Good job blizzard

That is 100% the mental gymnastics these people are doing.

I pushed through the slog of a campaign and well into the late game. The game is so trash that I can’t bother to log in at this point. I’ll take a refund to revoke my forum pass if anyone wants to hook that up.

It’s not that I dislike D4, it’s that I don’t like it as much as I want to. As for spending so many hours doing something I “dislike,” it’s mainly because I don’t want to feel like I wasted my money.

The game is OK. It should have been phenomenal.

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They put hours into the game because it started off Good got to a point it was ok then just bad hence the progression of the complaints it’s common sense lol the further you get in a game the more flaws you see

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Subjective. Your flaw is another players feature. I would like more engaging cellars kind of like the torchlight phase beast areas. You don’t see me having diarhea all over the forum whining for it.

Ok and you will never get it because your not willing to voice your opinion? Funny how things work like that

Its only trash when there is a negative review in the game that i’m currently defending xd


In fairness, D3 actually became pretty damn good over the years. Unfortunately, the launch was so bad that they lost most of their playerbase, and even after the game got good the players never came back, but the last few years of D3 were pretty awesome IMO.

I’m sure they’ll improve D4 as well, but it remains to be seen if the playerbase will be there when they do.


Lets be realistic, what most of the whiners are doing is not just voicing their opinion. A not insignificant number of them of them are asking for stupid “I’m entitled” stuff also, and slamming a great game amd dev team while demanding it. It is both comical and saddening to me. Bunch of 18-70 year old children on this forum.

I think it became a decent game, but i could never call it “diablo”. Played reaper of souls, messed around ethereal season…had my fun, but its just not diablo.

Especially with the loot explosion of legedaries and how your entire build revolves around sets.

I think the sets were brilliant, actually. It’s a great way to ensure powerful build diversity. For example, in the most recent season I completed a GR150 using 3 separate Demon Hunter builds. 3 separate armor sets. 3 separate playstyles, all very powerful. I had a blast.

In D4 no class has 3 specs that can ALL do the highest tier of content, and without sets, they probably never will.

i wouln’t credit that to sets though.

Its definitely an easier way of balancing the game (like lmao, just make some underused skill deal 20.0000% more damage, thats a viable build now), but not mandatory to solve the problem. It isn’t the holy grail of balance fixing

I do agree that D4 is severely lacking in build viability.
its also worth mentioning that “aspects”, currently are sets disguised as something else. Your build has a very limited amount of options and there isn’t much you can do about it. You want bone spear, you pick these bone spear things. Thats it.

D3 is a good game these days. Not perfect, but solid. That’s more than I can say about 4 right now. Like someone else said, D3 sets are a good thing because it offers a lot of build diversity. I dislike that the game got out of control with its multipliers and 20 difficulty levels, but it is still fun.

Also you are criticizing its loot explosion, but how is that any different at all from D4’s loot shower (the inventory is larger in this game, and fills up faster) and every build is dependent on Aspects? If anything, the loot in 4 is worse to deal with because every item looks the same, and they can roll with dozens of potential stats that are mostly meaningless. I’ve never had “loot fatigue” from D3 - in fact, in that game, I can just delete items by looking at their picture and knowing what it is.


i’ve addressed this a moment before your reply (edited the post for more info), so you probably didn’t see :confused:

in D4, you are showered with rares that have 99.9% chance of being worthless. In D3, you are showered with actually relevant legendaries, and will get the core ones that you need day 1 easily. Then it just a matter of hunting for the exact same item but “primal” or “ancient”. Not very interesting either. Both are bad, imo.

Yes, if drop rates in D3 were slower, and also the difficulties and multipliers brought within reasonable terms, the game would be that much more interesting.

They went the total opposite direction in terms of pacing with this game, to its detriment.

I pre-ordered D4 against my better judgement because i believed in the PR surrounding the game that it would actually be a return to form for the Diablo series at least, if not for the rest of the company. Instead they came out with another mediocre product after much promise and hype. Its basically the last time i’m ever pre-ordering let alone buying a Blizzard game until a good amount of time has passed and real reviews have come out whether its worth it or not. The only consolation i have is that i only spent $70 on it.


I’m still waiting until tomorrow to see if this game is going in a direction I care about with the dev livestream.

There are things in this game that are missing or off putting making you wonder why they’d release it like this.

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You have way more faith in this project team than I do.

I wouldn’t be convinced of any real progress unless they announce new leadership for the game.


It’s slow man. Even Diablo 3 took massive heaping tons of feedback from streamers, forums, fan sites, and more until they finally started trying to listen.

They are just doing what Diablo 3 did, riding the wave of a great game…Diablo 2. Just because it sold many copies does not make it a good game, it makes it a profitable game because cheapo Kotick cares about profit and profit alone. Eventually…HOPEFULLY…the hype train crashes and this crap show that is current Activision Blizzard goes away and a new “Blizzard North” comes along.

The players deserve better…not the investors.


Well Vicarious Visions is perhaps like Condor being a dev team that made games outside of blizzard entertainment before being brought in. It doesn’t mean they’ll turn into a Blizz North cause they aren’t likely anything like Condor was in the past.

However, we could also get the opposite end of the spectrum where D4 somehow majestically rises above perhaps even D2 in popularity overall depending on the choices the dev team makes. I mean MTX decisions aside all they need to do is make the gameplay and endgame loop satisfying and engaging and they have a win. But imo this will require them to better balance classes from the lower end of leveling all the way up to WT4 to start (it’s absolutely fine for some classes to dominate leveling at the lower levels but later balance out). And to improve the QoL of the player after the noticeable flaws of the games design start to annoy most of the playerbase. Sadly these days it seems to take quite awhile for the honeymoon phase to end with a lot of people until they start to see the cracks. I think we’ll be waiting 6 months to a year before this happens.