Fractured Winterglass 3.0 🥶

This is my proposed fix for Fractured Winterglass which is at Tier SS levels of meme godhood power because of spear build which shouldnt exist with this item. ITs a FO item. This item is not named Fractured SPEARglass.

Current Winterglass 2.0 version
Casting Frozen Orb has a 35 - 65% chance to spawn a random Conjuration when it explodes. Lucky Hit: Your Conjurations have up to a 50-90% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at Nearby enemies.

57 - 75% Non-Physical Damage
13 - 17.5% Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice
Conjuration Cooldowns are Reduced by 0.1 - 0.3 Seconds when a Frozen Orb Explodes
3 - 4 to Conjuration Mastery (edit to 3-4 its not 5)

NEW Winterglass 3.0
Casting Frozen Orb has a 35 - 65% chance to spawn a random Conjuration when it explodes. Lucky Hit: Your Conjurations have up to a 50-90% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at Nearby enemies.

57 - 75% Non-Physical Damage
13 - 17.5% Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice
Frost skill Cooldowns are Reduced by 0.1 - 0.2 Seconds when a Frozen Orb Explodes
(Ice blade has a 6 limit on it already. This makes this item make sense now as it now helps you cast frost nova and deep freeze and keep up 6 blades.)
3 - 4 to Conjuration Mastery

This is a FO item. IT should be designed for frost.

Thoughts on this simple redesign and fix?


Wouldn’t worry about it as the expansion is in less than two months. Everything will change. We’ll probably see new systems, new items, new bugs. Who knows what the meta will be when the expansion hits or what class(es) will be OP.

Oh sure we can speculate all we want, but we don’t have any information other than what they’ve given us. At this point just enjoy the OPness that is Sorc if that is your choice, and have fun until the expansion hits. Meanwhile I’ll be enjoying my Iggimancer.


And ull be ingnored the Item is Fine , Get lost with your idiotic ideas please


Yikes, another cringe easy mode main! How pathetic and sad…

I cant tell if your referring to me or the OP
Im just tired of the OP thinking hes a dev and coming up with these idiotic posts of change this please. hes not a dev and needs to stop acting like one .If he was the dev in charge of itemisation . nobody would play cause the game would be trashville x 10

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God, watching Sorcs get nerfed into the ground after listening to you all celebrate Barb getting nerfed out of the game is gonna feel soooooo good, like you don’t even know man.

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IF you are at the point you celebrate the suffering in others, then you have crossed over from the hero to the villian just like was said in batman.

I dont and never wanted barbs to suck and have said that. You shouldnt want sorcs to suck either. LEts all aim for balance and fun for everyone on every build.


Well screw it, call Season 5 PTR my Villain Arc then. They ruined my favourite class in the game, probably forever. Why should they get spared?

Barbs were OP AF for like 3 seasons strait and you watch rob his barb still hits for Billions so it was hardly a barbs unplayable NERF . So hasnt seen the light of day really since realease


Crazy how Rob ditched Barb for Sorc in Season 5 then, huh? If Barb still hits for Billions so well, why would he do that?

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Winterglass not the problem. Orb and lightning spear do no damage. It is the aspect that is doing all the damage.
There plenty of good builds doing the same thing without frost orb or winterglass. Winterglass just the one that is fun.


Well Unbridled Rage, Walking Arsenal, Unconstrained and the Rumble Glyph weren’t the problem with Barbs last season and GUESS WHAT:
They all got nerfed so hard you can’t even use them at all anymore.

So why should Sorc be different, again?

An aspect which does 2k damage is the issue?

I dont think so unless its bugged and does 100x damage.

ITs winterglass. Its obviously winterglass. I have a chain / spear hybrid build not with winterglass and its nowhere close to as good.

Its 100% winterglass. The conjure mastery scales the damage super high and spear basically has no 0 CD with orb build.

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Cause he plays the meta, Barb still hits hard though its not unplayable stop crying

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He played Barb in Season 1, when they were far from meta. He’s a Barb fanboy, something he admitted on multiple occasions.
He’s not playing Barb anymore in Season 5. It says a lot.


Its not bugged. Read the rest of that aspects effects SCALES WITH CRIT DAMAGE!!!
Why you think every build has it on a 2 hander. Because it IS the damage of the build. Everything else is basically focused to cooldown your super teleport and lightning spear.
Oh and quit with the false “bugged” claims. Season 2 LB was bugged my biggest pet peeve. It was not bugged it did exactly what it said it did Blizzard just never denied it because being bugged is better than admitting they made such a simple mistake in the scaling with attack speed.

I think the root problem is not the item itself but the fact that Ice Blades apply cooldown reduction, which feeds into the Ice Blades enchant which summons another Ice Blade based on cooldowns used. Throw in massive attack speed from Unstable Currents and just attack speed stacking in general and it’s a very strong feedback loop.

Blizard devs literally said it was bugged and we put that to rest on BL. Dont make me find it and link it! Too Late I did. Notice how it has the word Bug right in the notes.

BL confirmed bugged by Devs (Apologies requested) - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

More proof was bug fix. Thx Phatty:

I have a zillion crit damage as well and while my spear performs well its not broken because I dont run winterglass. ITs winterglass that breaks this build not spear aspect.


why people want to break fun builds? this build is not way out of line, its just a tuns of fun. wish every build was like that. PS: is not braking the game so it shouldn’t be nerfed.

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Friend Uzra, check that aspect again and think about what dmg it is doing with 1600%+ crit dmg modifier.