Game is dead already, Kyovoshad is a ghost town

You can’t get meaningful loot anywhere because the system was built by novices.

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Please delete this comment.

This guy votes??? Like for real

Yeah, D4 is an AAA corporate product.

I think it’s a fun game, though, and I don’t feel like I wasted my money. Yeah, $70 is steep, but if I couldn’t afford to waste $70, I wouldn’t have spent it on a video game.

I honestly don’t get all the hate. I get many of the complaints, but I don’t see how someone who is into AAA games or the Diablo series can be so mad. I mean, D4 had a much better launch than D3, and is in a much better place than D3 was until RoS dropped.
Also, D4 is much less buggy on PC than many other AAA games have been, especially recently.
It seems like these very online “fans” of the franchise rushed to end game, and are now mad that a game built to be popular isn’t 100% catering to their personal gaming niche of endless endgame grinding.
I bet that only about 5-10% of the people who bought and play D4 even bother coming to these forums. When you see all this “outrage”, it’s like 1000 people…At most.

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A ghosttown? … but are you 100% sure you checked out the tavern?


It’s not that it’s a bad game it’s just the economy. Kyovashad also faces rising inflation and a staggering number of local businesses such as the occultist and jeweller have had to raise their prices so high that many people Cannot afford to pay for services anymore. There’s not a lot of work in sanctuary.

The economy was pretty hot in diablo 3 and everyone had so much gold but now that isn’t the case and that’s why we see a lot of people clearing out from Kyo and moving on.

Btw; is Kyovashad the capital city of sanctuary? It wasn’t ever mentioned but I feel it would. Players can really go to any other city that has all the services but because the cathedral of light is there (btw any word on the Triune in this game??) most players make kyo their HearthStone.

Why don’t the cities have welcome signs. like “Welcome to the City of Kyovashad, home of the Cathedral of light”

its hard to login anymore when loot doesnt matter after level 50. when gems will take 3 months to get a tab. when every nm dungeon is the same. when i have to backtrack to pickup a rock, multiple times a day lol

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I find Kyoville too crowded most of the time. Everyone keeps sending me friend invites, bleh. Stop trying to be my friend! :eyes:

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need to try harder if you going to troll

I don’t log into the game to sit in town to make you feel like you’re playing an MMO.

I expect nobody else does either.

What a useless thread.


This is why:

First of all: You Devs are catering to 1% of the player base. All the b1tching and moaning and changing your endgame up is for 1% of the players that play 24/7 and stream. I get you have to keep up the positive advertising because so many drones listen to what the streamers have to say but when are you going to start listening to everyone else?

I finished the storyline in the game. It’s the best Diablo storyline in any of the games. I have maybe 1 or 2 people I play regularly with when we aren’t having to take care of our kids. We made it to end game. Now, we are grinding Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons to improve gear and upgrade glyphs.

I think the gem system is terrible. You have to be a certain level before you can make the next level of gem? This is the dumbest mechanic and certainly worse than the gem system in Diablo 3. I get tired of filling up bank space with gems I need the space for. You go to sell them and they are only worth 35 gold. WTF? Most braindead system ever.

We only get 4 bank tabs? Again, see the paragraph above. Not enough space when you add sacred yellows and oranges and a ton of other stuff you have to sort out later.

When you do these activities over and over again to get the most powerful gear, then what? There’s no raids to use your gear on except killing some world bosses that spawn twice every week. At least in other game types, you have Raid areas that you can choose to go to in groups anytime you want. Please implement those. I don’t need a roster of trophy characters that I can’t do much of anything with until you release more PVE content for the 99% of the story and casual players that gave you and your company most of your revenue.

I’m glad the “Endgame Devs” made a game they like to play along with the other 1% but the other 99% need you guys to fix stuff to cater to them too. Less boring grinding activities. If I want to go grind, I’ll go back to Destiny and grind for purpose. At least you can do a raid to use all that fantastic new equipment. Turning up the difficulty is the lazy way out. We need story and challenge and some innovative gameplay. If you guys can’t figure it out, maybe David Brevik or some of the leaders of these other games can give you pointers.

Point being…what are you doing for the 99% of the player base that actually keeps your company afloat? Too much attention on 1%.

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No incentive to play with you**

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People who log into the forums more than the game itself

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Kyovashad is full and ppl cry this is MMO.
Kyovashad is empty and ppl still cry.

: D


Well i have to admit i bought the game and am now like lvl 25. I honestly dont feel it.

Maybe i will finish the story occasionally but thats about my d4 journey.

Played d3 for thousand of hours but i am tired of gaming as a whole.

The cash shop does not help either. Nor does Diablo Immortal one year ago.

Still pretty packed everytime I login. Also the zones have sharding, you wont see everyone in the area.

OP is probably still in WT2

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I see lots of ppl.
Cya neway. Don’t hit the door.

:rofl: So true!

I keep hoping they add some really nice Druid transmogs. I really want to buy one that looks good, and isn’t similar to something I have already.

WoW…top of trolling story!

The loot does matter unless you got the optimal stats and legendary aspects for your build.
But wait.
You want to get an BiS item every run so you just need 10 runs to be able to beat uber lilith and clear nmd100. But after this you have again no reason to login.
Better Blizz doesn’t change anything, you’ll never be satisfied anyway.

Why do you need a gem tab. Just don’t collect the gems because that’s loot that doesn’t matter to you.

There are 30 nightmare dungeons. Each can played with different dungeon and elite affixes.
Maybe you should try the other 29 dungeons instead of just running champions demise all the time.

And there are other activities like helltide, legion events etc.
Or maybe trying a new build or other class.