Fix Diablo 4, you're a dev now

Not going to touch that with a ten foot pole atm

Pets, like in D3. I miss my little dudes running around, grabbing my gold for me.


Do the right thing and delete the game from existence


I can fix it in 1 hour by tweaking the values. In 1 week I would create a new expansion.


Very first thing I’d do, and I doubt it’d even require a proper developer to do it, is disable cross-play between the PC and consoles, then release a patch unlocking the camera on the PC version.

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Add loot boxes and milk these idiots.

Don’t worry they’ll keep playing the game, coz no standards.


Kind of like having the name DudeBro69.


At least im honest unlike yourself.


Patch day finally arrives after long nights working on saving Diablo:

The forums burn down after everyone realizes they’re suddenly playing an isometric bullet hell roguelike filled with cute characters, like some kind of terrifying Animal Crossing x Diablo x Returnal crossover

Blizzard still sells the next sequel for over a billion dollars in sales thanks to their marketing team.


I can’t wait to see the things people think they will be able to implement in a week. This will be the Dunning-Kruger max confidence no knowledge special.

fix 1 zoom out!
fix 2 make sure talents work and are not buged out!
fix 3 price shop items reasonably
fix 4 bring back the kfc double down /joking


I’m pretty sure I’ll hit some sorta word limit.

  • Design a whole new damage system.

  • Design a whole new dungeon and reward system.

  • Design entirely different passive trees.

  • Design skill system independent of passive system.

I’m already a Dev. Wish I could help this game.


re-hire only based on talent and nothing else, maybe slightly younger folks too for more passion.

it’s a bit late for that anyways heh

just shoot myself because theres no amount of resources or knowledge i could possibly possess that would make me be able to fix this in a week.

honestly, it would be impossible.

its like saying “fix the forest fire issue, you’re a fireman for a week”

like… thats not happening. “fix teen suicide in a week, you’re a psychiatrist for a week!”



Changed to just “you’re a dev now” no time limit

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  • Allow players to add an additional stat to unique items, this stat is re-rollable
  • Triple the amount of unique items, prioritizing uniques in the general pool rather than the class specific pools
  • Up the drop rate of uber uniques so they’re about 10% as likely to drop as other uniques, but make it so you have to be level 90 for them to drop, that chance raises a bit as you get closer to 100 (maxed at 100), and give a boost to the drop rate in NM 100 dungeons or Uber Lilith
  • Build defining uniques (like those of the druid) no longer exist, but their unique abilities are now legendary glyphs on the paragon board
  • Build defining legendary aspects no longer exist and are placed on the paragon board as legendary glyphs
  • Quadruple the amount of legendary aspects, but they’re much more broad/general, so they contribute to build diversity rather than detracting from it by pigeonholing everyone into certain builds
  • Reduce the amount of gold required to reroll item stats by 50%


  • Buff all underperforming skills on each skill tree, half of them get single target damage enhancements, the other half get AOE damage enhancements
  • Abolish all prereqs in every skill tree
  • Take all skills with cooldowns and reduce their effects, damage, and cooldowns by 66.6% (this means all skills with cooldowns only have 33.3% of their current cooldowns, but their damage and effects are reduced by the same amount, so the DPS is the same, but you no longer have long cooldowns. For skills with utility and/or mobility, their effects are reduced by the same amount, for example, teleport’s distance is reduced by 66.6%). This creates a more active playstyle and reduces dependency on CDR from items
  • Reduce the hard cap of 5 for skills, but give exponentially diminishing returns on hard skill points beyond 5
  • Double the volume of active skills, prioritizing underrepresented skill types. For example, agility and grenade skills for the rogue

NOTE: The end game loop is effectively much better already because the item hunt actually exists at this point, but I’d propose further changes:

