Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

I’m getting some good vibes for dswing being a quick in and out for nmd’s

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I’m leveling ambidextrous now. Currently only using Disembowel and Exploit. Wrath is ready and will be my next one after a few paragon levels, then the two sword ones you mentioned.

I use Harrogath chest, so Disembowel kinda stacks with that a bit to lower the cooldown on my stomp, which lowers the cooldown on my WotB. Once I get a Razorplate, I’m going to experiment a bit with that for some AOE love.

To answer some of your previous questions: I use Lunging instead of Frenzy for mobility, gap filling, to compensate for lack of AOE, a bit of healing, and to apply bleeds. For vuln, I use Exploit, the vuln option for Double Swing, and Steel Grasp for 100% uptime.

Steel Grasp is a sleeper for this build. Pull, stun, slow, vuln, and berserk. It should also bleed once they fix things, and it’s been pulling much more consistently since the patch.

Technique I use 2H mace for fury gen. 2H axe for vuln or polearm are decent choices. I use 2x 1H swords for Lunging and DS, so I get fury and attack speed from that.

havent used ambidextrous but its the one that makes the most sense.

Using undaunted rn for the extra DR but I could try it, see if I dont get 1 shot too much =D

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Nice! Sounds pretty solid! Was thinking of throwing a ramaladni for additional damage.

And for affixes on the weap may I get some solid advice. Was planning on:

2H mace = CD, Vuln, Core, Close
2H sword = Vuln, Close, Core all stats
1 H sword = CD, Vuln, Core, Close
Ramaladni for the other 1h

Planning and getting some all stats since some rare nodes require a tad bit of dex and willpower for the bonuses to come online.

Anyway I’ll catch you guys later. I parked my Barbie at 98 before the new patch came in since exp was horrific. Imma need to run a few nmd’s later to max my barbie later.

Yeah, crit damage/vuln damage/core all the way, the rest are additive, Id go with + strenght personally as its a different bucket.

Yeah, I want a damn ramaldini’s, with a good roll. Thats the last piece of the puzzle lol.

Dont forget, decimator paragon board and flawless technique have a ton of damage in the magic nodes.

  • Crit
  • Vuln
  • Core
  • Str

Is ideal for every weapon.

Thank you @Conan @Actua

And dayuuuum those are exactly what I’m running as my affixes for the weapons. @Conan

I was planning on forgoing the HoR and running a good stat chest armor and probably some lucky hit chances on gloves, and rings to proc PP more often so I can go zerking aspect for DSwing.

And probably damage while dual wielding both on chest and amulet mixed with some defensives.

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Harrogath is totally worth it in my opinion. It’ll be even better once they fix the interactions. Ground stomp stuns and gives you more WotB. Too good to pass up. With Steel Grasp, you can pull large groups to you, stun em, lower your cooldowns, make them all vulnerable, give yourself berserk, and demolish. Those 3 skill points into Pressure Points can go somewhere else more beneficial because this combo gives 100% vulnerable uptime. 3 charges of Steel Grasp, Disembowel, and Harrogath is money. I also use Death Blow for Fury and damage spikes.

The build flows so well. Just have to get them crits to 5M+ to be competitive.

oh damn, hit a 1.750M dswing at the end of WoTB so after a few buffs, and i swapped to ambidextrous and im definitely leveling it.

Going places lol.

For reference im lvl 87 rn doing nm62 without much trouble if affixes arent too garbo.

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Nice, not really looking into those high nmd’s tbh. Might just stick around the mid 50’s to 60’s just for fun. And prolly just run 40’s to 50’s to get my glyphs up to 21.

@Conan your name is familiar. You were helping beatdropper with the ww theory craft in discord?

I honestly think dswing is barbs potential best dps slot. Problem is sustain on bosses.

Nope. I did the original Frenzy Thorns build in D3, among many others, and I helped get a ton of other fixes and buffs for the Barb and Monk when they were discriminating against melee.

Which board did you put Ambidextrous in? There has to be a way to take advantage of that increase to magic nodes. I’m guessing either vuln or crit would be best, but there may be a spot or two where we can hit like 8+ magic nodes and take full advantage.

not sure honestly, probably in the decimator board, increase the vuln around you. Im playing marshal, so im already increasing my 1 hander crit dmg in the flawless technique one.

I know Warbringer has a spot next to a glyph socket where there’s literally like 8 magic nodes. I’m at work and can’t look right now, but IIRC, they were kinda lackluster. They might be life, res, armor, and fury. If it’s max fury, it could be a good spot to get some chunks.

yeah unfortunately they are not great nodes, some armor and dmg, but not the multiplicative kind.

I put it in the decimator board to boost vuln damage

Makes the most sense. At least it’s close enough to get some boosts. I need levels and paragon to stack up. Just hit 80 and still have 3 world areas (12 points) to get for paragon.


Yeah, once you get decimator/flawless its a big dmg boost.

Thx to the dude about ambidextrous and placing it in the right spot, ive been critting for 1.5m out of wotb, its getting pretty legit. Its not ALL the time tho, im not sure if dswing counts as 2 hits that soemtimes show as 1 and sometimes not. Not sure.

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It’s supposed to be the damage of both weapons combined. Really wish they’d add an aspect that gives it a shockwave blast (like the shrines) around you. Another that doubles up your attacks per cast. Something like old school zeal maybe.

Bout to fill the Decimator board here soon. The extra vuln should help. Few weapon upgrades should net me a lot too.