Game is dead already, Kyovoshad is a ghost town

Thats not even close to true. Look at new world for example financially speaking the game was a major success.

On Saturday night? A lot of people don’t sit around watching twitch streamers on saturday nights.

But of course, you trolls will see something you can repeat and flood the forums with it, despite it falling apart under a tiny bit of scrutiny.


I wish it was empty. I’d love to play in solo instances, kill a wb solo without 8-10 other players spamming emotes. But sadly, I doubt that will ever happen, because that’s not how games with instances work.

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You know there’s world tiers past 1 right?

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Nice attempt. But, you are aware that the servers are sharded. Right? When one gets full, another is created. Either you were the first one on your shard, or you just didn’t hit ‘O’ and check who was on. They’re always full. Kyovashad is just one town.


You do realise the game is shared and there’s like a 12 character maximum in any one area right?


For most people Shako was the last straw. nuBliz is having trouble figuring out how to run their poopship. Imagine that a lot of players who quit were also paying WoW customers.

Those are NPCs and vendors


The builds all revolve around legendary synergy. That is the limiting factor.

Each class maybe has 3-5 builds at best? Even then, there are big differences in performance between the miniscule options provided. You more or less start with a leveling build and climb through a couple others as you gather gear, making your build “options” much less an option and much more a stepping stone until the next one.

Even with that, most of them are slow, clunky, and require running in circles waiting for CD’s to pop, so you can clear the screen again (looking at you, ice shard sorc).

It’s like they set up these talent trees to give this big illusion of choice when there really is very little. It doesn’t seem like there’s more of an option here than D3 had as far as abilities are concerned. 70% of the skills on the tree you will just never use because there aren’t item synergies to back them up.

It really makes me wonder if they made the UI so claustrophobic, so it would seem like there’s more there than there actually is. Apparently, Blizzard has lost the ability to create a UI with windows that can be moved and scaled.

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Filled with bots looking for people to sell gold to but okay.

Yeah, Kyovoshad is dead. Try your luck in Kyovashad instead


I would be ecstatic to log in & not see a single other player anywhere. Sadly, that’s not yet ever been the case.

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Well you got your wish fulfilled in the form of gems in S1 cause that’s what’s most important right ? :thinking:

It’s actually a much greater problem of not balanced gameplay, perma-vulnerable & perma-unstoppable, that is the problem

Everyone out there running same builds over and over again (tripple shout, bulwark and grizzly rage, bone and frost or die trying) cause those are the things that “work”, and by work I mean being completely busted and untested lol…

I mean 18B damage in one hit, perfectly balanced as all things should be :stuck_out_tongue:

No wonder why people are asking for “late game loot” cause they broke the game already

I’m glad some people eventually came in to remind the OP that based on how Blizzard has the servers set up, the game’s pretty much always going to look like a ‘ghost town’ on purpose. It’ll never be like WoW where you could see potentially dozens of characters all crawling over a tiny area.

Besides, not seeing other characters in one hub isn’t really indicative of anything. Kyovashad might be the de facto main hub, but there’re still three other hubs as well depending on where the player’s at when they portal back to town.

Well, my wife’s boyfriend’s uncle’s sister’s cousin used to work at Blizzard, and he said it was 50,502 people.

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Morzanith’s sister’s brother’s mom’s husband:
Did you hear Brantherax is about to leave the game?

GarnetElk’s wife’s boyfriend’s uncle’s sister’s cousin:
Really oh my god what are we supposed to do?

Morzanith’s sister’s brother’s mom’s husband:
If he really leaves the game we have to shut down the servers because he’s the last one keeping the game alive.

GarnetElk’s wife’s boyfriend’s uncle’s sister’s cousin:
An idea: What if we program a bar in Kyovashad where he has to drink 10 bottles of whiskey every day. If he does that for a month, he gets a shako.

Morzanith’s sister’s brother’s mom’s husband:
Good idea, that will calm him down, let’s get started.

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Why waste time when after a week of playing you can only improve your character by maybe 0.1%?
It’s better to wait until they add something to the game and fix the bugs.

This is true, but only on world tier 1.

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FWIW, my ArcLash/Fireball/Meteor/Inferno build couldn’t handle dungeon bosses on wt1, but when I switched to full Frost things got a lot easier. So I’m not even convinced that there are 30+ builds for each class on the easiest level, much less anything more.

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I can’t get loot in Kyovashad, why would I be there?

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