Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

Same Problem as well, but no solution worked for me yet.

Sam here!! Been trying again and again. Not working still

I am having the same issue, however I played last night for launch and had no issues getting in. This morning I have been trying for over an hour and getting the stuck at logging in, with the music played, but the ring just stops turning. I have tried the repair files, and changing the pref files. The only thing i did differently today was that I did update the nvidia drivers after playing last night, which includes support fo Diablo IV. I am curious if it has anything to do with itā€¦ Try a full blown uninstall and reinstall of game now

I tried reinstalling it and still the same. SMH

Game froze on launch when the full screen blizzard logo shows up. To bypass had to rapid click the screen before the logo shows. Then after being In the Q. The game freezes once again right before it logged in. To bypass the login freeze I held down space bar right when it put me in the Q and didnā€™t let go until after it actually logged me in. Then I was taken to the character class screen and one I picked a class the game tried to load and I was faces with a black screen. I had to reload the game and follow the steps again and this time didnā€™t get the black screenā€¦ This is just another failed pre launch where we spend hours trying to figure out how to access the game instead of playing what we paid so much money for.

I think all these ā€œfixesā€ are actually not fixes in so much as they are just happening to seem like they are fixing things.

I fired up my laptop for the first time last night after playing on the desktop, to see how it handled the game.

First time in, it hung up prior to showing me the gamma adjustment.

I waited a minute. Nothing.

Hit the windows key, right-clicked the taskbar, opened task manager, and while looking at that, it popped up the gamma tool behind it.

Then it played fine after that. I did immediately change graphic settings to prevent the laptop from running higher than 60FPS. But otherwise, it seemed to play fine.

But I didnā€™t play on it long.

Point is, I think the crystal mark thing and other things are just coincidental. Not actual fixes.

Simply alt-tabbing in and out may fix it. Running any other app may fix it.

But since mine isnā€™t doing this, I canā€™t verify it.

Good luck.

Full reinstall didnt work, tried running game in admin mode, didnt work. Now try to move game from Nvme to normal SSD as per some other recommendations i saw

I did see what you were going to post.

But both my systems are running the game on high speed NVMEs just fine.

Moving it to different drives isnā€™t the answer.

But now Iā€™m curious.

For everyone that is having the issue, do we have a common theme across you all?

Put together your system as a list, like this:

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • GPU
  • Drive where game is installed (brand, size type)
  • Windows version
  • GPU Driver version

Lets see if there are any common themes.

Be very specific. Be sure to list model, and things so we have the best info.


It is not a fix because this is a server-side problem, it is just a work around so that you can play the game. Blizzard its the one who needs to fix this problem, not us. Crystal mark slow down your SSD so the game can run properly with the server. At the moment, like it or not, is the ā€œsolutionā€, and yes, is not a fix, you have to do it every time you re open the game.

Hi guys so I was struggling too and tried this and I think it worked . I went into the control panel of nvidia settings and disabled vertical sync where the default is the app to choose to turn it on or off . Also went into the local pref text file and changed v sync to ā€œ0ā€

And your data for this is?

Are you trying to cook peopleā€™s GPU?

The gaming litteraly dying on ā€œconnecting to serverā€?

I donā€™t think that is sufficient enough to be blaming them, when so many others are getting in.

Just because its stuck there, doesnā€™t mean its their end.

It could be a common thread depending on ISP for all we know, or the path your system is taking to get to Blizzard.

Then why else was i able to login 10 minutes after the servers went live yesterday, play for hours without an issue, and now having the logging screen freeze issue today for the past 2 hours?
I literally changed nothing between then and now

I get it.

But turning off Vsync may harm some GPUs, already there have been people talking about bricking their hardware.

Hopefully you at least set a proper frame rate cap.

Oh, 100% I am not turning off V-sync, thats def not the right answer, haha

I agree, i have attempted all these. And it appears the same for me. nothing works. Blizzard needs to identify why users are getting hung up on the logging into Diablo 4ā€¦ part of the login token. the issue should also not result in the entire program hanging and becoming unresponsive either. Also users should be able to alter program settings prior to the login token occuring similar to wow.

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Sorry, replied to the wrong person I thinkā€¦ Thread is moving fast ā€¦ lol

Yea, no worries, i was replying to you saying that its not server side, and what kind of proof, that was my proof point

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