Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

yeah, the dust devils could be nice, but theyd have to start AT the character and scale on your dmg, not some flat number. Like im critting for over a milliong, wth do we care about 10k

They need duration, damage, a bit of AI, the ability to stack, and they need to move 30x slower.

Weā€™re close to making it workā€¦lol

Iā€™ve changed up my build a bit and Iā€™m happy to say Iā€™m doing a lot better against lilith. Basically I got rid of the frenzy necklace and stopped using frenzy all together because at lvl 88 I have 12.5k hp and 7600 armor and can basically sit in the lines and her auto attacks and just stay alive with iron skin.

I replaced the necklace with a necklace I got with 10% str, dmg reduction from close, while injured and 25% fury cost reduction and I put the 20% increased lucky hit chance while having walking arsenal buffs up. I also have another legendary on ring that increase rage generation while the buff is up by 22%.

As odd as this sounds (was just messing around for the last 15 mins) I donā€™t have a full skill bar. Using pulverize, basic attack bleed skill that also puts vuln, iron skin, double swing and chains. Between weaving in the bleed basic skill and the talent that gives core skills 30% chance to vuln, itā€™s up almost all the time. Also, between those the walking arsenal rage legendary and the 15% increased fury with 2h weapon and 9% increased fury gain while berserk, Iā€™m getting a full rage bar in 4-5 swings which is amazing.

I went from mostly hitting for 40k dmg when she isnā€™t stunned to 150-250k and when she is stunned, 500-600k per hit.

After about 90 seconds I was able to get her down to the first triangle on her health bar. I only have 165% vuln dmg on gear but if I could double that, I feel I should be good to take her out when Iā€™m 100 with the double swing build. My confidence in the build has returned!

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You mean Lunging, not Pulverize, right?

You should use Death Blow or WotB in your empty slot.

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No, pulverize so when I weave in the basic attack it helps add to the stagger bar almost every time.

Oh, you mean Bash? Pulverize is a Druid skill, I think?

Oh my bad. The one that you can talent into every 4 crits it can overpower your next core skill. I donā€™t talent into that one, but itā€™s the one that requires the 2h mace. Baseline every 4th crit it auto stuns. So it helps build the stagger bar.

Yeah, thatā€™s Bash. You can use any 2H weapon, doesnā€™t have to be a mace. Youā€™re using that and Flay?

Yeah, Iā€™m not a fan of having skills to use for walking arsenal that have a cd. So I go with those two that have the added benefit of helping stun and add vuln. Double swing is for the dual weild portion. This way I can have it up 100% of the time which is pretty massive.

Ah, that makes sense. No Maelstrom?

Nope, I was messing around with it while running NM dungeons leveling up and itā€™s cool for helping clear things out when you put the 3 points into it. But, it was pointless to use while fighting lillith and put them into increased fury with 2h weapons. Although, after doing my nightly lilith fights, I just ran a quick NM 48 without it using my new walking arsenal necklace and rings, my fury generation was so high that I was clearing it just as fast, if not faster than with Iron maelstrom.

I would suggest to replace Flay with Lunging with bleed, and use the vulnerable talent for Double Swing. That, Exploit, and Steel Grasp give you 100% uptime on vuln, and it would give you 3 more skill points to spec out of PP.

But then Iā€™d give up 100% uptime on berserk which with some paragon stuff I do +90% dmg during it along with dmg reduction while berserk and lots of fortify generation which keeps me alive. I figure that is worth giving up considering now enemies have vuln like 80% of the time.

Chains gives Berserk and you could use the aspect to extend it. Or you could use Lunging with Berserk on crit if you have another way to apply bleed.

True, Iā€™ll mess around with it tomorrow :smile:

Word. Have you tried Maelstrom since they buffed it yesterday? Iā€™ve been wanting to, but I am hesitant to give up Unbridled. If you were able to hit 500-600k without Unbridled, that seems promising.

How much strength, crit, and flat damage do you have? What glyphs?

Maelstrom is probably better for helltides and world stuff as it gives dbl swing the aoe it lacks. Unbridled will be better for high level content.

Are you guys in a clan?

I have a clan in-game. Few guildies from back in the D2 days. 15+ years of homie-ism.

oh WOw. If you want more in game friends to do some NM dungeons, add me

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