From 90k twitch viewers to 12.5k in less than 30 hours

well there is a limited amount of users who watch twitch, and the hype is all about palworld right now, once that game crashes and burns, the rest of the games (like dota 2, counterstrike) will regain their viewership

happens all the time, dota 2 and counterstrike have been on top of twitch past 10 years

its just palworld stealing viewers

edit: there’s also “Enshrouded” Which seems to be new, if you look at steam charts, its another hype, that game will crash and burn too, which is also stealing viewers

If you look at Enshrouded and Palworld, literally none of the largest streamers in those categories barring Shroud seem like people who play games like Dota 2 and Counter-Strike 2, so I think this is highly unlikely.

you can ask anyone who watches twitch, dota 2 and cs are usually on top (me personally I don’t watch fps/moba games), but it could also be lack of tournaments, if a tournament appears, it will be #1 game, beating even GTA

“why is GTA famous if its not competitive” because its similar to “irl” which means its like watching reality tv, that’s the only exception, people like to watch entertaining personalities instead of tv (well those who watch GTA)"

shroud is usually a fps guy… but he switches around whenever a game releases (because people pay him to hype games) and then he ditches them once contract is over

Do I care? I will try the game myself. And so far, I like it. And it doesnt matter if it’s popular on Twitch. What’s more important to me is that I am having a blast.

More likely, the game you like is horrible to me. So I really dont care.

Weird that some people dismiss this like D4 isn’t in a bad place. Twitch streams are just one metric, but you’d have to have your head in the sand to not realize D4 is in a really bad place compared to where it should be.

It’s a brand new game from an extremely popular franchise and it has a pathetic amount of players and attention that does NOT match its potential. Blizzard is failing this franchise currently, just as they’re failing Overwatch. There are tons of people who want to want to play these games because they love the IP and Blizzard is just doing a terrible job with them.

Blizzard isn’t giving out cosmetics to subscribers because “it doesn’t matter”. Influencers are a significant part of every major studios marketing these days.

I don’t think you know what “significant” means. Reskinning a single cosmetic at virtually no cost and only promoting it on Twitter is not significant by a wide margin.

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especially considering that mount took like… idk, 1 minute to do ^^

I’m surprised it took them this long.

“People who like watching others play video games prefer watching people play POE and not D4.”


And in other news that don’t matter…

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One of the hardcore blizz fanboys here…

This season sucks and ill be quitting it the moment i get the mogs unlocked.

Currently hovering around 11k, only a couple of streamers are holding this above 10k.

Diablo 4 steam charts falling fast and hard as well. Peaked at 13.7k but is now down to 6k and looks to be falling into danger low territory.

Last Epoch at 3k
Grim Dawn at 2k
PoE at 29k

Diablo 4 is an incredibly boring game to watch tho.

So people join in for a day to see the new stuff and then they leave.

Hot take but I don’t think how many people watch someone else play a game is a valid metric of anything.

Never mind how absolutely trivial it is to get “viewer count” inflated by embedding streams, bots, etc.

Amount of accessibility in a game also drives how much interest there is to see the inaccessible parts.

I think POE is a vastly superior game to D4. I’ve spent more time in D4 than POE since D4 launched. I’ve watched more POE than D4 on twitch to see the league mechanics. I’ve spent more money on D4 than POE since D4 launched.

Palworld is #3 right now. This is because there is some interest in seeing what people who play way more than I will progress.

The last D4 stream I watched was seeing someone farm hundreds of uber duriel kills, because I’ll never do that. Since then, why would I watch it? I can do anything anyone else does. Might take me longer, but it’s basically the same thing except the graphics from a class I’m not playing. I saw first hand what a rough drop rate was for uber uniques. ho boy

The last few D3 seasons have been the best seasons the game has put out. I watched 0 of it, because again, I could just play it. And those viewer counts were past D4s a few times.

If youtube content/time spent talking about any given game was a metric people threw around, you’d see those numbers magically inflate based on the same shill/bot idea.

Some of my favorite games to play right now have 0 viewers on twitch. means nothing

Also, it’s a bit ironic that people chide large corporate game studios for being so soulless and metric oriented for their game decisions, but then throw out twitch statistics as “proof” of how the product is bad. Do you want them to chase twitch viewers or nah?

This idea that good game = lots of twitch streams is just false. Companies chasing the “free PR” that twitch offers is a huge factor in why the industry is what it is right now.

Guarantee Last Epoch will have a huge spike at launch, but I’ve been playing it for years and it’s mediocre at best with some nice innovations. They have a budget allocated RIGHT NOW planning for the media blitz of twitch streams and “game reviews” on youtube that simple folk will think are proof of it really being the hot new thing. Where are they now? Not playing Last Epoch, that’s for sure.

The paperwork is going through as I type this for Your Favorite “Creator” to allocate X hours of programming to ChEcKiNg It OuT.

You’re gonna hear how amazing the trading and crafting systems are, ooh, ahh. Woahhhhh broooooo that gridding on the totems and relics for stats wooaoooooo.

But not the “hey this story progression is awful and when you get to the endgame have fun with that train wreck.”

So, I mean, do you like that? Or would you prefer that they spend those resources on, you know, the game?

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LE is mediocre for $35 and is still better than D4.

Who cares about twitch viewers. Seriously grow up.

Maybe if blizzard offered a new “give subs, get Diablo items” deal every day, the numbers wouldn’t fluctuate so much?

It’s no surprise numbers dropped once streamers milked what they could from the 2 sub horse deal.

nothing to watch right now except people losing their patience (fun in small quantities)

When The Gauntlet launches, and viewers are lower than now, that’s a problem.

Twitch is a surrogate for game activity.

If you can’t accept this clear correlation, you need help.

Sure it’s not accurate, but it is an indirect kpi for the industry.

key performance indicator.