Good job blizzard

You have no clue what you are talking about. Nostalgia? ROFL Many of those reviews were written over a decade ago. Please be in denial harder. We are talking about the OG D2, the golden standard of ARPGs. There’s no way you are telling me the reviews posted from 2001-2005 are “nostalgia” - that’s when the game was new. :skull:

You are failing to recognize its superiority and the precedent it set for future Diablo games; it is the foundation upon which the house is built. Meanwhile, D4 has a 5.1/10 compared to D2s 8.6/10. You’d be saying some other kind of BS if those scores were flipped.

It’s okay to admit D4 is a trainwreck but you enjoy it; some people like watching grass grow. I enjoy the mindless, over-the-top movie 3000 Miles to Graceland, yet it has a 14% Tomato Meter and 46% Audience Score (in other words, most people think it sucks), and I don’t get mad about people saying it is objectively a bad movie.

Softcore Nwbz* fixed for you.

Same here. Paragon points aren’t enough of a draw for me to play.

I can’t stand the slow pacing and the bizarre loot/gear system.

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I frequently “hate on the game” but with all of the best intentions. Hating something in its release state, due to expectations and delivery not being aligned is different than recognizing the game has bones. In my opinion and experience, it was rushed and underdeveloped. You and others can say that people are “bad at the game” or “don’t have skills” that are complaining - or you can accept that even the devs have said on the firesides that they want the negative feedback to improve upon.

Progress requires negative and positive feedback alike, otherwise improvements are just guesses by the developers. Guesses lead to bad products. It’s not useful.

I’d like to point out that your bandwagon of other commentators have criticized and questioned the validity of others with high level builds not liking the game. Well, that’s an assumption. It’s barring your window to see another’s viewpoint. Some of us really like the game for it’s core mechanics, but we hate that we’ve seen better and that this could have been (could be) better, but wasn’t on release. Leading us to have little faith in anything Blizzard says at this point - breaking a customer/provider relationship.

You can make it about others vs. Blizzard, or you can take it personally and make it about them vs. you. The latter is always a victim mentality. If you’re being attacked for liking the game - just ignore it. Keep playing. No need to defend a multi-billion dollar company. They’re gonna be alright.

It’s amazing how Blizz is now on the complete opposite side of spectrum compared to pre-Activision. Blizz games used to be auto-buy no matter the IP new or old.

Now, WoW is no longer the game it used to be (which is fine for the players who still enjoy it, btw, I’m not saying it can’t be fun for others, it just isn’t for me). It looked like it was heading the right direction with Legion, but then they repeated the same thing over and over and over. Plus, they KILLED the story/characters. I don’t know what makes me eye roll the most: that N’Zoth kill or friggin’ making it so the Jailer “WAS BEHIND IT ALL THE WHOOOOLE TIIIIIIMMMME” pfft, please.

Hearthstone can’t be kept in check with power creep, mana cheat, class identity is gone etc.

And OW2, well, I don’t think I need to mention the issues there; it’s probably the best example thus far as to how far Blizz has fallen from grace.

I really hope to see some good changes in S1 of D4 and its future, but I cannot say I will ever give this company money again if they drop the ball.

I know; I cherry picked your points :joy:

Tbf, I agree with you that the core of the game play is good when its in reference to the physics engine and some builds. Let’s hope this game ages well like fine wine.

Of course many of those reviews were written over a decade ago, but all of those reviews came way after the game released. It also strengthens my point when many reviews were written that early, because back then there were very few competitors and people didnt knew better.

It still doesnt change the fact that Diablo 2 doesnt deserve such a high rating today. It deserved it back then, but such a rating today is purely because of nostalgia, not because the game is good, which again was proven by how Resurrected couldnt even hold any new gamers, but mostly people who played Diablo 2 in the past.

