Good job blizzard

You made an extremely mediocre barely functional product that has no lasting appeal. Honestly this is way better than what I expected you to come out with and I have to say it’s quite a monumental achievement that you will even manage to scrape the middle of the barrel of mediocrity so I’m honestly saying this as somebody who has followed you for many years… Good job maybe someday probably not anytime soon you guys can actually get back to making good stuff but I understand that with the way the world is now over delivering on something is a detriment to profitability and obviously is not a goal set by your team. I wish you guys the best.


Personally im not falling again for blizzard products. Not after OW2 and D4.

I was a sucker when shadowlands released, i failed to see d3 as bad even when they were signs vefore release. Luckily i ddnt buy that WC3 remastered fraud.

Blizzard entertainment should be renamed to blizzard scammers


Admirable but you will be in the minority. The public will never learn they can’t


Does not matter gamers or people in general have no self control and impulse buy. When people start voting with their wallets and not their mouth then things will change.

Unlikely to ever happen, at least in america.

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D4 made me appreciate WoW’s dev team… which is something I never thought I would say


Millennials both dev and players destroyed this franchise.


To this constructive feedback I can say one thing:
“If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It is not mandatory”


The problem most of the time is that you can’t test the product and when you do, you already paid.

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Bit like buying an ice-cream - Oh well

Pretty expensive Icecream.


I was telling myself that i wont buy d4. That i ll wait and see the reviews,check the forums, double check facts from different people and see.

Well i fell for reviews early on. Shame on me man. I wont ever do buy it again. Like ever. No wow, no diablo no warcraft no StarCraft no nothing. I will only buy it after some months in the release after reading positive things from players only.


People had a chance at least to play Open Beta.

If it is really an issue when a game does not meet expectations it is recommended to research the game in advance. There was a lot of information about end-game, progression, loot, seasons, etc.

Uhm. Most tests say this game is a 8.5.

Shocker : it’s not.


Yeah, space enginering grade before buying a game.

It’s Diablo and some things are expected. Period.

if quality was based on sales, mcdonald’s would be best restaurant in the world. surprise, only few call it restaurants, everybody else call it fast (but more often than not simply trash or junk) food. d4 and d3 in this sense, are to diablo and fine gaming what mcdonald is to to fine cuisine and michelin stars. and the fake sillogism which equates sales success to quality, is something only numpties would do (and fall for).


Blizzard need to look long and hard at Last Epoch which is currently doing everything right the same way D4 is doing everything wrong.


i hope blizzard makes a starcraft MMO now, id love to run around as a protoss and a lightsaber slicing up the zerg in pvp

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Wake up game is good, need fixes yes. You all played open beta then you bought the game. Its your fault that you fall for forum hate and got infected.

Game is extremely good even after 400+ hours. If you are bad and got bad build and overall you are hyper casual or wow player thats your problem. Nothing wrong with game but you are the wrong.

Forum is like 1% of playerbase it means nothing and has zero value. There are milions of happy ppl playing. I have 8 casual friends and they all still playing and they dont even know some forum exist. So average casual wont go to forum to hate.

Get good build and enjoy the game, but if you are just bad of course you hate on everything. Never understand ppl are so bad they hate on monster scaling its like best feature.

I will buy next diablo game, D4 is great and D2R is also great. But I am not spending my time reading those toxic forums too much. Today spoiled children only know how to hate on everything.


Metacritic user score says 5.1 though.
Which almost reflects my personal impression of 6.4. Nothing to do with reading this forum.

Bruh don’t pretend like the limited beta tests were a proper litmus test. Especially when you consider the white knights on this forum kept shooting down any nay-sayers with comments like, “I can’t wait to play the end game! Played it on the NDA-beta it was amazing!” Liars. Absolute lies.

Funny though, I don’t see as many folk these days saying how amazing the end game is; they just instead berate any critics by saying “low IQ” or “burned out gamer” or “d2 fanboi”. Get real, clowns. They know just as well that there is little to praise about the game. If it was really that good, they’d actually be playing the game instead of yelling at us that it’s “good”.