Explode on death is not fun

This game has way to many “explode on death” monsters and it’s not fun.
why do i need to deal with these mobs/monsters? it totally killed the fun in ARPG for me.
i know there are some similar mobs in other game, but in other game it’s limited to 1 type and it’s not that often to meet one.
the fact that you need to wait for 2-3 seconds of each pack of monsters just to pick up items is very slog and annoying. also, this game has a lot of mech that required you to pick A, B, C thing as a key on the ground to open the door, you can’t ignore it anyway.
It’s super not fun and need rework as soon as possible.

SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE the condition explode on death of NM please
these killed the fun for me, i can’t take it anymore


“Don’t step in the poo” has been a thing in video games forever. Use those precious two to three seconds that you can’t really spare to pick up the stuff not in the poo while it explodes.


you don’t understand the point?
there are too much of them and that makes the game not fun
i can easily avoid it, but it’s repeating so many times that it killed the fun of the game. imagine waiting 3 seconds EACH PACK is fun?
I HAVE 3 CHARACTERS to LEVEL 100 of 3 different CLASS with best in slot and I BEAT UBER LILITH, add me to check + title.
stop saying i don’t play this game enough.


You’re obviously playing the game way too much.


I enjoy explode on death mechanics. In fact I would say I love when they one shot players even. I enjoy watching hardcore death compilations on youtube of low IQ players that turn off their brains and stop paying attention to elite affixes. It’s a lot of fun.

Meanwhile, when I play the game I just stand in the explosions because my character is actually built correctly and doesn’t crumble like a wet paper bag when the slightest thing does damage to it.

Players deserve to be punished for pushing all offensive stats and zero defense especially if they aren’t willing to pay attention when they know they should. This is what gives purpose to defensive stats in the first place and gives your stat choices more weight.


Try to save your evade so you aren’t standing in it when it happens.

Not only a lot of the explode on death, a tons of enemy can do CC also.

  • Bloated => Knock back, CC on explode + knock back
  • Revenant Soldier => Knock Down
  • Bear, tusks, => knock back
  • Spider => snares
  • and sooooo many

Wondering if when they buff density so high that people will understand once they feel it on higher level NMD.

I once died to a group of 9 bear knocking me non stop (the case is underleveled by 15 levels so I’m not one shotting)

Funny thing is this game only fun once you overgeared and overleveled (AND this is the only option you can choose). Pushing higher content is just annoying and not well balanced.

Coming from last epoch if you push very high corruption echoes the game is HARD and quite balanced, most of them has 0 CCs / very few explode on death but some enemies can one shot you often which makes you prioritize them on end game.


Yeah, agreed. The on-death effects kill the pace of the game.

Dont need quite so many of them.


Lol the fact that after every mob I have to wait around just in case they blow up is stupid.
The fact that if I step into poison by accident I’m nearly dead instantly is stupid.

Idk what it’s like on PC but on console and not using my 85 inch tv, literally cannot see anything in a fight to “skillfully” dodge anything lol it’s like trying to play on a phone, due to the graphics in this game being bad, bland, and obtrusive


We found the dev account.


bro are you a dev? please listen to us players, make your game better


CONFIRMED: died today due to explode on death mechanic…fun was negligible AT BEST!


What a pointless thing to say. Don’t have anything to add but to make a perceived insult of “you play too much”.
Nevermind that it has nothing to do with OP’s point.


It’s funny seeing the point where you can tank explode on death mechanics.
Would like to see a build where you can tank those on NMD 100


yes! this!

i want this build…seriously…you could use the stand still aspect and destroy stuff

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We found a noob account.

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Enjoy fantasizing beating NM100 or uber lillith with those defensive aspects because i hate to break your NM50 level 100 character knowledge but they do jack diddly squat.
Tell us you only do NM dungeons 3 levels above you without telling us you only do NM dungeons 3 levels above you.


Actually, I do around the +10 level range while leveling give or take depending on the sigil and I only use aspect disobedience.

Your attempt to assume my limitations and build really exposes your lack of knowledge of the endgame. NM level 100 is tankable in fact after the nerfs.

True, But there are time when the mobs snatches you back just as they die.

There is like only one mob in the entire game that does that and if you know its there you should be able to avoid it.

If this has happen to you. You deserved it.