Fenris and to whom it may concern

One thing I mentioned in a previous post but not to NitroMethane is that my wife and I have exactly the same computer. The first two weeks were nearly unplayable for her because of game crashes, while I had only a couple. Then right when week 2 patch hit things reversed. She rarely crashes now while I crash every time I play. And when she does crash it is not due to Fenris. All my crashes the past couple of days have been due to Fenris. I checked my D4 files and there were 7 different FenrisDebug docs. So what is Fenris and why are there so many error codes and why can’t it be eradicated??? I know some people who offer suggestions are only trying to help but this is strictly a Blizzard issue that needs to be addressed immediately. One year later and Fenris still persists??? Come on are you a triple A company or some cheap startup???


Its your PC, if it was a blizzard issue I’d be crashing too and my game NEVER crashes.


Well, someone else had posted (husband and wife team) that were having the same experience.

Both had similar PCs, but one was crashing, the other wasn’t.

This clearly indicates the problem is not directly with Blizzard (outside of the game being overly sensitive and dramatic when it doesn’t like you) but something to do with how your system is working compared to another in the same house, on the same network, using the same internet.

Its clearly a local issue.

Now, if both of you were experiencing the same exact problems from the same location, then I would be pointing at the internet/network or something as a common cause.

But in your case, its something with the system here.

I would argue that in most of the cases of these problems that people have on the forum its going to be something directly under their control. Now whether its something they can address, be it they have the ability to figure it out or troubleshoot the cause, that’s an entirely different prospect.

Most players want it pretty simple and straightforward:

  • Buy the game.

  • Install the game.

  • Play the game.

  • If it doesn’t work, its the maker’s fault.

That’s the majority line of thinking with things like this.

In your case…

Have you tried to play the game with your account on the other machine? Or theirs on your machine?

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I understand where you are coming from. But what is Fenris??? Why Fenris??? How do you stop it??? There is no support, no answers. So what am I supposed to do? Actually had a good day playing today with no crashes until about a half hour ago. Had 6 Fenris crashes in like 10 min, including right after logging in.

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As far as I know, there are no Fenris debugging tools or ways to decipher the errors. (for us in here at least)

Generally speaking from experience with what I have seen on here, Fenris errors often revolve around some sort of conflict while the game was running.

Now that conflict/error can be caused by a number of things that can be fixed:

Memory problems.

This is the most likely cause. It can be brought on by a physical issue, such as running too fast or overclocked or incorrect speed/timings/voltages. (yes running your memory in XMP mode is overclocking). Memory module could have a physical problem, sometimes resolved by removing and reseating the modules. Or it could be heat related if your system doesn’t breathe well. (dust impeded, bad airflow, obstructions around the motherboard)

GPU issues.

This would be another potential issue. Driver settings, card failures (not enough power, running too hot, going bad, etc) or incorrect system settings for the card. Yes it too can need reseated along with its power cables and that sometimes fixes issues.

Drive problems.

First and foremost, this game requires a decent SSD. I highly recommend NVMe level of speed of at least 3k (3000MB) per second read speeds or faster. But no slower than 500MB read speeds (SATA based SSDs) Hard drives are definitely NOT a good choice here. At best a single HDD drive can operate to bursts of up to 250MB, but sustained activity is capped to a paltry 150MB for a decent speed HDD. SSHD’s are a bit faster, but have a higher fail rate.
Point is, your drive that you run the game from is very critical to the game’s performance.

Power Supply or PSU.

This is the foundation of your system. Your power needs to be stable and have plenty to provide that stable power to your hardware. Most gaming systems require between 500W-1200W or more of power. Any system with a high end CPU and a moderate to high end GPU will need a minimum of 850W or more. Also make sure you are using the correct kinds of cables and all the cables required for your motherboard and GPU. DON’T use piggy back GPU connectors for your GPU. (1 cable with 2 GPU power connectors) Make sure you use a single cable between PSU and GPU for each power connector your GPU has!

CPU potentials.

Regarding 13th and 14th gen CPUs. These are now well known to develop failures due to an internal coding issue with regards to how it requests power from the motherboard and BIOS configurations that allow the CPU to draw the wrong kinds of power that in turn would lead to permanent damage to the CPU. So for those two generations, there is that to keep in mind. But other things can affect any CPU. Such as overclocking or running the CPU out of its specified range. (which is one reason I brought up the 13th/14th Gens) This can also affect AMD CPUs if they are setup to run outside of spec, just like an Intel chip. When in doubt, update your BIOS for your motherboard if you can and reset the CPU settings to Intel or AMD defaults.
Another thing to look for is heat buildup issues. Cooling solutions are pretty vast, but the basics are to make sure your CPU isn’t running at a high level of heat for extended periods. If it is, you need to look into a better cooling solution. And sometimes liquid isn’t the answer. I have found that larger area air cooler towers seem to work best, if you have a case with the room and airflow to support it.

