Either stop playing or stop complaining

lol. 2.7 in like half hour :smiley:

I actually agree with you I am uninstalling for season 1. Numbers talk bulls$&t walks.

First of all, never coming back. Second of all, even if I came back in s20 that means I stopped playing, until then. hello?

Im kind of think the same “the game will get better with time” just because every other ARPG (Diablo saga, Path of Exile, The Division…) started poorly and got better with time.
So yeah, i mostly agree with that point of view but i still think that all glaring problems the game have are there and have to be solved. And there is no logic on not having some stuff D3 has like crafting, being able to see what stats you roll on a item and some QoL most of ppl would expect on 2023. 100% Agree with this.

That where i think its important to share that constructive feedback either if you like or dont like something. Obviosly, respecting other forums users and devs. I get ppl is angry with some stuff but i think sometimes its gets too crazy.

As for me, i think combat-wise D4 is great, i like its combat pace and love that feeling that you have to be 100% on the fight, looking for what attacks to dodge, where to move and so on.

My mayor concerns are the itemization and how D4 dont use a core thing of the Diablo Saga: Random maps. We need more random maps, its crazy i miss D3 Rifts in D4. Its was kinda refreshing to get on a Rift and go to a random zone (a castle, a dungeon, a sewer)… I think NMD on fixed dungeons are kinda boring.

For me the gameplay is fun but they need to work on things that make you play the game longer.

Thanks for the reply

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However you need to rationalize it.

2.6 ATM and going down, not good for them !

This game has more end game content then D3 had when it first launched. Just give it a little time people.

The only thing the shareholders care about is profit. In other words, the most guarantied way of getting management to force devs to listen to feedback is by pissing off the shareholders. The way to do that is to not play the game. That’s all my original post is about.

Who said I was still playing? I just complain now. lol

I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

I copy pasted someones chatgpt review to metacritic :smiley: It actually turned out great.

That does not change the fact of the matter. They called it as a direct response to the vitriol from the community in regards to 1.1. Again, you’re flat out wrong. I see that you’ve since edited the post to reflect as much, but it doesn’t seem to change your opinion based on this thread. People aren’t going to quit because you told them to. Diablo 4 will have the same natural process that 3 had. People will play it for a short time, get bored, go play other things. People will see poorly thought out patches that show just how out of touch a developer has become with their own games and fanbase and play. other. things.

A lot of people REALLY want to enjoy this game based on what we were presented with in the first 2 weeks before Blizzard started the destruction process of their own game. I am one of those people. And now they can’t even get a patch time right. 10AM release but there’s maintenance until 10:30? Blizzard. You guys gotta pull your heads right of your asses and realize how badly you’re screwing this up.

did you know they make money from your activity on the forums. Yep, even if you’re here complaining, they are showing activity to their shareholders.

That is not at all how that works. The forum makes 0 revenue for the company. Matter of fact, they pay employees to manage it so it actually COSTS them money. Where do you even come up with a line like that?

Shareholders care about one thing and one thing only. Revenue stream and how big it is.

gazes into crystal ball we hear you and you will have to continue to wait for us to change S***** we should have changed from the get go, but in the mean time check out these nice additions to the cosmetic shop.

Either stop complaining about complaining or stay off the forums. Everyone has the same rights you do here friend.


reminds me of the old days “reporting” “reported for reporting” “reported for reporting reporting”


I wish that was the old days… that’s still current haha

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How about you play and stop posting. If you want to post fine but don’t tell people what to post or not. It’s pathetic