That could be viable, just placing lunging to use 2h weapon then you dswing or grasp then dswing helps give out good crit chances.
Btw how many boards you running? 5 or 6?
I’ll try to review some boards and glyphs that might help out with the build.
hey, playing around with bash, its actually not bad at all. The fury gen is pretty good and it feeds into stun as well. Dual wielding it. lucky hit is also significantly higher.
Realized My frenzy full stack uptime aint that high, probably more on bosses due to hp.
But ill usually steelgrasp into dswing spam.
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Yeah. Also have Death Blow on 2H mace, so no matter what I do, it’s going to give 18% crit. Except Steel Grasp, because the geniuses don’t allow us to assign a weapon to a Weapon Mastery skill. Ffs…
My idea is that if I actually USE a 2H sword, it might proc Harrogath? Idk if anyone can confirm it’s the Expertise itself, or just when you assign it to all weapons. If it DID work, I can go back to Berserk on Lunging. Yay.
The best glyphs I see so far are: Exploit, Revenge, Ambidextrous, Wrath, and Mortal Draw or Seething seem to be the best after that. Disembowel would be much more useful if things worked properly with all aspects and whatnot.
I’m running 3 boards now, moving to my 4th, not counting the starter. Flawless Technique has so many juicy rare nodes. Decimator has too much Vulnerable to ignore, and Warbringer is amazing fortify gen without wasting an aspect. Also took a few fury on kill in that board, but still have to make my way to the glyph in that board and in Decimator. Only 3 glyphs at level 81 right now, but I crit over 1M now.
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It would proc the bleed if you main the 2H sword for lunging. And you can have a different expertise for the technique as long as it’s level 10 you’d get the bonus.
Not sure about this proccing RoH though. As far as I know it was only the bleed upgrade from ww that procs it
You should just give in to Lunging, my dude. Nothing compares. It’s more damage, heals, can bleed or Berserk, has 50% lucky like Bash does, and is untouched as far as mobility. You’ll love it, I promise you. You fly around like a damn madman, as we should. The stuns on Bash are appealing, but if you use Anemia with Lunging, you’re stunning things quite often. Stomp is the stun king anyway.
Harrogath and Disembowel are bugged, though. Aspect of Berserk Ripping and the 2H sword technique do not proc the cooldown on either. It’s supposed to, but it doesn’t. I guess I should just test it myself when I get home later, but I guess I was just curious if anybody knew offhand whether or not actually using the weapon would proc it.
Too many buggy aspects and interactions with the barb.
If they fix all bleeding interactions for barb before season 1 RoH would be sweet.
Not sure though but was there a glyph that had a bonus to decreasing non ultimate cd’s?
It’s sad. Even with all the nerfs and lack of love for us savages, things could be much better if everything functioned properly. It’s nuts that we have to adjust and account for developing failures or oversights. Super frustrating. I’ve always like that most Barb players will find a way no matter what they throw at us. Mfs!!
Disembowel is the glyph to reduce non-ultimate cooldowns.
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According to other classes we are “OP” lmao.
But I could careless what they think. All there basing it on is a streamer that does x amount of damage to support their claims.
Playing the class would actually open there eyes on how limited we are on our choices as well as how buggy the aspects, interactions, and weapon technique is going to be.
I plan on not taking any shouts and probably dump all of my skill points there to the fortify thingy on weapon mastery part and probably look into the fortify glyph? Not sure but could be a boost to our survivability.
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I personally think people put too much faith into the fortify damage reduction. It helps, for sure, but it only applies if you’re 100% fortified. It’s not a constant thing if you have any fortify, it has to be full and showing that iron thing around your health globe. It’s not always up like that, despite having most of your life fortified, so it’s a bit deceiving.
I love the no shout build. I may have to adjust it as I get further into the 50 NM dungeons, but so far it’s working beautifully. I have 5k AP, 6.8k armor base, and 7200 life at level 81. I may consider swapping Death Blow to Ironskin or Rallying for another Unstoppable option at some point, but I’m going to do my best to not have to do that.
People that play other classes have always hated on Barb, and always want them nerfed for some reason. It’s really weird.
Didn’t notice any good legendary glyphs that might help the build. I guess that helps us in maximising the board.
If we go 5 boards there would be enough points to cover stats while id we go 6 boards there would only be a few left to help maximise a few boards.
Those stats are almost same with mine @ level 100 lmao! Haven’t really optimised my char yet. But if you do reach 100 that’s gonna be sweet.
I think iron skin might be the way to go. Survivability + unstoppable sounds pretty solid.
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Damn! Hard to backqoute since I’m using a phone atm. But Bonemancer did mention something about thorns applying bleed.
Could that proc RoH?
ngl, lunging seems nice.
Would allow me to swap a board out too for more consistent berserk.
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True, however the uptime of it maybe too short if we don’t have another way of proccing it.
its on crit, and im already critting all the time, ill test it out.
Using it with DW as well so its hitting pretty fast.
Before I forget, I’ll be going full ham on this weapon affixes.
Crit damage
Vuln damage
Core damage
Main stat
Then I’d probably go on rings.
Crit damage
Vuln damage
Close damage
Crit chance
What do you think?
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Ooooo sorry I thought you were going bleed on LS to proc harrogath
rings you can find some space for +life/fury %/+fury depending on build.
Honestly at 70 nm, I have 12k life and still feel squishy depending on whats in front of me.
But I tank uber lilith no problem.