Either stop playing or stop complaining

I can’t remember when I last logged in. The forums are the real endgame anyway.

That’s definitely just inaccurate because it’s not measurable and heavily biased by your own wishful thinking. More people are indifferent and don’t even realize any changes have happened.

You could say more people on the forums are making rage posts about it, and that would be correct, and I can agree with.

I am the person who doesn’t cry about changes to the direction of a game I am not forced to play. I have no problem leaving a game I am not interested in. It seems like a lot of people struggle with that concept.


Your complaints would be 10 times more valuable if no one was playing the game because then the developers would actually care.

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You’re right players will complain and then log in anyway and play.

Everyone is willing to accept some pretty low standards these days.

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Can I complain while playing? Is that ok???

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No. Stay vocal - they will get it fixed.

In reality, they aren’t wrong that it will get fixed but it shouldn’t take them 3 years - 12 seasons and 1 expansion to figure it out. It NEEDS to be fixed by S2. Stay vocal and stay thirsty friends.

Wheres the option:

  • Play and complain

I choose that one.

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Obviously if not for the complaints there wouldn’t be a dev stream on Friday. There is a reason they decided to have a stream…i wonder what could have made that happen :thinking:. Certainly not consumers voicing their displeasure… If you don’t like consumers holding people accountable then i would suggest you leave this forum.

Because they are at SDCC promoting D4 with a whole setup with Lilith and chapel reenactment (commercial) with her arrival in Sanctuary.

ROFL, you’re funny. You’re not holding them accountable for anything.

We can do both.

I stopped playing, but will keep complaining about the worst patch in game history

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It’s a unscheduled stream…As in not planned…not going to happen. The uproar you complain about is what made that happen. Are you downsy or just one of the resident forum karens?

I’m not the one complaining here rofl.

Absolutely. Just don’t expect your complaints to garnish any merit.

man can you image playing an open world by yourself? haha alone in the world and alone in the game. great solution. if the masses hate it forget them. last man standing. one man race. that’s the true end game literally

im sure your 100$ deluxe can pay blizzards electric bill for years to come.


Complaining is good. Once people give up then it really is the end.

Complaining is making a statement.

You know what you sound like? A typical climate change denier.

“Oh shut up”
“Oh I mean you should be giving suggestions instead of just pointing out the issue”
“Why don’t you collectively do something that makes Oil/Gas/etc listen to you?”

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Agree… that’s why I’ve already uninstalled. Making my opinion heard in the only way they can understand, metrics.


OP doesn’t understand the difference between criticism and complaining. nor does blizzard. he is THE target audience.

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OP doesn’t understand the difference between criticism and complaining. nor does blizzard. he is THE target audience.

I’ve been playing Diablo for 13 years, and not casually. I just know how business works. If they don’t see the expected profit from the store/battlepass, management will come down on them. That’s when they will be forced to seek feedback to improve the game. That’s when your feedback will really matter.


I’ll stop playing and keep on complaining as I was already doing.

You used an “or” when you meant to use an “and”.

Or maybe you meant to say “Either start playing or stop complaining”.

Your title literally tells us we have to choose between:
a) playing but not complaining; or
b) complaining but not playing

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This reminds me of the guy who “replies to all” on emails at work telling people to stop replying to all.

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