Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

Makes 0 sense why this would impact the ability to get past what is literally a flaw in the spaghetti code blizzard uses for all their games.

I can’t believe this worked thank you

Same issue here as well. Game crashes on Loading Diablo IV.
Me and the missus have mirror images of our PC’s, they are literally identical. Same drivers and there are 0 things that are different between them. I know this as I was the one who both ordered and installed everything on them. However, she can log in and out of the game as she pleases and we both tried logging in at the same time as well. I can’t even get to the character creation screen so this is just a joke and the fact Blizzard has the f’ing audacity to promote micro transactions when what is probably half their community can’t even log in to the game is just incredible. Then again, what should we expect from a game where one of the big honchos said there was never any harassment going on with the company, it was just gaslighting for publicity. 10/10 blizz, you did it again.

I installed it, launched it, then launched Diablo IV.

Everyone saying that using Crystaldiskmark is just sipping on that copium. There’s 0 reason for it to have any impact on whether you crash before the character creation screen as all it does is show you the health of your drives.

Basically, you’re lucky you got in but I can’t see a reason for it to work because you download a tool that does nothing relating to the issue that’s causing us to be unable to access char creation.

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Downloading and installed Crystaldiskmark. Opened it, set options to Nvme and clicked run and it let me in.

…hopefully a real fix comes soon


I can’t believe it. I opened and started CrystalDiskMark, while it started to run, I clicked to start Diablo 4, and I actually got past the crash point. Once past, I turned it off, and I’m now through the prologue.

This makes no damn sense.

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Yep. Same Problem here. Game crashes after Blizzard logo screen, even tried reinstalling. Spent $90 for this. Completely insane.


This actually f*ing worked. Blizzard…what did you DO??

It’s still not working for me. Tried CrystalDiskMark but still got nothing

If you have multiple drives, try moving it to another one. From what I’ve seen, if you use a NVMe drive, it will not work. I had to move it to a normal SSD drive for it to work.

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I had success with CrystalDiskMark while the game is installed on my NVME. For full details, it’s a SK hynix Platinum P41 2TB Gen4 NVME.

I am experiencing the same issue. Freezes on logo. If I quick click past that it tries to login but freezes on logging into Diablo 4. This is very frustrating.

Did you check settings of crysadiskmark and set things to NVMe? Also did you click run at all first and then launch?

I froze the first time but second worked

Tried it all but nothing worked :frowning:

Settings are “Default.” Yes, I clicked “All” then while it started to run, I launched d4.

In full disclosure, I had lots of crashes during server slam, like 3-4 dozen but was able to get the game to run randomly 3-4 times. Crystaldiskmark could be a red herring.

Literally works the 1st time on my slower NvME boot drive, but not on the faster data one. It is some type of race condition with resource loading or driver support issue. Didn’t exist in the beta though.

I got the exact same issue!

Potential fix for crash on startup during D4 logo screen

Go to your Documents folder, in my case C:\Users\admin\OneDrive\Dokumente\Diablo IV, there should be a text file called LocalPrefs.txt in there. Open it and search for DisableChromaEffects “0”, change that to say DisableChromaEffects “1”, save and try running the game.

I found this fix from the beta a few months ago and it actually worked for me. I also clicked my mouse button to skip the intro logo videos.

Same issue here. Game freezes on Login screen and have to shut it down via task manager…