Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

I love Steel Grasp, especially since it’s been pulling more consistently. I used double maces before, but swords have the crit implicit, give fury, 30% attack speed, and Ambidextrous. It’s really hard to beat that. A perfect Anemia gives the same (30%) chance to stun on lucky hit as the Wallop passive using 6 less skill points.

If you’re doing triple shout and Steel Grasp, did you give up Frenzy or Stomp? I don’t see Ramaladni being worth it. You’re sacrificing way too much.

Gave up wotb, although wotb is great, the repositionning from steel grasp is actually better at keeping ypu alive. Being able to grab and snipe chunks of toufhe elites groups os great.

Do you have the Frenzy amulet? Any reason in particular for Frenzy?

Honestly I’m thinking a Dswing build might be the best for uber lilith. the damage is really good if you gear for it and with the high attackspeed from 1 handers you can apply stagger at fast pace. combine the enhanced perk that refunds fury when you hit a stunned target with rallying cry and the skill generates fury instead of consuming it, inflicting vulnerable when both strikes hit one target… I could see some very beefy burn phases with stuns.

Optimal skills I think would be

Lunging strike with bleed to proc rage of harrogoth,
Dswing with vulnerability application for damage.

Rallying cry for dswing to generate fury during stun phases or just general fury generation.

Challenging shouts for the damage reduction and the stagger it inflicts is pretty high as well. with harrogath and a fast lunging strike you might be able to keep this up 100% of the time if you get lucky strike on gear.

Ground stomp: this would be used for more stagger on boss and to stagger the adds to kill them quickly as well. I don’t think we’ll be able to avoid add phases like other classes unless we can do a lot of damage in the short stun phase but it might be possible if we push her into stun right before add’s come out.

Wotb for ult… with stuff like accelerating aspect and atk speed on gear and dswing generating fury you could probably stack the damage increase pretty high during the stun phases.

Was playing around with a planner yesterday might give it a try on my barb soon though I didn’t save my work. if you’re going for pure single target and tankyness I don’t think this would be very optimal for pushing NM dungeons but it might be able to get us a very quick kill on uber lilith.

you could probably skip marshall and the ring aspect that lowers shout cooldowns as well. since lilith is single target most of the time you’re getting 2 seconds on 1 shout and around 3.5 on the other. since we should be able to proc rage quite often we could slot in a more damage focus’d glyph and maybe earth quake on stomp to replace the damage increase from warcry on the ring.

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hey, mostly for speed. Had the frenzy amulet but as all uniques, giving up too much sweet stats and aspect for them.

If i get a really good roll I might try it again.

This is almost my exact build, but without the shouts. I use Death Blow and Steel Grasp instead. As my damage has gotten higher, I’m really thinking about swapping out Death Blow for Kick, Charge, Leap, or a shout. I think Rallying would probably be best, but I like having Death Blow for the extra fury pops and damage on demand. I use the +1 Weapon Mastery aspect that gives a 50% chance to stun for both skills, so 3 charges of Steel and 2 charges of DB that refreshes on kill. Steel Grasp is pulling, stunning, applying Vulnerable, and giving me Berserk. It’s too good. I use Lunging with bleeds to proc Harrogath and for amazing mobility. Vulnerable trait on DS is too good to pass up. I just swapped out my Disembowel though, so I have a little longer cooldown on my Stomp/DB/SG than usual. Thinking about trying a +4 Stomp chest and +Defense skill on my amulet to see if that would be a more efficient way to lower the cooldown constantly, without having to rely on lucky hit procs that force me into using bleed on Lunging instead of Berserk. I use the Stomp talent to reduce the cooldown on WotB and have a surprisingly good uptime on it now, but I want to maximize that. Steel Grasp pulls (finally) a bunch of mfs to me, I Stomp to stun them all, Death Blow to fill fury, then erase them. I essentially hold down Lunging strike at all times to autolock and bounce between enemies, applying bleeds, proc’ing 20% damage reduction, and building up the Expectant aspect for 30%[x] damage. I have a perfect roll, so only 3 hits gets me to max. I’m using the quake on Stomp for the 15%[x] damage, it seems to hit more enemies for WotB cdr, and I see ticks of damage for 15-40k or more from it, which actually helps clear up the little stragglers and whatnot pretty well. Definitely worth it. I have attack speed everywhere imaginable, as you should, so I can stack some fat damage while WotB is up. It’s my only source of Unstoppable, but I have 5 topaz in my armor, so getting cc’d barely tickles me at all. I’ve thought about replacing it, but it’s too good. With my setup, I have extreme mobility, crowd control, attack speed, damage, healing, 100% uptime on Vulnerable, and an overall fairly smooth gameplay. I like it a lot, and still have a lot of levels, paragon, and min/maxing to do. I’m constantly changing things, trying to find the best flow and highest damage options. It feels like a proper Barbarian build and would be 10x better if all of the items, skills, glyphs, aspects, and interactions worked properly.

