, but I believe you.

And you know what?

I’m sorry.

I think I need a break from the forums, and a minor re-evaluation of my time on here.


If you’re being genuine, then I honestly appreciate that. I know how these forums can get under people’s skin because there really is a lot of bullying here. Always have been on Blizzard forums… and I really don’t know why.

I am here for good, constructive and thoughtful discussion about a game I am largely enjoying most of the time. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t “get into it” when I’m dealing with being flamed.

If you’re being honest (which I do believe you are), then a break from these forums will help a lot. I’ve done it many times in the past with D3, WoW, etc…

And honestly, outside of all that bs, I did appreciate and think about your comment below, which is why I’m quoting it again (and always in full). I understand this concern. But I was trying to look forward, with this concern in mind as well. Which is why I am for reworking the numbers of Grizzly Rage (and the other ults) along with making GR available to everything.

Take care of yourself.

Well the patch notes just did, the Unstoppable only lasts for 6 seconds now instead of the whole duration of Grizzly Rage.

The Unconstrained Beast (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): When you are hit with a Stun, Freeze or Knock Down effect, there is a 40-60% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 3 seconds.

Is it really a nerf though? Look like it’s a change, and a bit of a nerf (maybe we have to see about this Malignant stone)… but keeping GR up ALL the time was not really that feasible. Now we can have it auto activate when CC’ed? Sounds like a buff, tbh.

The Eternal Realm nerf is that GR will only offer 6 seconds of unbreakable upon cast

The Unconstrained Beast (UB) is a season-only aspect for now and is not in the eternal realm. If UB behaves the same as how passives work (Nature’s Fury can trigger a free ultimate), then you should be able to have GR for free without needing to give up an active slot for it, which means you can use something else

The necessity of CC breaking is fulfilled and freedom of choice is stronger with GR as an aspect trigger instead of an active ultimate (but again-- this is not in the Eternal realm yet)

Can’t wait to see Moonrage for Eternal realm though. It’s a very goofy aspect

Yeah. They’ve always stated that the ER is not something they are concerned about (sadly for those that don’t want to play Season, I understand)

But about one of the things you said:

This actually is cool… and I was under the impression that this is how it would work as well (without it needing to be taken and put on your bars), but it also really makes me wish that what I’ve said for GR in this post was also implemented, so that we could use other things with it. It just drives home my point even further, imo.

Oh well…