From 90k twitch viewers to 12.5k in less than 30 hours

Well yeah the season is awful and beyond the season, it’s just base game D4. Terrible itemization, boring dungeons with stupid objectives, dumb mat grind to do uber boss, grinding XP for stupid paragon stuff in NM dungeons…

Nothing new. It was bad at launch, it’s still bad now. Take away your weak robot and dumb vault and it’s the same old same old. Pass.

Why you give my mans a thumbs down? It’s not his vault the game sucks.

it’s not my vault he plays hardcore. maybe if he played softcore he wouldn’t go on a palworld bender. dude needs an intervention.

When are people finally going to understand that twitch views don’t matter?

Seriously, they don’t, they never have. Twitch viewers aren’t watching because of the game that’s being played. They’re watching because the person they follow is online or they’re watching for rewards.

People don’t watch Asmongold for example, because he’s playing Diablo 4 or Path of Exile or Last Epoch etc etc. They are watching Asmongold because it’s Asmongold.

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It is the plague, and its as boring to watch as it is to play it

I thought after Season 1 Blizzard had learn that slowing the players down wasnt a good choice

I overestimated them

We need less S1 and S3, and more S2

Alot of the bigger streamers dont care about d4 anymore and are playing most likely palworld lol. They took their audience with them.

The people they follow couldn’t bare to play it anymore and most of all their chats are complaining that they are playing it because its boring to watch.

Launching leaderboards 4 weeks in a season once everyone is max level and BIS gear is oh so clever.
Nice one, Blizzard !

The ladders’ integrity was compromised the second Duriel mats were duped… and they are still being duped en masse. You can buy 50 full sets (or 200 Duriel runs in a rotation group) for a measly 100 mil gold right now. That’s the equivalent of farming bounties for 2-3 hours.

How many K are left now

D4 1 week into season reset 8.7k viewers
POE 2 months into League reset 11.2k viewers



More than that, Recent D4 Twitch TV Bonus’s are not forthcoming lately, Not for what they had in the past anyway

Nice necro. Atleast try to revive a less stupid post next time.


Same stuff different season they will keep complaining none the less.

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I see much the same Trolls responding as usual :unamused: :man_facepalming:

id say the more impressive number is of the 30k steam copies sold there is a 24hr high of 21k on steam. so that retention rate of over 67%. how many copies sold total? over 12mil? 67% retention…hmm.

btw le has 24hr high of 3k players :sob:

diablo killer for sure xD xD

i mean it’s clear to everyone that D4 failed hard already, literally d3 level, wont be any difference at least before expansion.
The main question is how they will try to sell this expansion? Based on what? Even “success” of s4 is not near enough, most likely, we will again see attempts to play on nostalgia for D2 with maximum efforts to hide the fact that this is d3 ressurected.
But maybe we will finally see some new mechanics in expansion? Will it be a really new game? LMAO who knows

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not like this is any of our concerns, but it seems like the season 3 success is already quite enough lol. (and im the one to say i didnt like s3 too much)


ya the trolls cant handle facts