Lootboxes when?

The only way to spice things up and save this dying game would be the addition of loot boxes.

Both cosmetics and loot in them as well.
Just imagine the fun to be had and the monies you will make along with it.
You know as well as I do, ppl are gonna nom it down.

It will be glorious!!!

They said the shop would NEVER contain anything that could be considered P2W.

So maybe like, season 3?


Dammit, I was hoping like next patch.

I mean there’s no rubberbanding in the store so I thought maybe they liked monies.

Depending on the season theme, We already get a form of pay to win. Some season themes can make your character very op.

Oh, There is rubber banding in the store. You don’t notice it until you try to leave.

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You mean like this?


It was a typo.

I meant to say, add loot boxes to serve the gamers coz they deserve the highest standards.

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Of course. I should have known better.

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will never work and if Blizz would implement loot boxes the game would get a ban in some European country’s where loot boxes are forbidden for games if children have acces to them (Belgium is one of them).

Loot boxes with actual gear not cosmetics is where I’m out honestly. P2W is not my thing.