You kidding right?who knew you have to repeat same nightmare dungeons.who knew that boring affixes.who knew %90 of those problems in beta?they just made you play demo version.and yeah pretty much everyone liked it until we saw the whole picture

If I was you, I’d wait until FF 16 is on sale. I wish I had.

You keep moving the goal posts. How are reviews published in the early years of its release “way after”?? Also, it had plenty of competitors. It just blew the competition out of the water. IDK what is so hard to understand about this. In contrast, D4 is so garbage that it will blow by like a fart in the wind. Its 5.2/10 is a fair assessment.

Next you are going to tell me that Half-Life 2 with its 9.2/10 is nostalgia. Nah man, you are just trying to be a contrarian but have no fuel. D2 is on multiple Best Games of All Time lists - up there with the likes of Pac-Man, Legend of Zelda, Super Mario World, Portal, Skyrim, and other top tier titles.

You don’t have to live in denial about it, and it’s a weird thing for you to keep hammering.

I dont move the goal post, metacritics wasnt as popular when it came out. Just look at the dates of Diablo 2 reviews, most of them are years way after the release, like the vast majority of them. Most of them are even around the Diablo 3 release, most likely because people were annoyed about the path Diablo 3 was heading at and thus rated Diablo 2 extra special again.

Half-Life 2 wasnt the progenitor of shooter games, Diablo 2 was the progenitor of ARPGs, one of the reasons why its so fondly looked at, because there was almost no competition when it released, but it also had such huge flaws that a game like that today wouldnt even survive the first week.

Its just not a good game anymore. Its great that you like it and that there is still an active community, but which game that was ever popular doesnt still have a community?

My goodness you are stretching the standards more and more with this. You are failing to understand that Diablo 2 beat out all the competition BECAUSE it was good. Not because it had no competition. :man_facepalming:

I’m gathering that you are simply too young to know these games. Because, if you were at all familiar with them, you’d also know that Half Life 2 is regarded as a masterpiece in the FPS genre. Many would argue that it set the standard for FPS games.

If D2 like you said “just isn’t a good game anymore”, then they wouldn’t have had a successful remastered edition sell over 5 million copies. There’s a reason people are still enjoying it when it’s over 20 years old. That’s not even looking into the modded communities such as Project Diablo 2, which is extremely popular amongst the ARPG community.

D4… D3… they will never get a remaster. D4 will suffer the same fate as D3; it is only a matter of time.

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If they put 5 years into making d2 into an open world instead of making d3 into an open world d4 would have turned out a decend game.
Right now, unless they manage to completely redesign how skills work, add a ton of items and open trading, I don’t see myself playing this after season 1

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Im a big stupid dumbass, because i preordered the 100euro version and have already quit playing 2 weeks ago.
What a horrible, horrible boring a$$ game. What a let down.

Actually the topic of NM dungeons being very similar and falling withing a limited number of design categories was a really hot topic after Open Beta, Server Slams, etc.

Again, there is never 100% guarantee that you will like a game after you buy it and finish the main story.

Compared to other games we had access to Open Betas, we had many details about endgame, everybody was talking about this, so there are many ways to get the details.

In the end, if buying the ideal game is so important for a person, that person should wait until the game comes out, it is reviewed and so on.

Why rush and pre-purchase it or buy it from Day 1, if this is clearly a very important topic for many. Wait a bit, see what people say about the endgame, you are not losing anything.

It was 80 GB just to download the beta.

Thats because its not just on pc alone anymore and it takes a long time to get stuff to pass through consoles QA so they have to do things in bulk. Then mention it in the campfire vid.

Mediocrity cannot be extreme. The mediocre is “in the middle”, the “middle” cannot be extreme.

You can google the etymology :slight_smile:

To be mediocre means to be neither good or bad. To Excel at making a mediocre product would be extremely mediocre. You can ask Jeeves on the edamame.

Then Jeeves doesn’t know it either :slight_smile:

You can’t be “extremely not too hot or not to cold”. Mediocre is mediocre :slight_smile: