Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

I did a clean re-install of my Nvidia driver. Nvidia released an optimized driver for Diablo 2 days ago. Make sure you are updating to that before you play.

At least for me it fixed the freezing issue.


I just tried this and unfortunately did not work for me.

my whole windows securiry is disabled, im not sure its about firewall or etc

Great idea. Updating Nvidia driver to the brand new one, and removing all the beta or server slam files is big too.

The server slam files remained from a few weeks agoā€¦ delete that folder might be messing things up.

Is 531.41 the one you are using?

This is probably the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen, and I have no idea why, but it has to do with the speed of your SSD. If you have a very fast NVME SSD (probably 5000mb/s or more) the game crashes exactly the way you described.
You can:
1- Install on a slower SSD, I have a 970 Evo and it worked.
2- On my faster SSD the solution was: Run a benchmark on CrystalDiskMark, click to Open the game, and the game will open normally. (Remember to switch in the CrystalDiskMark options to NVMe SSD, or it will not work), no need to wait for the benchmark to finish, when the game opens you can already stop it.
3- I did not test this, but some people here reported that Putting it on an external HD/SSD also works (which makes sense because of the lower speed).

It worked every time for me, probably it should work on a HDD too, but I didnā€™t have the patience to wait for such a slow installation.

Iā€™ve the latests NVIDIA drivers, I tried that too, and with more than one old version, its not driver related, is a server problem.

Anyway, hope it help you too.


Actually, looks like thereā€™s a 535.98 Nvidia driver out now. Going to install that to see if it helps.

Correct 535.98 launched two days ago. It has full diablo 4 support.

However the game is launching, just not connecting into a server. For some reason video driver doesnā€™t sound like it could be the problemā€¦ but itā€™s worth a shot for sure.

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I would like to say i did this and it worked right away. I used option 2 which is running the benchmark with Crystaldiscmark

Thanks for letting me know, glad I could help.

Has anyone tried checking their firewall/virus scanner and marking D4 as a safe program. That is the only thing I didnā€™t try and I had to leave for work :expressionless:

Running CrystlDiskMark at start up just let me progress past the login screen for the first time, but then I crashed after settings.

i can confirm that helps. While benchmarking (CrystalDiskMark) you can join into game lmao dumbest error iā€™ve facedā€¦

I put the game on an external disk and it workedā€¦
Blizzard seems to not like high speed NVMe diskā€¦

Slowly making progress (I think).

Run CrystalDiskMark, get passed login screen, fail at preferences
Run CrystalDiskMark, get to character creation screen, fail after creation
Run CrystalDiskMark, get to game load screen, stuck at load screenā€¦

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The game seems to crash on startup when installed on fast drives (nvme pci-x). During betas I had no problem at all. At launch, game crashed on startup (grey screen/stuck at loginā€¦ etc). The only difference was that during betas, I had Diablo IV installed on a sata ssd, and I installed launch version on nvme ssd. I reverted to installing on a slower drive: no more problems. I tested multiple times, and I can reproduce the situation every time I swap slow/fast drive for Diablo IV install.

If you donā€™t have a slower drive, Iā€™m afraid youā€™re out of luck :slightly_frowning_face:

Iā€™m finally playing the game. After a few more crashes, I made sure to turn DisableChromaEffects back to 1 in LocalPrefs and now Iā€™m in. I still had to use CrystalDiskMark on start up, but cancelled it after I was in.

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Tried all of the suggestions here, nothing works. My wife and I are on the exact same hardware. Same install. She is in and playing no issues, I am stuck with this issue. We played open beta and server slam, never saw this issue.

I tried the CrystalMark hack thank you to the ones who suggestedā€¦there must be a correlation between the app slowing the NVMe drives speed enough to trick D4 its an older drive and this lets you get in guaranteed. I have a really old NVMe from 3 years ago and it seems that didnā€™t help it would seem D4 is currently programmmed to recognize 2.5 SSD or HDD that preceded NVMe factors that became a thing.


I tried all the other tips. The crystal HD trick did it for me. Just have to catch it right and that will get you in. WTF Blizzard!? You had plenty of time to optimize for high end PCs.