Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

I’m glad you brought that up. That fix did NOT work for me.

Ah dang, that’s too bad. That fix actually worked for me after crashing 10+ times in a row. Not sure what’s causing it then.

Does not work for me.

is this fixed already?

Same here, any solution yet?

its a complete joke… I was able to launch the game on the start when servers opened, then took a little nap, trying to launch it again - and now it apparently freezes at the login screen…

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I am having the exact same issues

Can anyone try changing their monitor refresh rate down to 60 hz if it’s higher and see if it solves the issue?

i cant change my refresh rate its only 144hrz

Having the same issue. We all should be able to play the game we bought without excessive load times into the battlenet servers, but at a minimum we should be able to load the game without crashing all the time before even getting to character creation…

stuck on logging into diablo 4, sometimes get stuck on splash screen tried 6 times so far.

same thing here - played beta, and server slam and never had this problem.

Able to launch game fine, get past cutscenes and the login process starts. It hangs at “logging into diablo IV” every time then sits there and force closes itself after some time. I have repeatedly tried to log in over and over and I have only been able to log in 1 time. After logging out after playing 10 min I’ve not been able to connect again. I knew I shouldn’t have logged out after getting lucky enough to get in.

The pre-sale of this and the inability to log in when it early-access was a feature and large driver in the edition is a huge bummer.

Still the same I keep getting stuck in the Blizzard Loading Screen

Yeah no clue why but that CrystalDiskMark thing worked for me too. Currently just have it running in the background

Also no clue why CrystalDiskMark does anything…but it worked for me too. Over 100 crashes in a row. Let this run a couple mins and 3rd try got in and been playing steady since.

OK guys, I moved the game from NVME to SSD drive and it fixed the issue, no more stuck on login screen. Stupid bug… how didnt they catch it

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Im trying this right now. The game crashed for me when selecting my character and i haven’t been able to login again.

If some of you haven’t yet, be sure to remove the Prefs file under Documents\Diablo IV\

That contains the game defaults. If you were running the beta/slam, try removing or renaming that file then try to launch Diablo IV.

See if that helps.

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tried crystaldiskmark and it does nothing, still cant get in

Honestly, it shouldn’t have. Not even sure why it might have in the first place. lol

Haven’t had any issues here though. Played for 4 hours straight. Just taking a break.

For me it goes from queued to logging into diablo iv. The music skips a bit and the circle around the diablo logo freezes. It’ll sit like this for a few mins with the wind rustling sound. I then see the black door zooming in…then I get booted.

Renaming the LocalPrefs to LocalPrefsOld however fixed it. I tried the Chroma disable but that didn’t fix it nor did the crystaldisk.

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