@Actua - You should definitely try the Revenge glyph if you have a point in Tough as Nails. It gives the same 8% multiplicative boost (lasts 10 seconds) as the second trait on Ambidextrous, and it boosts crit damage on the Flawless board. Someone mentioned Mortal Draw in another thread, and after taking a look, I think that could be amazing if we did it right. It would be 18% crit and some damage every time you swap. For my setup: I’ll assign 2H sword to Lunging, 2H mace to Death Blow, and obviously 1H swords for Double Swing. I swap between them quite regularly, so I’d have a constant free 18% crit. Not sure if that would net a higher DPS output than Seething, but I think I’m going to give it a shot when I get to adding another glyph. I don’t think you would be able to do it unless you switched to Lunging and Death Blow. Frenzy needs 1H weapons and we can’t assign a damn weapon to Steel Grasp - which is just absurd.

It’s too bad that the 2H sword technique doesn’t proc Disembowel or Harrogath, as assigning my Lunging to the 2H sword would make it so I can use the Berserk talent instead, which would be a fat boost for me. Currently, my only sources of Berserk are Steel Grasp and WotB, but I’m not extending it with the aspect, so I don’t have huge uptime on it. I might swap out Exploiter’s aspect for Relentless Berseker’s to extend it, but I don’t think it’s worth it overall. Especially if I can somehow manage to put it back on Lunging, as it would be up constantly anyway.

Sorry for the long the read, boys, but I had a few major improvements yesterday that netted me at least 2.5x damage. It’s nice to see some improvements like that. Very promising. Now, if we can only get an aspect to add some AOE!! Gimme that Blast Shrine AOE that applies bleed! Perfection!


Can’t wait to prog my barbie tomorrow. Been quite hectic and have just been throwing out suggestions w/c luckily @conan and @actua had tested and found out to be good additions!

The respec is gonna hurt though. Around 8-9 m for the full board and about 3-4m for the skills :cry:

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If they just change these damned dust devil aspects into something more useful. I mean flat damage isn’t gonna cut it.

Something like increase the radius of Dswing to a 180 damage cone? :rofl:

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What’s your current spec? I really love this build, man. Seems the most Barbaric out of our current options. I have ideas for other builds, for sure, but I want to min/max this one first and finish it properly at level 100. It’d be so dope if they gave us 5 loadouts for each class/character. We need this!

The Dust Devils are a fairly decent idea with terrible implementation. They need to scale damage, last longer, move slower, and be able to stack 5-10+ of them at once. Overall, it’s not really what this build needs. We need AOE and/or splash damage at least, among other things. I really like the idea of a blood explosion that applies bleeding and deals AOE/splash damage. I think the radius, and even the animation, of the Blast shrine is a good starting point. If it applied bleed (that proc’d Harrogath and Disembowel), it would be perfect. There should obviously be other build-enabling items or aspects too, but starting here would be a major step in the right direction. Another aspect or item that extended stun duration or increased crit chance/damage against stunned enemies would be dope. Or even just making the AOE blast stun or knock down enemies. Synergy!!

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Just using a ww spec w bleed instead of UB.

I went with the aspects that stuns enemies when they are bleeding and the one where the bleed damage they have gets turned into physical damage if they get stunned.

