Game will not launch after update.. can we get an official update please?

Why are you guys constantly ruining stuff with your poor programming? At least give a) acknowledgement of the issue and b) a rough timeline of when it may be fixed.

I’d like to try playing again, on a game that was working just fine prior to the latest patch. Be better, do better dudes.


Aren’t you using Windows 7?

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I’m having the same issue, bricked my installs - did a repair, complete uninstall/reinstall, tried on 2 different PCs, tried different internet connections. Game says launching, then play button lights back up. Nothing working.


Why should that matter? It worked for it before. It should still after this minor patch.

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Just asking. Minimum requirement is W10, having W7 can cause issues.

Just bumping this because the Devs have been frustratingly silent on an issue that is affecting a number of players. At least put forth an acknowledgement of the problem and that you are working on it.


Ironically, I tried installing the beta test version of D4, and guess what… I was able to actually log in on that even though it’s not up and running. However, I did see the long pause other users mention when going from the title splash screens to what would be the character select.

So clearly this is an issue on Blizzard’s side. When the hell are we going to see acknowledgement of this and a rough timeline for a fix? This is pretty damn annoying considering the game was working JUST FINE up until the June 9th, Sunday patch. Who the hell rolls out a patch on a Sunday, man? Just how royally did you eff things up Blizzard? There are NUMEROUS threads about being unable to launch the game post-patch:

Where the hell is the support on this? Why is there literally NO acknowledgement of this issue POST-PATCH when it is pretty damn clear multiple users are having this problem after the June 9th Sunday patch?

Do better be better dudes, FFS.


Yup, WoW and D4 still won’t launch. Actually, I keep getting a crash pop-up from D4 today. Click start and then pop-up that asks what you just did.

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Problem is still here after the last patch.

Can we please get an official answer that you at least acknowledge that you are aware?

  • Authentication takes long
  • friend list takes long to show
  • when i get in the game after 10 min or so the map is devoid of waypoints, just empty.

Game still wont launch. Same issue, play button changes to launching, then nothing happens.

Is support just a chatbot? it pretends to be GM in signature, but repeatedly gives irrelevant copy paste answer to my tickets?

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Anyone tried deleting the BNet folder in C:\ProgramData\

Yeah, didn’t work for me. I had to copy the entire game folder from my laptop to my desktop in order to get the game running again.

I was able to finally get D4, and WoW as well, working only after I copied the entire game folder from my laptop, where it was still working, to my desktop. What a PITA. Mind you, a completely fresh install of Windows, BNet and the games on my desktop didn’t fix it but copying it from my laptop did.

On top of that, opening a support ticket seems useless. The people just tell you to restart your router and don’t even bother looking at the files they make you attach to the ticket. What the frick happened to Blizzard’s customer support? These people used to actually help you, both on the forums and with tickets.

Did you delete the game folder from your desktop first? Or did you just have it overwrite what was already there?

Does anyone have a solution that worked for them? I tried even uninstall/reinstall and still wont launch

I just replaced over it.

Yeah, I’ve tried both ways. Doesn’t work for me. It finishes moving the files and the bnet launcher forces a scan and repair (that goes much faster than the normal ones) and then does another one after that unless you stop it and it will do a small update (a couple gigs) if you do that. I’ve tried all the different combinations. But they all just end up going back to the same outcome as before. Even tried copying over the ntdll file from the computer it works on, but that just makes everything else stop working too in the same way D4 doesn’t. This has gotten beyond ridiculous.

I’ll reiterate what I’ve said in another thread guys – we are pretty much abandoned. Let it be clear how this company views us, wallets to plunder and when they have their money they will not give a damn. As evidenced by their complete lack of response.

This is a pretty clear wake up call to take your time, and money, and look elsewhere for a company that actually gives a damn and not some empty corporate entity like these clowns have become. BG3, Grim Dawn, PoE2… lots of alternatives that don’t involve supporting these clownshows. Sorry guys, wish I had an actual resolution for us all but everything I’ve tried has not worked.

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