Good job blizzard

Here is a small compilation of your posts. Look how ridiculous you sound when it’s put together.

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As in making sure that gear is useless? (Last Epoch)

Imagine what people would do if you can do Nightmare 100 or uber lilith almost naked and no weapons on? You wouldn’t need to go deep into the ocean to see blizzards building implode, that’s for sure.

Meanwhile Last Epoch gets a free pass.

I should have known when the uniques were datamined. It was said “that wasn’t all of them”, so I hung onto that. The uniques sucked. There were a few good ones, but you could tell their philosophy on items was going to be a problem. I remember being concerned about that then convincing myself otherwise. Denial had set in.

The biggest issue isn’t that the game sucks, it’s that the devs in charge seem completely oblivious as to why this is. The decisions they are making only illustrate they don’t get it. They’re making it worse, already, by forcing NM dungeons down everyone’s throats and deleting fun whenever its found.

I don’t know if I’d say I feel ripped off but definitely extremely disappointed and underwhelmed with D4.

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I seriously hope people rebel. As stupid as it is, and how boycotts never work, Blizzard just need that extra step in order to start giving players things.

They went for the typical Diablo roadmap. They timegate all of the major QOL because they’re scared of exploring new things.

Seriously! Expansion 1’s biggest feature won’t be its new campaign acts. It’ll be a cube-like feature that doubles your damage and quadruples your options for rerolling items and manipulating gear in ways you couldn’t before. They know that that’s what players want and that’s why it’ll be the expansions main feature. That’s why they won’t give it in a season as well.

They sold themselves short, again, by using QOL as features for their paid products, when they could have just run with it and developed fun gameplay features to grind instead. For them, QOL is like gold, their bread and butter, the things people will “come back and try a season for.” They use QOL as leverage.

What if the game came out with a cube? Couple of features on it. Then every 2 seasons, a new feature on the cube. Then instead of keeping the cube behind bars and releasing it as Expansion 1’s major feature, they add a new endless dungeon to grind, or actual instances, group content, RAID content, with cool bosses and cool mechanics?

This is what Diablo 4 should have been. An evolution of the ARPG genre. Not just a repeat of the same roadmap and the QOL-on-a-stick mentality.

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i was into it hard the first few weesk but now im feeling this guys statement hard. the whole aspect into legendary thing gets stale fast the game needs about 400 more uniques and maybe set gear and some runes. the grind for just a minor upgrade on a rare that i turn into a legendary is the only way to get better gear? most of the uniques succk fat ones tbh.

i agree this game looks like wow and sc blended to cosplay a watered down version of a side story of diablo. Its sad to see that talent either doesn’t exist anymore or Blizzard cant afford good people.

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It seems to have 50-100 hours of good gameplay maybe 200 seems good, many of us are sharing constructive feedback to make the next 1000 hours seem fun

This game has hooked me better than the latest god of war…horizon forbidden west…still playing it instead of getting Final Fantasy 16…Let’s not try our best to bring the devs down and instead give them a reason to fight to make this game the greatest game you or I have ever played. Is it perfect? Nah but it is a hell of a lot better than where D3 started.

How can they make it better in your opinion?

Don’t you guys have phones?

snickers You’re so naughty.

I really wonder how many people Blizzard is paying to come on these forums and say the game is great. It is not great. It has a long list of much needed improvements… noted by tons of threads on this forum, YouTubers, players on critic sites, etc.

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This is out of content, I was mad and hated on game when they removed density of dungeons, first Maugan works then Eridu ruins and CHampion demise. The game was such as fun and they killed it with this.

Anyway they fixed the game with NM dungeon exp and teleport so its fine now.
And yes some things like stash tab are really bad, but there is easy fix for it. Core of the gameplay is good.

OP, Diablo 4 has great potential and the husk of what is there is good.

Unfortunately, whatever happened in D4’s development turned it into a mediocre product gameplay-wise.
We can wait for good boss fights, good PvP modes, more accessibility/QoL options, 7 skill slots…but I am much more likely to not pick the game up again

at which point most of the existing audience had left, and never came back despite all the job they had done. but hey, yeah, they got to play legions of casuals and bots for the ladders after that, for years, all usually up two weeks, down rest of 3 months style. apparently they (the devs, not the players, mind you) thought that was a good model to repeat…

Diablo 2 is rated highly becuse of nostalgia, easily proven by the fact that Ressurection didnt bring in a significant amount of new players, even though we have a completely new generation to experience this “masterpiece”. Even with QoL changes, its just outdated. It was already outdated back in the day, which is the primary reason why literally no one copied or expanded on D2.

If you would develope the exact same game today, with another name, it would be dead immediately.

I actually really like D4, coming from an aging dad who’s been with the series since the start… oh well, I’ll carry on enjoying it.

I dont dislike it - annoyed about a few things - but overall Im fine with it. Hoping over time it will get better.

Just curious, how is one to vote with their wallet instead of their mouth if they have to buy the game to experience it and decide if it is good or not in the first place?

In hindsight, it was a clever move by Blizzard to keep all the streamers who had early access to test the endgame under NDA until the last moment. Even now, many streamers are playing hardcore to avoid presenting their viewers with the meager to excessively redundant endgame disaster.