Here is a shortlist of things that have affected the game since launch you can check for to see if they help:

  • intel direct storage (dstorage.dll file in the Diablo IV installation directory) rename or delete it, or better yet, use the custom game settings in Battlenet to add:

  • Crossplay (for both play and communication) disable them.

  • Logitech keyboard/mouse software - try removing or shutting down.

  • Razer keyboard/mouse/headphone software - same.

  • Peripheral Lighting (ChromaEffects) disable this in the game, or by using the method described above.

  • GPU Scheduling - This should be enabled in Windows.

  • nVidia Experience - Specifically regarding the use of gaming profiles. May need to reset/clear the profile, or potentially do a driver install using the clean install check mark option.

  • Windows Graphic Settings - There are specific graphic settings in Windows for games. Same section as the GPU Scheduling. Use High Performance (Your Video card Model)

  • CPU Affinity - You can set the Affinity of the game to a specific core (or cores) of the CPU. This is done via the task manager under details by right-clicking the EXE of the game while it is running. It has to be done manually each time its launched.

  • Swap File Size - This refers to swap memory settings. Setting the swap file to a custom size can help the system performance and prevent out-of-memory issues. Minimum suggested setting is 16GB (16384MB) for minimum and maximum size (set both to the same value). Go here to get details on how to do this:
    -Diablo IV has run out of memory - #103 by DTMAce-1687

  • Previous or earlier driver - Essentially either revert or remove and install an older version of the card driver. Instructions and driver removal tool can be found here:
    For nVidia users, I recommend using driver versions 552.22 or 552.44 Game Ready Versions.

  • Ray Tracing - Disable RT for now in your game.

  • Scan/Repair - Do a scan and repair of your game installation.

  • Network - This game can be problematic on some WiFi network system cards. Whenever possible always try to play from a hardwire connection. Wireless networking can muck up connection reliability and cause ping spikes, drops, or other problems.

  • Compatibility Mode - This happens occasionally. You open the installation folder, right click-properties the game EXE file, and make sure its not set to run in compatibility mode. Same for the Battlenet Launcher.

  • Clean installation - This game uses a custom CASC file system (within its data files). As the game is patched and updated, this system can fragment. Occasionally its a good idea to fully delete the game folder and re-install the game to fix that fragmentation.

  • Interfering programs - You may need to review running programs that are active at the same time as the game. One could be causing some issues simply by running while playing. You can eliminate programs by shutting them down and running the game while they are not in use.

Thanks for the list but there are many other evidences why it may not be “only local” … like:

  • my computer is working fine with everything but Diablo and Diablo is having problems with the same setup (both hardware and activity-related) on some occasions, not on others, whatever we do in your long list, the fact that it works for yours is no indication it works fine in general. It also did for me several months , until it no longer did and nothiog has changed on my computer.
  • the game is rigged with bugs, displaying functionalities, affixes, that in fact do not do what they are supposed to, the list increasing, so would not be surprised that there a few bugs there, too …

Blizzard may need to a make also a list with all that could go wrong on Diablo side, too, maybe there is something there, hum …

Many times it feels like Blizzard has got the 80/20 rule wrong: you are supposed to have 80% right and 20% wrong, not the other way around…

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I call BS on that one.

  • You never get updates?

  • You never install any software, ever?

  • You never do anything to your system, like ever?


No argument here.

Let me bottom line this for you, since I cannot seem to make it clear enough:

I agree the game has some inconsistencies with how it performs system to system. And I also agree the game is very fussy, touchy, and extremely dependent on a good internet connection.

That doesn’t excuse the possibility of something needing adjustment at the user end. Now whether we need to be making those adjustments I will also agree shouldn’t be needed as much as it seems we do.

But there again, since we have NO replies, support, notes, suggestions, fixes, etc coming from Blizzard, what are we to do, but come up with our own at this point?

I say, you need to speak up, with your wallet if need be. Not happy and don’t want to jump through hoops to get it working well, then tell them to pound sand.

Or wait it out and HOPE they eventually get this monstrosity tuned well enough to not require so much tinkering to get it to work well on various hardware and software builds/configs and not be so damn touchy about… Well… Anything.


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We are in agreement, I, like many others have already raised the issue, tried everything I can do on my end (thanks to all players providing some solutions), outside buying a new computer (mine is already meeting Blizzard’s specs, so whats the point ?) or changing my internet provider (which I will do in the near future).

I’ll keep on checking the game, and new solutions, as I like it. And until this is fixed I won’t be buying anything anymore from Blizzard.

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I did a quick google search and found something interesting.

Fenris error can be caused by “the game trying to launch the game on the iGPU, which is definitely not supported.” Diablo 4 requires desktop PCs to have a dedicated GPU for its minimum requirements. Therefore, it should not be run on integrated CPU graphics.

Though this is just one of many possibilities but I figured it was worth it to post here. Be sure to setup your computer and configuration so it forces the game to use your dedicated GPU.

What are the specs specifically? if you’re just barely meeting the minimum requirements this could also cause issues, not just for D4 but any game.

