Game is dead already, Kyovoshad is a ghost town

If it were Tristram music I’d chill at Kyova for days. The intense violin strings get tiresome quickly, however.


And out of those 30 builds, 29 of them have absolute garbage performance once you start pushing nightmare dungeons. If the one remaining build worth a damn isn’t fun for you, then you’re just SOL.

Ok look 800 post everyone is trolling and is a hater.

800 post reading/writing -----etc= 20+ hours of lifetime wasting on

Your trolling **

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trolling attempt? hes stating facts and some of his opinion. The days of blizzard shilling/fake hype/advertising bots are over. No one gets enjoyment out of saying this game is bad.

I stop playing at level 92 according to furious raging hurt inside their heart barbarians; the game failed them.

But with the patch and the new Uniques, I’ll probably play again. Right now I am reading some wordy megalomaniac insipid low IQ book series:

“Defiance of the fall”

For my freetime entertainment. It will make you dumber, but not as angry, and as dumb as playing, a worldwind barbarian sans, a great swordlike DOOOOMBRINGER!

you promised me the sword blizard- I must have Excalibur to be king!

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Um … the reason the gems don’t matter is that they’re lackluster. But thank you for highlighting yet another flaw in this game: loot that doesn’t matter.

I’ve added just over 20 random people to my friends’ list during my playtime while running dungeons or just doing world events. Literally not one of them has been online this weekend. I’ve been sitting and looking at the Social menu once in a while hoping I could join someone but nothing.

Kind of crazy that such a multimillion game released by such a famous studio tanked so hard and so fast.

I’m pretty sure when season one starts people will jump back in, realise that there’s literally nothing new apart from new gems you can get by running the same dungeons and just leave.


they get >500M$ profit!, now for more profit they need to make people leave servers for reduce cost fee.
They dont care if you like the game or not after you paid.

clueless, you’re proly still in your level 60s

This is a brand new game. By default, the first few weeks (been barely over one month now since official release (not counting pre-sales)) are going to be way more packed than not. As that “newness” wears off, the player count is GOING to decrease.

Additionally, now that Blizzard is taking Diablo in the direction of Seasonal Models, this is going to be the exact behaviour each time nearing the end of each season before the next.

Player count will decrease as everyone completes whatever is to be completed for that season, then they run off and play other games, leaving behind a seemingly empty game for the few that remain even after they’ve completed the season.

It’s to be expected dude.

most of the people who hit the endgame quit already

i think mostly casuals will continue playing D4 because they won’t ever realize the endgame is atrocious

why do you think they are rolling out seasons so quickly? those casuals are prob still in WT2 or WT3 still

distract them by doing the same 200 side quests on a new character every few months

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It does feel like less people to me or something changed about the instancing. Used to see on helltides opening all rush to the same event just outside of town, now feels almost rare to run into another player in the open world hell tide events even on peak hours.

Towns DO feel less populated, which would be odd itself because there’s no reason to instance the towns to the degree of that they are unpopulated to the extent they currently are. Maybe a legacy left over of how the server loads were handled during peak new player onboarding.

Skalgard you have 872 posts? All from D4 or other Blizzard games? Do you work or get paid to post?

You really want to buy cosmetics that don’t currently exist? Not find cool free transmog? I noticed you have over 500 posts. Anyone else think this smells fishy?

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your lying, you mustn’t tell lies

You are aware there are only 10 people to a zone right? I mean…

There wasn’t 10 people in the zone. That’s the issue, there was one other person. No one was at the waypoint. One person was standing at the chest, that’s it.

The game doesn’t require other players, so why does this matter? Blizzard already has your money, it’s not like people are paying a sub to play and a loss of players results in a loss of revenue. Nor are there raids or anything similar (I can, and have, soloed a world boss) that requires others to complete.

It’s a solo game that happens to have online play with the option to group up if you want. There could be no other people on the server and it wouldn’t matter in the slightest.

yea you right nothing can beat tristram music

outside of FOMO launch week the towns are basically empty.

staying in town is only useful to afk or vendor/travel.

this isnt an mmo as much as they want it to be.

go to a world boss. it’ll be capped on ppl every shard.

no or it would be pay 2 win and thats DI.