Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

Can’t even get past the blizzard logo

Getting the same problem. Login, get passed the queue screen and then the game freezes or hangs on Logging into Diablo IV… tried all the ideas in this thread but none fixed the issue. Trying a reinstall now not using the high res textures.

Anyone have any suggestions? Blizzard please fix.

Works for me. Thanks.
Also skipping all the cutscenes.

Kept crashing at the logo. I managed to get in once to play for an hour then it crashed again, and now I’m back to logo hell.

I too and having this issue. MSI Laptop w/ 3060, I also did a fresh install and no luck. Any other suggestions? Blizz???

Having the same issue. I was able to get in once earlier. Now I cannot get back in. None of the suggested fixes worked.

Has Blizzard acknowledged this issue yet?

I have tried all of the ideas above and nothing… Any new ideas?

I can confirm that moving the game folder from nvme drive to ssd drive lets me get into the game.

same issue, blue response would be nice…

im bout to try this exact thing and if it works im going to be extremley upset because That a serious game flaw for it not work be working on certain nvmes i shouldn thave compromise my load times to play this game thats outrageous. also a blue post atleast acknowledging our issue with be greatly apreciated

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I had been talking about this for the last few days, and its a potential problem, especially if you participated in beta/slam.

The settings the pref file contains may differ now with the final release. Especially after updating drivers if that was done, since new video drivers dropped in the last 2 days.

Good luck.

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I don’t have a non NVME drive like what the F dude

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Not working for me, it would be nice to get their feedback on it…

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Literally running Crystal Disk Mark fixed all of my issues. Seriously this is stupid.

Ok, quick update, it actually did work… It got frozen after deleting LocalPrefs, but while I was making my coffee it unfroze… So my recommendation, leave it for a while after you delete the LocalPrefs in case it gets frozen

Just renamed my LocalPrefs file LocalPrefsOld and I got through to the brightness setting screen! IM TELLING YA, STILL WORKING!

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facing the exact same issue here, tried everything mentioned and nothing works!

Running the game on an external SSD at the moment.

my only actual drive, an m.2 nmve doesnt work at all.

pref file change doesnt help
crystaldisk whatever doesnt help

copied to external SSD and it worked instantly… wtf is going on

thats really weird i moved it too my other harddrive and it still got stuck on the loading screen wonder why that works for some ppl

Tried all suggestions above, no luck. Game freezes at login.

Had the same issue during the server slam. Running as Admin solved it back then. Does not work now.