Fix Diablo 4, you're a dev now

Honestly, if they let a team of actual players, not Devs, or anyone currently affiliated with blizzard make changes to this game…if would immediately be fixed. I 100% believe that. Problem is they have people that dont play the game making decisions. It’s the same for pretty much every standard job, career, profession, military leadership, etc…people at the top who have no clue make the decisions for people on the bottom LOL.

If these forums are any indication, we will not be getting any creative maps.

Also, to add specifically on top of that

Balance changes are most likely and most often based specifically (if not solely) based on data, not on personal first hand experience and/or eye test on things… :thinking:

That’s why things have to fall behind quite a bit before getting some love, or vice versa, having a greater amount of pool of “broken” overperformings in order to be addressed with…

in my opinion, it is impossible to talk about any serious changes in the game, because d4 needs changes here and now, which could give more time for really serious changes in the futeure for core mechanics. content, etc. of things. Because it’s already too late.

Well of course not. That would be fun and innovative.

Instead we will get more legendary affixes that no one cares about. Maybe well get sets! Imagine that. Sets! How ambitious.

The game is a very mid game with a mid foundation. It will take a sweeping overhaul like d3 had with RoS to put meat on those bones and fix its fundamental problems.

No season fixes this game up to anything over a 7/10 game.

They probably removed sets and runewords from the base game to use as a bare minimum seasonal mechanic in the future.

Its been reported that they ran out of time and had to cut all that content which would have provided itemization depth to the endgame. Not joking.

Sets specifically might be a different story, since many diablo fans felt that d3 shoe horned players into a small pool of voable gear.

Well imho D3 never got good. It was still a very mediocre game. It is objectively difficult to argue with this, taking into account online and the duration of lifeteme of the seasons.
And honestly i think that D4 foundation is not even mid, but rotten. To put it bluntly, d4 foundation = d3 foundation. And idk how you can make good ARPG with D3 foundation. For me it seems impossible, but i am not game designer or developer, so maybe they will solve this issue.

Your opinion is not objective. Dont be so self aggrandizing

D3 is a flavor of game that does not appeal to many. It is also a flavor of game that does appeal to many.

Its edgey nonsense to say D4 is bad because its D3. Thats categorically untrue.

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What is not objective with 5k online when 60m copies sold? D3 seasons and online was a failure, a huge one.

neverwinter online had that. it sounded a lot cooler than it ended up being ngl.
everything in that mode was subpar in quality/immersion.

i do have fond memories of custom SC:BW games though :slight_smile:


  1. Redesign entire character database. Use WoW as a template. Make it a 6 player game.
  2. Redesign entire item database. Use D2 stats except attack rating.
  3. Redesign world mobs and resources. Again use WoW as a reference. Hate to say it but game runs smooth with 20 characters pulling 30 mobs. Use zone seemless zone technology and seemless portals.
  4. Dungeons are redesigned to use the seemless tech wear you just walk in to the dungeon. The dungeons are iconic places from Diablo lore and have references to great objects of power.

Create starter zones for each class. We don’t just show up at a cults doorstep to do a cliche quest.

Act 1. Single player journey. Explains the stats and the lore of the character. Maybe the rogues is in the city, doing roguish things. Comes across a PLAYABLE scenario where the rogue’s town is destroyed by demons. The rogues loses their entire guild and seeks vengeance. An angel of any type swoops down and tells the rogues its powers will begin to grow rapidly. Off we go to act 1. Add 4 more scenarios for all classes. Introduce the player to 5 mercenaries.

Act 2 - 5. Completely players’ choice. Introduction to the plights of each zone. Each zone has a figure head and tells the tale of how its people are being affected by a Lilith’s rise to power. The player embarks on PLAYABLE scenarios toward each waypoint. Scenarios like maybe a covered wagon ride through the fractured peaks, a fight to get in to the castle and kill the baddies. Lots of snow covered PLAYABLE adventures leading to a climax ultimate showdown with an area boss.

Tier 2. In the capstone dungeon the world is forever changed by the events. The world changes. The ice in fractured peaks begins to melt. A river cuts off old zones and a new boss has taken over. Howezar has been covered by plague. Very large serpents are roaming the area and will kill anyone they see. The desert sun has turned black, bugs have starting to take over the world. They are dragging people underground and have swallowed old cities. Skosglen has been taken over by werewolves. A packleader has risen. Random werewolf attacks on towns. PLAYTHROUGH areas have developed where the hero has to save areas from demons. The goal to beat the area, reach the other side and kill a boss.

T3. After the next capstone. Fractured peaks has erupted. Diablo has been seen running over villages near a river of flame. Hell emerges and is in the background and accessible through instant portals to move you through the plains. Howezar has been destroyed by plague. The towns are filled with ghosts. Andariel is in the overworld events. A great canyon has opened up in the desert and an old ancient series of catacombs lie within. Duriel is in the area commanding demons to do his bidding. Skosglen is now engulfed in a thunderous typhoon. Wind physics are ripping up the land. Mephisto has manifested on the sea. Secret areas have opened in playable scenarios.

T4. After the next capstone. Heaven and Hell collides with sanctuary. The entire map is merged. Baal, Mathial, Azmodan and his legions have strongholds. Mephisto has returned. The world has very little left of its former shape.

Expansion. The bodies of the three primes have formed Tethamet. And he has resurrected echoes of the prime and lesser evils on a new land…


it never appeal to many, and D3 online shows it

The game is 12 years old and wasnt a live service game.

Old games have small but loyal followings. Thats not a diablo 3 thing.

Some didnt like d3. Some did. Some d4 players went BACK to d3.

D4 is nothing like D3. D4s problems are all its own. The 2 games dont play anything similar to each other.

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Diminishing returns on players getting hit by cc.
Full duration, half duration, then just enough to disrupt your movement and keep you clicking. Make you feel like fighting for your life is going to pay off without giving you a reward (unstoppable) for not avoiding the initial stun.
Some people need to accept that they’re the idiot who got stunned in the first place and deserve the death, but you should always have the opportunity to fight your way out.

It is helpful though.
If you dont have experience with the game, your opinion is less informed, and less valuable.

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Problem is that it creates a problematic bias in the survey data. If someone quits because they are dissatisfied with the game, and is then told their opinion doesn’t matter because they dont play, now their feedback doesnt get captured and the only customers with a voice are the happy ones.

You cant do that.

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Like it or not but core D4 mechanics are totally D3 like.

Borrowed power = sets in D3/aspects in D4.
Itemization was 2/4 now is basically 0/4
Resouse generator mechanic
Skill tree basically rune system and talents from D3 scretched into “pseudo” tree.

I won’t even talk about similiar mechancis as tree of whispers aka bounties and etc cuz its doesn’t matter

But core mechancis are completly the same. You should be blind not to see it or you should have 0 ARPG experience outside of D3. And you can’t build good ARPG around those core mechanics. If you tell me how for example you can build good itemizatition around borrowed powers I’d love to hear it. But i tell you in advance that it is impossible.

Game pacing and etc - they can easily change this(and it will be D3 with trillions of damage, free respec and etc things), but they can’t change core mechanics without huge updates.

You are wrong. Go play D3 and come back.

D4 and D3 are not the same game. They are not even on the same planet.

You are doing mental gymnastics to justify parroting something edgy you read on these forums.

Calling itemization “borrowed power” is the laziest stupidest thing ive ever heard. D2s rune words are borrowed power then genius.