Good job blizzard

Indeed, good job Blizzard.

I have enjoyed the game alot. Still spinning the hamster wheel 1 or 2 hours per day.
Feel kind bored now but its worth it.

Looking forward to start a Sorc in Season 1.

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Metacritic is trash, of course there will be haters at every game, there are 1140 negative reviews, are you kidding me? The game sold like 8 milions copies maybe more. Who cares about metacritic? You dont have to have the game to make review there, just nonsense of 0.01 % of player.


So what source is credible in your opinion?
And why do you say it’s thrash, when it’s clearly reflecting my impression.

I wouldnt put 400+ hours into something bad. Yes game is not in very good shape but the gameplay and the core is good. I have fun making alts and trying new builds.

The list of things which need to be fixed is very long, but it can be only better. I watch some streamers and they are all positive like Quinn. So again majority of ppl are happy playing only the 0.1 % are raging and hating.

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I don’t watch streamer. I paid for a product. I paid 90€.the product is mediocre. I complain.


most of the people hating on the game are the hardcore players that have beat all the content already what are you talking about? i think you should actually play the game instead of reading fan boy reviews

Diablo 4 will probably be my last Diablo game. I have enjoyed the series and if I was to rank the series personally the game ranking would be as follows.

  1. Diablo 2 + Lord of Destruction
  2. Diablo 1 + Hellfire expansion and Diablo 3 + Reaper of Souls
  3. Diablo 4

Diablo 2 (including the LoD expansion) took what was good from Diablo 1 + Hellfire expansion and improved it. Great features and game mechanics were created and flushed out here. This is where the Diablo series started taking off from being a niche game.

Diablo 1 + Hellfire and Diablo 3 + RoS are tied as they are great and bad in their own ways. For example Diablo 1 + Hellfire is extremely fun and set a standard for the franchise. However, Diablo 1 is a bit clunky and you have to find skills to get your build going. Diablo 3 + RoS has more refined systems but the story was a mess and the atmosphere didn’t seem as dark as the predecessors. There was also the Diablo 3 launch disaster from requiring an internet connection to play even solo. Some people liked the power creep but this is a step away from what the franchise had established. Diablo is supposed to be fun but challenging.

Diablo 4 works well from a performance standpoint as the game runs well overall. The story is amazing and the game returned to the darker roots. However, While the core structure of Diablo 4 is sound it is far from perfect. Class balance is non-existent, resistances don’t work, and damage mechanics rely too heavily on things like vulnerable effect.

Is this saying Diablo 4 can’t recover?

No. However, The developers need to put effort into correcting the problems in the game. I feel in time that Diablo 4 can overtake Diablo 1 and Diablo 3 while challenging Diablo 2. The question is whether the community will stick around or return when the developers figure things out. I will leave it at the fact that Diablo 4 has a lot of potential but this potential needs to be harnessed.


I have 100 druid, 100 sorc and 63 another druid and 400+ hours in, the game is awesome and ppl are just bad if they dont like it.

major issue for me is the simple qol changes that can be made in a few hours via a hot fix but they are making us wait till season 2 or 3 thats 3-6 months for a gem tab or new stash tabs? lol so crazy

Mindless drone calls others bad. Bummer.


no they arent thats there opinion this game is majorly flawed and if you cant see that im sorry you have low standards for what you buy i guess

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Dont know I think I have high standard. I bought new world and unistaled after 3 hours, then i bough kingdom come then uninstaled after 2 hours, Poe unistaled after 30 minutes looks so bad, Last epoch uninstaled after 100 hours very mediocre and bland.

after calling those games bad you call diablo 4 good? wow lol, new ark has better qol then diablo will have in the next 5 years at the pace they are going same with poe and poe has end game content that keeps people playing not 1 pinnacle boss that can be cheesed at lvl 85

Are you an intern from blizzard? Sounds a lot like undercover mission.


If the user reviews were an 8.6/10, you would be singing a different tune. Go ahead and live in denial.

Diablo 2 is rated 8.8/10. Eat it. :smirk:


you had such low expectations and still paid for it eh?
megamind over here

Yeah they played for how many hours and never once in all that time, thought to themselves they should not be putting so much time into something they dilike so much? Sorry, the narrative does not pass the sniff test. Game really is fine with some minor tweaking needed and looking forward to season 1. 1% ers and minmax no lifers just have an agenda they are pushing, and most of them only know how to whine and stomp their feet.


“they just played for 5 minutes, they don’t know what they are talking about”
“they played so long, surely they must have liked it”

Why exactly is game time correlating with enjoyment? I need to pretty much explore every aspect of a product and have to actually test it in depth to form my Opinion properly.


Fine gaming. What a hilarious concept of elitism lol

Are you mad much bro?