Explode on death is not fun

Sounds like a skill issue.

It’s fun, I always laugh when someone dies to that explosion. The more players die at once, the more fun it is.

There is more then one. but whatever snob.

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cool story bro, now go back to eternal take off those over enchanted season gems with almost 2000 total armor and revert the NM dungeon changes because you were talking about people dying in hardcore death compilations with “low IQ’s” all of which happened pre nerf and without those HUGE AC season one gems.

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I bet you use Brillo-brand tampoons…because even though you have to use a tampoon, comfortable leakage control is for the weak. I support your rugged, independent, flair-of-the-old-American-West lifestyle.

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Keep making assumptions about me. I’ll just sit back and laugh while people keep whining about skill issues.

And no doubt you’ll sit back and laugh while enjoying an enormous cigar and drinking exquisite coffee in a small porcelain cup with your pinky sticking out. Thats how I imagine it anyway.

Quoting myself for maximal effect…I bet you’re saying “I don’t have to use a tampoon, I’ll bleed freely and have a n00b in world tier 2 clean it up”. All I can say is yes…yes you are right. Dammit I didn’t see that argument coming.

I have so many assumptions about you that if i wrote them i would get a suspension from the forum, enjoy your skillful UNFUN game, emphasis on UNFUN because that was the OP’s topic :person_facepalming:

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op is right

way tooooo many exploding things in D4! PERIOD


Yep, at this point like horses its actually a meme

I really doubt people complaining about this topic are actually concerned with fun.

What is more likely is they want the game to meet their expectation of difficulty because they can’t handle the baseline. Rather than put in an effort to adapt they would rather cry and complain on the forums and selfishly “try” to ruin it for people that enjoy the current level of difficulty the game has to offer.

If people aren’t having fun because they do not want to modify the way they play the game to compensate for their mistakes then they shouldn’t play ARPGs. One of the great things about an ARPG is that if players hit a wall they can choose to make an effort to get better at the game or overcome it with gear and build changes.

If they aren’t going to make an effort to change anything about how they engage with an obstacle maybe games meant to provide some level of difficulty in general aren’t for them. They should go play something like farmville or a mobile game where difficulty won’t be an issue.

If the devs do ultimately choose to address on death effects then my opinion is that it should only be to reinforce telegraphs and at the most slow down the animations but I wholeheartedly disagree with lowering the damage or total removal. If players with zero defensive stats can tank an on death mechanic with a slow charge up animation then the mechanic is simply just pointless.

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the amount of crap on the ground in general has become pretty annoying, stormbanes wrath, lightning bubble and shade are all just not fun to run in addition to all the poo on floor effects

I like that they added an evade mechanic but that won’t do jack when they whole floor is lava in a corridor


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Imagine being so stupid you think there is an endgame in d4? Enjoying on death mechanics is icing on the moron-cake.

A five-year-old can play the game, “on death” mechanics are not interesting or complex design.

New players are so clueless.


And the award for dumbest post of the week AND most narcissistic at the same time!


I don’t think it is the mechanic that is the issue, but rather the number of monsters that do it.

I still am no quite sure if it is too many monsters with the explode on death, or not a high enough variety of monsters, so it’s that same dude every time.

It is either that or goo on the ground.

The other issue is that it isn’t always obvious if it is friendly (your goo) or enemy goo. So I find myself moving away just in case.

There is also some jank delay on them dying and the loot dropping, so I feel like I have to wait around for a sec after each pack.

I’m almost of the opinion that NMDs should just drop the loot at the end like GRs did. I know that will anger some folks, turning NMDs into basically GRs, but as long as I’m having to duck out after every kill, or waiting around for loot to drop… that’s my opinion and I’m sticking with it.


Blizz hates melee since ever.
Most wow and diablo mechanics are anti-melee.
Freeze on hit, exploding monsters, poison pools, fire waves fire explode…
Like almost all mechanics except suppressor are antimelee.


A Bloated Corpsefiend, that’s Fire & Poison enchanted, inside a NM dungeon with Death Pulse literally exploding four times when it dies is bad game design. You copy-pasting a build from Maxroll and thinking you’re good at the game because you can tank the damage in world tier 3, doesn’t change the fact that it’s bad game design either.

You can have your mindless, brainlet takes all you want, but don’t get upset when half the people in the thread call out your BS.

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Just need to dance a little more, spam that dodge hehe