Fix Diablo 4, you're a dev now

Lol this is a big one. I’ve been told I don’t even play the game and it turns out I have more time in the game than they do.

Wow I think they’re already doing this.

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Open the cow level.


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I could post a list of patch notes I’d like to see in terms of actual development would take quite a bit :slight_smile:

OK, so here we go the most obvious ones at first:

  • Control impaired reduction (slow reduction) => remove completely, totally useless, and if it isn’t (by some chance, let’s assume PvP) then there are better ways to do it
    ** Overpower removes control impairment and slow
    ** Barrier activation removes control impairment and slow
    ** Activating a CD removes control impairment and slow
    ** Evade removes control impairment and slow (on Boots, if need be)

  • Then there are things like:
    ** Overpower damage, Damage vs CC - increase them, don’t care if a 2H has to have 160% Overpower damage increase, just make it work similarly in actual outcome compared to other builds… I mean giving Crit to Hellhammer is just a proof of laziness and nothing else… Could’ve easily been something like LH - 40% chance to execute injured targets that are burning (done)
    ** Disable critical hits against Vulnerable target… OR if wanna have them both then significantly reduce it’s applicability (vs non-healthy or vs impaired only, something along those lines)… Especially remove the possibility to apply Vulnerable to “masses”, but still the easier way to fix that would be to disable Crits vs Vulnerable, perhaps “store” it for when the Vuln. ends, and that’s about it
    ** Lucky hit - no LH effect should have a proc rate below 10%, period… Did a total LH build on my Sorc (41% LH + 16% under Barrier - almost no effect) and the reason being is because the effect itself is super low on % (8% chance to proc a Meteor)
    ** Never ever combine LH with Crit, like “LH, Critical hit has a
    % chance” - no no no, a BIG NO, in order to do that one has to “invest” into both those things
    ** Affixes and stats that roll too low: Crackling energy has 18% damage increased, really ?, how about 50-75% or something ?, to actually make it feel worth taking… Damage increased based on Resource 10-20% ?, how about make it 25-35% or something, so that actually feels impactful when someone hurls something on high resources ?
    ** Damage % against slowed/burning WHILE having an active Barrier, or while healthy… 15% ?, how about make that 50 ?, I mean, if it’s a double-conditional should be 35% at the very minimum at least
    ** One “note” I have for a particular skill (or affix at least)… Make Ball Lightning zap increased damage when hitting same target consecutively (if OP vs bosses perhaps cap that but would be really good to reward good planning of casting it at the right place & time), there are a few more skills of the kind for other less/er used skills but not sure how to improve cause haven’t played them (yet) to be more certain about it
    ** Alternate some inherent rolls for some item slots… Not every mace has to roll Overpower damage, make some roll Damage vs Stunned or sth… Same with Focus - not everything has to be a CDR, give us a % elemental damage (such as 15% overtime damage for ex.), or heck even RCR, or Barrier generation if need be
    ** Damage reduction is too strong and mandatory… Would suggest a “static” roll (based on level) much like the Affixes… Like damage taken reduced by 50… Keep resistances and Armor for the “big” hits and DR would be more useful this way against “many but small” hits
    ** Update tooltips when a Passive or talent node is upgraded (so we don’t have to go to the Tree, use search bar and then hover over 5 other passives until we finally meet “Force of Surge” or whatever it is - stuns also deal bonus lightning damage :P)
    ** Not just QoL but quite mandatory - PRIORITISE TARGETTING closest targets in front, not some Shaman 2 screens away just cause “exact-facing” that way… This is the main reason why Basic-skill/Interact doesn’t work b.t.w., if having a range skill equipped it will prioritise shooting something in the distance instead of what’s right in front of you (pick an item maybe)… This isn’t a MK problem as much but on Controller definitely
    ** Have to play past lvl75 to give an actual feedback of the entire endgame balance/thing but from the looks of it feels like mobs should start being resistant to types of attacks and having some specific defensive specialties as opposed to “even more damage”… Oh, and don’t increase mob density, perhaps increase XP gain provided they get a bit harder to kill
    ** Expand the concept of NMDs, not every “Sygil event” has to be an altered dungeon (NMD), have some Sygils do other things (alter an event, alter a stronghold, respawn terror zone with extra and modified elites, alter a cellar, all the above or spawn a secret encounter, e.t.c.)

Aaand, that’s about it hope it’s not too long of a list :thinking: :slight_smile:

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fix the dry step bug first! fury against fate

I’m not going to waste a bunch of time making out a list of changes I would make, but I would summarize my opinion on the core issue for D4.
I said this back in beta and still feel this way, D4 is stuck between two worlds, that of the single player iteration of D4 and that of a MMO, by trying to appease both crowds they fall short in both categories.
Pick one and double down. Me personally would double down on the MMO side of the road.


Is D4armory working?

I was able to see my profile and that of someone else but recentlly I can not get past the queue.

If I was a dev, I will see the code first, then I will do a list of what it is possible to do, and with their delay and cost :slight_smile:

Uncap paragon, fix the skill level art bug, add burning/glowing effects/auras to armor and weapons, and adding those to wardrobe. Customizing abilities kinda like d3, elements or special graphics etc…

They did have this on Diablo 3’s forums but it didn’t really add anything much to discussions from what I recall. If people just want to make fun of others and be rude that just shuts down conversations.

It’s basically saying to others 'If you don’t meet X standards then you aren’t allowed to have an opinion" which isn’t usually helpful.

Congratulations! You just stepped in a lawsuit.

Welcome to America, where discrimination based on age is illegal.

Stability. If my players can’t play the bloody game all else is irrelevant.

well you could discriminate based on passion :wink: it’ll just “happen” to be younger folks

Ah good ol white collar crime.

Atleast you wont have to pay a competitive or living wage to start up devs.

Sounds like a company I know.


I know dude, I am a software engineer and I wouldn’t hire myself. I am only here for the 120k a year.

Sick, let remove 1 tab. Y’all can deal with only 3 tab… right…

In a year you’ll have time to do a generative AI creating content on the fly.

In all seriousness

The only thing I would add is some significant capstone boss along the levelling process. Maybe have one at every 10 level that scales with Tiers would be very nice to challenge ourselves during the levelling process.

I would also redesign the grim favour as mini hell tides. I really miss the concept of hell tides while levelling a new character.

So not actually fix anything? Just leave everything broken? lol

Gets tedious typing it all out again over and over. But the gist is making rare lateral meta builds like a tesladin or poison necro, etc. Something to work towards even once you’ve completed an end game build.

Also, make differentiated content that can produce better odds of getting certain viable things. Like how cows was good for item bases, or trav and countess were good for runes.

Then make it so specific content is better farmed by various builds and classes. Don’t gimp other builds, just make it so you can create characters that do it very efficiently. Like javazon to cows. That way there’s a motivation to roll alts.

Have a smart loot toggle.

Hire someone who specifically makes interesting items. Right now there is nothing interesting to go after. Need items like turning a sorc to a bear, for instance. Not everything has to be a stat stick or something that reroutes damage.

Look at every item that has the word “but” in it and erase everything after it.


Look this has nothing to do with the problems of the game,

But D4 should have a dungeon builder for people to make dungeons for other people to play. And there should be tools to make things weird.

Yeah no.
You will just get maps that have 20 corpse shooters aimed at you at spawn. Next.

No. You will get a couple people making these maps. Theyll get downvoted and people wont play them. Not really an issue.