Explode on death is not fun

this, exactly, 20chars


Well, some monsters explode on death baseline, but the real problem is that all Fire and Poison enchanted monsters explode regardless of type. And don’t even get me started on Death Pulse.

I guess my point is that the mechanic is overused. Regardless of type/affix.

So when it feels like every other pull, or every third pull has a mob that explodes…it just makes it feel like it is happening non-stop.


Skill canyon gap sounds like the issue here.

What does skill have to do with fun? Is standing around, waiting for the pack of elites you killed to explode 7 times before you loot them, skillful? I guess so, because you’re not getting hit. But is that fun? I don’t think it is, and judging by how common this complaint is, I’m clearly not alone.


We all loved those little dolls in ActIII d2, in fact we solo farmed them all. the. time.


You guys know that Diablo 4 is not a hard game, right? I can’t help but laugh at all these out of touch “git gud” replies.

The only difficult challenge in D4 is keeping it installed on your hard drive for more than a month.


Skill gapped son. I dunno what to tell ya pay attention a little better maybe ?

Its being adressed they plan on trying to lesson those and 1 shot mechanics. Its a crazy Balance POE is still combating the damage Nemisis did to it

The reading comprehension of a fruit fly…

Enjoy “paying attention a little better” in your dead game.

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it is in place to pad up the game time, everything blizzard did nerfing classes and increasing mount cooldown are in place to pad up the time you spend in game, even those out of town season worktables are there so that you spend more time in their game

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You obviously like the taste of rubber too much.

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Yeah, there are too many of them. Elites have 1 almost always, every mob types have a variant that explodes on death. Like… who thought this was fun? Yeah, you can avoid them but like… what is on death explosion really for? Slowing players down artificially or did they genuinely think this was fun? I can understand every once in a while but everywhere? Just… why?


There definitely seem to be too many of them. I don’t hate the effect generally speaking, but when every mob in a dungeon is more dangerous in death than in life, it gets a little irritating. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is the problem with blizzard’s design philosophy. They want player to have fun by overcoming obstacles BUT they are not creative with it. So what they did is just multiply the same number of obstacles instead of designing variety of challenges that player can found.

See those nerfs and buffs? its all only increasing x amount of %. No need to be creative around it.


Yeah, it really shows. All the ‘challenges’ are overcoming numbers and just play floor is lava after clearing a pack. Gets boring fast .

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Explode on death is the ultimate in lazy game design. Instead of giving each enemy a unique and challenging moveset or mechanic, you just copy-paste an on-death explosion onto it.

Oh, and the wannabe elitists trying to make it out as some kind of skill issue are hilarious. Of all the games where you could play the “git gud” card, you pick this trash fire of a game that probably ranks 3/10 in the overall universe of game difficulty. I mean, what a hill to die on, lol.


Yeah… That’s probably going to be a no. The fat explody bois in D3 were complained about for like 10 years before they nerfed the damage of them(I think they did? Not 100% sure, but I vaguely remember this). In terms of after death hazards, D4’s are pretty tame.

It doesn’t have many “on death” in reality. Bloaters, Spider mutant guys, poison pool affix, fire ring affix, and one cold affix…

Pay attention and it is not an issue…