Fix Diablo 4, you're a dev now

hell no i won’t play this crap anymore.

But jokes aside you have 0 arguments outside “You are wrong”

Calling itemization “borrowed power” is the laziest stupidest thing ive ever heard. D2s rune words are borrowed power then genius.

You dont know what ur talking about.

D4 and D3 are polar opposites.

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Yeah, one game had Diablo in it.

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LMAO 0 ARPG experience, there was 0 runewords in D2 that changed your BASE skill and add to them some crap as x2 Hydras and etc. Outside of Mosaic which D3 genius devs added.

D3 fanboys ROFL

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Are u dumb or is u stupid. Enigma literally gave u teleport and was a mandatory item.

Literally the definition of borrowed power

LMAO do you even know what mandatory mean? What content in D2 you couldn’t do w/o enigma? D3 clown answer me please :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

And than answer me what content can you DO without your 50000% sets.

+1 D3 clown fanboy in ignore list. So stupid guys, literally 0 point to argue with them.

Mr objectively right doesnt even know that enigma is a mandatory runeword in jusst about every build for d2 but wants to talk about D4 and D3 being the same game because of “borrowed power”.

Your ignore list is the best thing that could happen to anyone. You are an idiot.

Easy 1 week is a bit much -_^.

First no more Uber uniques.
Second level cap increased to 200.
Third uniques can drop as Etheral with 100% increase in power.
Fourth fix stats on all uniques to make them more desirable.

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  1. More zoom out camera (the camera when you are at tree of whisper should be standard)
  2. balance of NMD, better power reward instead of simple “10% damage of X element”
  3. Tree of Whisper buff XP and Item reward
  4. Side quests buff XP and rewards
  5. reroll affix cost gold lower down
  6. horse collision and cooldown fix
  7. season blessing buff reward XP or rollback game xp to previous buff bonus “3 lvl higher 25% bonus xp”
  8. better item power scaling with high tier NMD, no more sacred itens on Tier 4
  9. filter loot
  10. remove some affix like:
    -“damage reduction/increase to distant or close enemies”
    -“Life on Kill”
    -“Basic Skill Attack Speed”
    -“Healing Received”
    -" Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently"
  11. fix resistance
  12. less CC from mobs
  13. less death effects explosions from mobs
  14. teleport to a friend right from the PT menu like it was on D3
  15. helltide drops cinder buff, better density mobs, more bosses between mobs packs, like real “hell” should be…

its a start :slight_smile:


80+ unique items
all the d2 and d3 classes added
map areas to feel different from each other as you travel around
the necromancer to not sound like he is taking a giant dump when casting spells
better music
secret levels and end game
Find a party menu


Pretty solid ideas right here.

I have to believe that the devs have a lot of these things on a shortlist of things to work on.

Thanks for your input, but why would you remove “Life on Kill”?

Bro the beginning of the game had such an awesome sound track. I wish they had kept that momentum going!

I already got the money from the stupid playerbase…Ahmmm from selling the Game^^

Already made a profit…

I put in charge unexperienced employers with minimum wage… More profit

I charge every season Battle pass …Add an extra premium Battle pass for more items = More Profit…

Chilling out with a lot of Hookers while the player base cry out that the game need to become better …need to fix things bla bla bla… I don’t care since already 6 digit payment every month just to make profit from stupD pPL

Of course every season we will add a new quest and ofcourse a new skin monster for you to fight…

Don’t worry !!! is going to fix >>> Just buy cosmetic and battle pass


i know right? The problem is D2 music was exceptional…

It’s funny because this seems like the trolliest one… but honestly is also the most likely.

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i could be wrong but i dont really see utility to it, healing potion drops are everywhere on this game, its almost having infinite potion healing, so…

ALL of which are useful… Sorry but no, attrition matters, and so does resource generation… Don’t need another “BiS affix” game and have people run same things all the time and call it a day

The real problem is why those aren’t useful (albeit I’d argue some of them are tbh) in late game also

I agree with this one its pretty dumb just running around to avoid the death effects all over the screen when they are already dead lol

  1. Create a working quest journal, where also done quests can be viewed.
  2. Ensure that all side quests are solveable (I am lacking 2 in FP, an item probably doesn’t spawn for my main char necro, since my alt sorcerer for some time had it in his inventory).
  3. Change the monster roster for most areas, make them more sensible. The motto appears to be “more is more” now, which results in some quite strange combos of monsters. E.g., in a cave with mostly wildlife like bears and such it appears quite strange when suddenly a banshee appears, or a wildwood or-whats-it-called. This appears to be have been more thought through in all D games before D4.
  4. Change some of the events into once-only quests, and make for more variations on the collect animus and retrieve stone tablets to open doors and so on… (or even subsitute them with something else). Too many events and quests are being repeated over and over, which takes away quite a lot of immersion for my part.
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