This may or may not help you but I’m posting it anyway. It’s a bit dated but still might be related.

Diablo 4 Fenris Error Possible Fix - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Yeah, I should have clarified that as an option better above:

Ok smart guy what am I supposed to do? I have top of the line gaming PC. All drivers, etc. are always up to date. Two exact PC’s should perform the same but don’t. So how can it be the PC??? Ever since the patch after week 2 and all the updates other people have been reporting similar problems. Something with their patches and updates affect my computer. I was perfectly fine for 2 weeks. So how do you explain that?

For starters don’t refer to me as “Smart guy”. Secondly, not every pc is the same. Regardless if they have the same hardware or not.

If it’s not your PC then what is it? it can’t be the game itself since it runs flawlessly on my pc and others.

Do you have geforce experience installed? if so uninstall it. I could list many other possibilities but since you have a ‘top of the line’ pc I am going to assume you know how to troubleshoot these issues.

Any computer tech worth their salt knows that identically built and setup computers can have different issues.

I can take 10 identical systems, built and loaded exactly the same, all with new components, give them to 10 different people.

Talk to them one month later, and all of them will have different issues of one type or another.

Why is that? Why would 10 identical computers have 10 different issues after a month?

Couldn’t be the person using them, of course not. Has to be the builder, right?

Point of that, is just because you have access to two identical systems, doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue with ONE of them.

Have you tried logging into your account on the other one? Maybe Blizzard has specifically targeted your account with bugs? I mean, that’s not the worst theory I have heard on the forums. lol

But kidding aside, we aren’t throwing out suggestions just because we want to. They are often helping some players in some cases.

I’m not sitting in your chair, directly in front of your computer. There could be something going on that you might have not told us or even know it could cause an issue, but a different person might say, “Hey, why are you using that?” or “Why are you running it this way?”.

But that’s okay. Be offended and don’t accept there is a possibility the problem is being caused on the machine because of a hardware issue, a driver issue, software issue, or a configuration issue.

Good luck.

The trouble is, I have litterarily zero issue with anything else than Diablo on my computer.

So by the same logic I am enclined to consider that there is also something wrong with Diablo which seem to require advanced PC knowledge to be able to properly run it …

And since I do not have that knowledge, I do nothing else than use standard end-user procedures on my PC, which are supposed to have been professionnaly designed, and I am not keen messing arround with this.

I understand players becoming a bit touchy when they get explained that in fact this is all their fault … come on.

That may be, but doesn’t exclude the possibility that there IS something the game doesn’t like. However unlikely it appears. But again, not ignoring the fact its touchy to begin with.

Understandable. And you shouldn’t have to.

I’m not directly stating that. I’m trying to stick to the potential possibility. I don’t think I’m blaming anyone directly for causing the game to not run on their computer, but rather pointing that they may be able to resolve it if they want to explore that option.

We shouldn’t have to go to those lengths for so many of you though. A few here and there I would expect, but not as many that have been.

Blizzard is not coming out and acknowledging anything in regards to these problems, let alone talking about fixes for any of it. I haven’t seen one blue post in the Tech forums for months I don’t think.

So apparently they don’t think there is an issue with their server connections, or game performance, or they think that those problems are rare.

I don’t have the online numbers to back that up personally, but when I go in game, I always see a LOT of players in the big towns. Its certainly not empty in there, so obviously many players aren’t having too many problems. But a fair number are that we know about here.

But compared to how many that don’t, that I don’t have an answer for. Nor how many are playing from PC, PC on Steam, Console, etc.

It is great that some try and help those facing the issue when Blizzard prefers to ignore them.

As you point out.

  • With all patchs and “improvements”, the game may actually require higher / different specifications than what is currently stated, all users facing the issue initially did not, then started having them usually after a patch install, depending on their PC setup. So it may be partially local hardware, but due to design choices and changes.

  • As long as there are enough players who keep on buying and playing, from a financial perspective Blizzard do not need to care about those who cannot, even if they have payed for it and use hardware meeting the game stated specifications. Just conveniently label these as “local PC hardware defaults”, do not aknowledge the issue to avoid legal implications, and keep going.

I have stopped paying, and will eventually stop playing this game, maybe Blizzard will finally do something about this in the future …

I played Diablo when it was launched back in previous century, then stopped, it is nice but there are plenty of other nice things to do in life.

[edit] I noticed on this forum that not only PC-players are having these issues, but also console players … local Hardware issues, too ?

I have looked into all these “fixes” before when I had problems in other seasons with Fenris. This is all Blizzard. I had problems last season and couldn’t even play for at least a week because it turned out the they had an issue with Nvidia. First it was dlss. Then they said they were working with Nvidia on a fix. But not EVERYBODY was affected by it but I sure was. And again, 2 weeks of no issues and patches and updates come out and THEN I have issues. So all of a sudden something is wrong with my computer and not the game??? No possible way.



Good luck. Hopefully its nothing on your end.

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