Used this till I got to 100 and probably might use it a bit to farm some items till I could respec. :rofl:

I do envy you for being able to run it. Getting tired of the triple shout spin to win thing.

Btw do we still run bold chieftains and echoing fury on the rings or we can use other aspects there already?

I don’t use a single shout in my build, and I have no issues so far. I haven’t pushed it too far yet, but still have some levels and paragon to get. Actua is doing NM 60+ with shouts. Every now and then I’ll get hurt if I try to go 12+ levels over mine. I’m taking it slow, though, and want a no shout build.

I’ve found 3x Bold Chieftain’s in the past 2 days, though: 1.9, 1.8, and 1.6 - I salvaged the 1.6 - you think some nerds might be mad about that? Lol! I don’t use it because I have no shouts. I use Umbral (I need a better roll) and use the Tough as Nails trick. My other ring has Rapid on it, and I thought about swapping it out for Inner Calm, which is another 30%[x], but I’m not sure if I want to sacrifice Lunging attack speed. It’s so sexy as it is.

My build is different, man, so I’m not sure which way you’d like to go. I always take pieces from everyone I can and try to do my own thing.

That build looks exactly like what I’m looking for, hoping to see a builder link anytime soon !

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Yeah, I got a perfect echoing fury so im using trip shouts, got a perfect umbral to drop so might consider it.

But rn its hard to swap out the shouts given all the benefits. Id have to respec to asenal to find the same benefits in terms of fury gen/dmg /dr.

If the steel grasp cd is quick and applies vuln then I might change the dswing to apply zerking instead and have an aspect on the ring that provides 6 fury gen while zerking. Watcha think?

I edited in a response to this in my previous post, but I wanted to share with you a few of my ideas for ring aspects:

  • Berserk Fury gives up to 6 fury per second while Berserking

I have a perfectly rolled one, but haven’t tested it yet because my Berserk uptime is currently low. Once they fix a few things, I’ll probably go back to 100% uptime and see if this is better than the Umbral. I also have the most garbage Umbral you can currently get, which is 1 fury when you cc an enemy, so even a 2 will double that amount for me. I’d love to get a 4 and see if my fury even moves, because even with a 1 I have no issues.

  • Starlight aspect

The sleeper! 10-20 primary resource when you heal for 25% of your life. We heal for 9% every 2 attacks with Double Swing now, so my idea is to combine that with Crowded Sage and see how that works. I have an 18 Starlight to use when I get a perfect Crowded Sage to pair it with. If you have life on lucky hit on your gloves, this should be pretty effective. I gauge this by my Death Blow currently giving me 20 fury, which almost fills my entire globe now. Willpower gives healing and fury gen, and I have a fat amount of both. Very curious to see how this works.

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Lmao! We actually were thinking of the same aspect :rofl:

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I use +1 Mastery aspect that gives an extra charge (3 total) and Harrogath to reduce cooldowns. I was previously using Disembowel too, which was noticeable, but swapped it out last night. Might go back to keep WotB up, but Revenge is giving me a fat damage increase.

I used the Berserk option for DS previously but having the Vulnerable up 100% (no matter what) is a giant DPS boost.

Keeping vuln uptime and juggling between better skill upgrades is difficult. PP is a total waste of points considering the chances of triggering it

Yeah, I’ve never once spec’d into Pressure Points. Exploit, Steel Grasp, and Double Swing give 100% uptime. Yesterday I put 3 points into fury gen while Berserking on the tree. I think it’s 18%? I still have decent Berserk uptime, but lower than before because I had to switch my Lunging to bleed to proc Harrogath/Disembowel and also switched Double Swing to Vulnerable. I still think that fury gen helps though, because Steel Grasp and WotB give me Berserk for a fair amount of the time.

I may put those 3 somewhere else too. I took them out of Death Blow because it’s not as fat as a damage dealer as it was after taking the 100% damage aspect off my 2H. Now it’s really just for fury, stuns, and some trash cleaning.

What do you think about Mortal Draw? 18% crit chance after swapping. I think it’s worth it with my setup. Especially if the damn 2H sword technique would proc Harrogath.