Game is crashing my PC since the 5/16 update

Had lotsa crashes, at least once I managed to get past the character screen. Then, an earlier poster suggested turning off the cross function, which I did, along with the resolution scaling. For the last 3 hours, I’ve have had some Helltide lag and the usual Kyovashad disconnects, but other than that, not too bad.
Not that I’d even think about HC, even with that Necro Minion Meatshield.

While I know almost nothing when it comes to tech, I do know that I have an AMD card. Why would a patch that was supposed to fix a problem with NVIDIA cards screw me up?.

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My crashes are now up to every 5 minutes, down from every 20 minutes. Have tried absolutely everything I can and then some. Blizzard killed Diablo 4 for me. If its not resolved in a week, I’m uninstalling and never looking back. This is just awful, and their silence on the matter is not helping either.


Also, make sure that any setting pertaining to Ray Tracing is off.

Performance is truly abysmal after this latest patch. (i9-13900k, 4090). Constant crashing. Tried safe mode, reinstalling, playing on lower settings. Absolutely nothing works to get an ounce of stability. No response from Blizzard?

Yeah, i’d like to bump this, there is constant disconnects for me since the hotfix D;

same… just got to WT3 HC Barb lvl 50. Died in my first helltide, i’ll try the game again next season.

yeah i saw this , but the compatibility mode was never check in the first place for me, i had never this problem before it’s since the patch

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Same issues here for the last couple of days. Set all graphic options to minimum and still it crashes all the time while teleporting, opening inventory, opening options menu, even the loading screen takes several attempts before I even log into the game. At the moment the game is completely unplayable on my PC while all other games and programs are running smootly so this should definitely be D4 issue after the last patch. Please Blizzard work on the patch seriously before you loose all dedicated players!

I am getting frustrated that there is no response from blizz yet… can’t play since two days now.


Did you check your Windows Update? That’s where my Logitech issue was stemming from. You obviously have drivers for your devices installed to make them work, you don’t need the software sure. But windows was trying to update them automatically which is where my BSOD crashes were stemming from.

same, does no one at blizzard play test the damn thing? how does this even get past QA?

I played the start of Season 4 for hours without any issues on Tuesday. I also played Wednesday without issue. Didn’t play Thursday , but tried playing yesterday and this morning and crashed 12+ times within 2 minutes of entering the game world. The time it takes to crash is consistent and I’ve checked everything from drivers to repairing to graphic settings etc - none of them work. This seems to narrow things down (for me at least) to the latest patch dropped on Thursday with the removal of frame generation. Something within this patch is causing even more issues than prior to it. I don’t even get an error when crashing. Just a solid freeze for 5 seconds, then the game closes out and I’m at my desktop. Please consider rolling back a patch if you cannot find a fix.


same here. Everything was fine until that last “hotfix” that came out and all of a sudden the game freezes after 2-5 minutes of running. Tried everything but no luck.

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First time writing anything on Diablo forums, played hours on season start but after the patch my gf’s pc has started to shut down after a couple of minutes and I have to hit the powerbutton to start the PC once again, I assume it’s the patch that got released a couple days ago.

EDIT 1: If it worked for you, do not exit the game once you’re done, else you’re doomed again… sigh…

Guys you should try this from DollarBill (give him kudos if it worked for you, worked for me so far)


I got mine to run.

  1. before your character loads at the first screen, hit escape a bunch of times to get the menu open.
  2. if you get the menu open, it won’t freeze loading your character.
  3. I hit start game and it just sits for a while and then returns to character select screen.
  4. I start game again and everything is completely fine.


Kudos to you! Worked for me as well, now I’ll try later again tonight if freezing reoccurs.

Mind you, once option windows appeared, I disabled cross-play just in case, not sure if it helped.

Now from time to time the game freeze a bit, but it’s on the verge of manageable until they fix their hotfix with a new hotfix… (Blizz, if it ain’t broken, DON’T FIX IT!)

*the Esc is just between going to Character Select, I pressed about 4-5 times for the Options to open. Good luck!

USA EAST. Played all day on release and got to 100 not alot of issues except the occasional freeze for 5-15 seconds when opening inventory. Came home on thursday and couldnt get on. Can open character select and look at shop, but once i click star game it times out and sometimes i can get in if i try again. Once in game, anything that does invetory or portaling just freezes and crashes usually. Unplayable! how is there not a fix? Is it software?Hardware? I downloaded all recent windows updates, GPU, peripherals, everythiing… I even tried turning firewall off.

MY rig ;
i5 8600K


So many people with completely different computers with the same problem

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Nothing woks for me. Game crashes as soon as I get to character selection -.-

Ryzen 5 3600
16Gb Ram

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I’m not sure what is causing it to crash so easily for so many. I keep testing, but it keeps working. Played again for a couple hours tonight.

Not sure what to suggest at this point. I had some performance issues after they disabled frame gen (frame gen wasn’t causing me any problems to start with) so I had to tweak the Ray Tracing to compensate, but aside from that, been playing perfectly fine.

4080 Super FE, running drivers from that card’s launch date 551.31, i9 12900K, DDR5, 7000MB R/W SSD, Win 11P, 1440p @ 100FPS, smooth as butter.

Played from two different ISPs to test it even. Works fine on Starlink or Brightspeed.

Just posting specs and stuff, I could update my post with full system config details again.

One thing that I still stand by doing is setting the swap file to a FIXED size (min and max set the same) that’s at least 16GB (16384) or 24GB (24576) if you have lower memory or running a GPU with more than 16GB like a 4090.

I do run Logitech keyboard and mouse, I do have G-Hub installed. I did get a logitech update yesterday. But I noticed that my Windows update took a few reboots to get through the updates. It would literally sit there, no status changing on the update progress till after I reboot. So there could be some goofy thing going on with Windows this latest round of updates too.

But after those completed, it still played fine today. So… Again. No idea.

Thanks for your input. On my side, I only have Battlenet and Diablo open (no browser etc) and until their last patch, all was fine as well, I’m lvl 85 now.

Soooo… if all goes pretty well for everyone with different settings… and then when they patch, lots are having issues… the common denominator is easy to find.

But… their lips are sealed… I wonder why is that, since the season 1 they were pretty quick to at least tell us “we see you”

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