  • Helltides now spawn random boss encounters from any point in the game, yielding a large, noticeable boost to item drop rate and exp. Even Uber Lilith is capable of spawning here. Imagine the difficulty of this encounter, coupled with the boost to item drops (since she can now drop uber uniques). This would be quite rare, but also amazing and exciting. Everyone in the immediate area would flock there, and with the difficult nature of the encounter, you’d have people in the chat (yes, that exists now) asking for help. This would be a huge deal

  • Whispering chests only reward legendaries. Once you’re level 70, they only reward ancestral legendaries. The likelihood of getting specific legendary aspects scales inversely with their power

  • Dungeons completed for whispering chests default to NM dungeons and you pick the tier before entering the dungeon

  • Uber Lilith now drops a unique item that is only capable of being ancestral

PVP specific end-game

  • The Fields of Hatred is now an instanced area that matches players based on level brackets
  • The armor debuff one receives from fighting higher level opponents no longer applies to PVP
  • The damage reduction specific to PVP is increased from 92% to somewhere around 96% (requires testing)
  • Rewards purchased with Seeds of Hatred now include paragon experience. The rate should be about 10% slower than NM dungeons
  • Team based arena battles
  • Duels
  • 2v2
  • Official leaderboards

Quality of Life

  • Global chat for each shard
  • Shared chat for each zone (shard specific, of course)
  • LFG chat
  • Trading chat
  • PVP chat
  • Fix the stupid horse
  • Stash tabs
  • Legendary aspect inventory tab
  • Gem stash tab

I might end up revising this and adding to it in the future, but this is what I have off the top of my head.

  1. Make is so good gear drops are more common than being eaten by a megalodon.
  2. Make the aspect dungeons drops are random rolls instead of the lowest stats it can be. This way at least you have a good chance to get a decent aspect roll from the dungeon the first time.
  3. Lower the cost of respec.
  4. Fix all the QoL problems - make the town merchants closer together, make our stash closer to the waypoints. Put a stash and blacksmith/jeweler in every town.
  5. Increase mob density in WT1-3.
  6. Fix the resist system
  7. Either zoom out or make monster offscreen NOT SHOOT AND KILL YOU WHEN YOU CAN’T EVEN SEE THEM. It’s like Blizzard originally had a visual distance in mind at the beginning of development then changed it but didn’t change the fact that the monsters off-screen still targets you etc. Either that or it’s optimized for widescreen displays that not everyone has.
  8. Make Nightmare dungeons have more Varity. I’m done collecting animus (sp?), saving prisoners or collecting the stupid musical box (or whatever) just to open a door.
  9. Better item compare and have a keyword filter in your stash to look for gear that you have been saving for quick reference. Also need more stash space of course.
  10. MAKE IT SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO RUN OVER EVERY PILE OF GOLD or MAKE THE PICKUP RADIUS LARGER. I’ve probably lost millions of gold that I’d have to backtrack to pickup instead of advancing forward.
    I can list a bunch more but those are just a few right off the top of my head.

So far the bright ideas are make the game easier.

Lfg system, fix horses, fix helltides back for target farming, revert the open world nerfs that made no sense in the first place, buff NM dungeons back up, revert cdr, add 5 new pinnacle bosses, helltidesl bosses summoned using cinders for a shot at better loot, would say stash tabs and itemization but they would have to do some major fixes from those mess ups and I can probably add a lot more but I’ll stop here

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  1. Build diversity
  2. more capstone and Echo bosses (at least 1 per 5 levels from 75-100 to start with)
  3. more unique items
  4. increase drop rate of uber uniques
  5. add loot tables to Echo bosses
  6. add Runewords to provide a lower RNG pathway to end game items
  7. allow trading of all items but also add a SSF mode.
  8. more storage space
  9. add social features and a group find
  10. make the spell rank intensity and upgrade of skill animations actually work
  11. allow barb and rogue to hide weapons
  12. consider reducing the number of conditional damage affixes and add other affixes in their place
  13. Expand on class skill trees so they provide actual choices and further push build diversity
  14. BALANCE your game!!
  15. WT4+ lower the drop rate but only drop Ancestral items

Bug fixes and stability issues are a given.

That is enough for now.