Explode on death is not fun

Try paying attention.

I died to exploding monsters ONCE.


At the beginning of the game. Then I was like ‘oh right, those guys explode’ (because, you know, they have exploded in every previous Diablo game) and now I just… move away from them.


And the bloaters and spider guys all look the same in their various incarnations. If you go look at that fireside chat from last week they are describing all the monsters that kill a disproportionate amount of players…

It was exploding monsters, charge monsters, poison pool monsters, and red ghosts.

Basically everything you have to pay attention to.

People just want the game to be brain dead.

I also enjoy suicide bombing players in FPS games. I suck and always die and so everyone else may as well too! I enjoy that! Wish Diablo 4 had that, I would be glad to blow up my character to destroy yours too. Just for the fun of it!

Personal preferences are great!

I miss the days of Everquest and running mob trains to the zone entrances. How fun!

Diablo 4 needs more griefing opportunities, that would spice it up a bit!

I play on a 65 inch tv on pc and sometimes i dont realize i am standing in poo. Most times i can get out of it.

You should know by now what monsters blow up and which ones don’t.

This is a you problem.

Except it’s 100 percent your choice to do a dungeon key with death pulse instead of salvaging it like an intelligent person would do and craft one that doesn’t have death pulse, stormbane’s wrath, or drifting shade.

what is relevant about a person that want’s a game with god mode automatically in so you can’t die period like OP wants

or if we got rid of every creature a player had an issue with would there be anything left

I’m well aware of which moba blow up and which don’t. Unfortunately they’re detailless on a 48 inch tv and if I’m sitting any healthy feet away in a pack of mobs, I gotta just wonder if we killed anything that will explode since it’s just a pile. You can barely find your character and if you play with someone else on couch co op, the screen doesn’t center on your character.

There is no me problem here. Thanks though for your online elitist buzz words, friend. Take it to someone who cares.

I agree. I don’t think dungeon affixes chasing you down the whole level is fun either.

These things could probably be resisted if resists worked…

Which is not a flaw with the game but with your choice of mediums for playing it.

Or your eyesight. I mean they are big fat dudes that lumber around with their arms outstretched, kind of hard to mistake for anything else.

Or you can just not do keys that have affixes you don’t like.

Yes you’re right it’s my fault for playing a console on a TV :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I love when LFR players think they’re qualified to speak :speak_no_evil:

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It is.

Pc master race.


You right :frowning:

Unfortunately my boyfriend doesn’t play games but will sit on a couch to play with me on console

I dont think I like any of them.

Mine plays games thankfully and he also plays on console but games like this and fps games nope, he has a PC as well.

He did start playing d4 at work on his ASUS ROG Ally which is like… I mean whatever floats his boat I guess but I won’t touch a controller outside of fighting games or racing games.

It’s still exploding three times on death, it’s still bad game design. No matter how much you want to try and white knight


You’re mistaking me recognizing user error for white knighting.

As I’ve stated before, there are plenty of things that are actually wrong with the game. This is not one of them. This is a skill issue.

You want to talk about something that’s actually a problem? How about how the game gets confused when mobs are close to walls and will sometimes stop registering your attacks entirely leaving your character to just kind of stand there until you manage to wiggle free?

THAT is an actual problem that has nothing to do with skill or lack thereof, but coding and collision.

You’re right there, and there’s the new bug they introduced with their clearly untested and zero thought 1.1 patch. Mobs now randomly spin around in circles because you can somehow be too close to them and are standing inside their collision detection so they madly spin run in circles around you to try and hit you.

Yeah Butcher used to do that even before whatever they did but now he does it constantly and it’s really annoying chasing him around with my sorc.

See, these are actual problems. People dying to exploding mobs is them not paying attention/not wanting to have to pay attention/wanting to make an already-easy game easier. I just prefer to focus on REAL problems, because those are the things that will have the most long-term impact.

For example, why the hell haven’t they fixed the ‘Fury Against Fate’ sidequest? It’s been broken since beta, and stayed broken through release. You can’t finish it. You meet the NPC in the cave she wants you to meet her at, goes through her dialogue, and then she and her friends just stand there and you can’t advance any further.

The only work around for this bug is to mess with your settings and purposely lag the game out, because what happens is PCs load into the cave too fast and it bugs her out! That’s ridiculous lmao. Why is it still like that? I refuse to mess with my settings when it’s Blizzard’s issue, not mine.

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Exactly this, it happens so much one is sometimes constantly trying to evade in some circumstances. And to those who say don’t stand in “x” you are obviously trolling because often the whole area becomes “x” and you are pretty much CCed to die a horrible end.