Gauntlet is boring?

Never cared for leaderboards. So I did the 1 run for the week. There is a target audience for this type of event it is not for everyone.

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You can’t save a house built on a rotten foundation. To save the game they would have to tear it down and rebuild the entire thing. Better to just keep a token team to keep a bare minimum of content coming to keep stupid people buying microtransactions while you have the majority of your team working on d5.
Sadly they are not doing that and just slapping duct tape on the house and hoping if they do it enough you’ll be happy living in a leaky moldy house.

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Hmm, let’s just say Gauntlet prompted a period of self-reflection to evaluate whether I am within the target audience for this game. It’s not the only reason. It’s just the one breaking the camels back.

If others enjoy it, good for them. Who am I to question what others enjoy in their entertainment products? I do not think it’s “bad.” I am not going to go off on some emotionally charged forum warrior rant over it either. It’s just not my cup of tea.

It’s boring af, i think its time microsoft/blizzard does a Jay Wilson 2.0 and change dev team right away before expension. Remember thats when d3 became acceptable as a game.


Seriously. It’s just constant complaining.

I’m starting to wonder why you’re still in this forum.

Thanks for the entertainment. I love seeing poor children cry when others take a dump on what they love. Crying about criticism is hilarious. Thanks again.

Played it 3 times…and it is not really anything special, unless you want to see a number running up and that makes you think the content is fun. But yeah back to what I was playing.

Sadly AoZ was more fun.


WE need armory more than ever.

Every char in the game could make use of four builds now:

Speed farm Build
High dungeon / vault Build
PVP Build
Gauntlet Build


player base: we want a test of strength and endurance
Devs: here have a test of speed and clickyness

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Whole game puts me to sleep faster than grandma reading me a bedtime story.

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Is the Gauntlet a dungeon configuration memory test?


weekly reset, sick mmo kekw

How about this change to improve gauntlet?

Gauntlet 2.0 :gloves: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

D4 is boring but sure, so is the gauntlet.

gauntlet is pure trash

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Gauntlet reminds of a lot of Unreal Tournament, lol. Domination mode!

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It reminds me nothing of Unreal Tournament, that game was fun.

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top build is a boring basic attack arc lash build ran on a macro… fk d4 rn :joy:


I was rank 40 and 44 on the classes I made this season, but expected to fall off (and did) as it was what I thought it was going to be. Only did it 2-3 times on each and saw plenty of ways to greatly increase my score, just isn’t my thing.

None of the “must have” ubers either (I use Andy’s on my necro which this board thinks is terrible and not a “real” uber). None on my druid. It’s all MS as many of us have been saying long before Gauntlet ever launched.