Dswing barb hitting for over 1.5 - 2m

What’s up with HoTA in there?

Have you tried this with Unbridled Rage? What was your max fury when trying Ramaladni’s?

Upheaval needs to have knockdown or knockback to set it apart.

Im guessing to extend berserking? not sure why one would chose that over war cry in that situation.

As far as Ramaladni - if i can ever get one with decent rolls i do think it may have a spot in a frenzy build that has a lot of +fury.

I think it’s just a HoTA build. Looking at the link, he only has 1 point into Double Swing, but 5 points into HoTA.

I have plans for a Frenzy build using Ramaladni too, but honestly, we need massive changes for it to be decent. I put a few things together last night and had almost 400% Basic Skill damage going on, but the flat wasn’t even 10k+. Granted, it wasn’t close to optimized, but I can’t see it being viable with a flat damage of 6-9k at 350%+ skill damage. I’m determined though!

Nah frenzy wont work as it is right now.

Frenzy purely enables the rest of your kit with the extra atk speed (or dr if you want that).

My favorite build farming 50-55nm dungeons is with chains that become ultra fast with all the atk speed. I just swap to eotb if pushing harder content.

I love Frenzy, but Lunging is so much smoother. We lack mobility and it’s an amazing gap closer. I initially used it for constant Berserk too, but since the Harrogath chest is bugged, I now use it to apply bleeds to proc Disembowel and Harrogath, which Frenzy can’t do on its own.

I always use chains. With Accelerating aspect, attack speed on gloves, paragon, and 2x 1H swords, I have pretty stable and constant attack speed on it. Would be nice if it pulled properly, every time.

I was doing lilith with my bro@ lvl 85 and doing 180k crits.

Did you get all the crot dmg and vuln dmg from paragon and using perma vuln on dswi g?

Constantly hitting 180k? So like outside of vulnerability and stun windows?

Well if youre running dswing vuln is 100% of the time.

Dont know for stun, didnt get there cause i still suck at dodging waves :slight_smile:

Ooooo you are using the vulnerable talent - I’ve been using the extra berserk duration. I’ll have to try that one out.

Are you using Harrogath chest? If so, I’d recommend trying Lunging with bleeds instead of Frenzy. It’s so easy to lock onto targets, and it’s one of the few things we can do to proc the chest, which gives us cooldown reduction on stomp, which I use to reduce cooldown on WotB. You’ll get cdr on Steel Grasp and Ironskin too. It’s very noticeable on bosses and elites when you have mad attack speed.

Yeah, Im running trip shouts and using the war cry berserk for trigger, with the aspect that gives 1 second on.pucky hit and the bloodrage paragon.

Youll sometimes loae berserk inbetween packs or if density gets low, but you should have your dhouts back up in a few seconds.

So usually perma berserk perma vulnerable.

It is a Walking Arsenal build. I have a pair of Gloves with +4 HotA, +4 DS, and have tried maxing out both. In any circumstance, HoTA deals at least 4x more damage than DS. It still hits hard with DS, but in the end what really matters is applying Vulnerable before HotA hits, or keep Berserking going. So those extra points in DS are optional.
And yes, I have tried Unbridled Rage but with Walking Arsenal I keep my fury topped at all times (Edgemaster) and have access to Luckbringer aspect, which helps a lot with stun procs and vulnerable procs from Pressure Point passive.

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Warcry is a waste of skill space once you can get berserk from lunging strike crits all the time

You were talking about Ramaladni, so I was just curious what your max fury was when you tried it, and if you tried it with Umbridled or not.

I don’t know from the top of my head now, but I got the + fury nodes from paragon, and something like +15 on gear. My testing showed that with Ramaladni (0,3%) DS was hitting the same as my 1h hammer, at best. But with the hammer I had better stats that made LS and HotA better, and more stun procs. I speculate that with a godly roll and +fury on everything it could be better. So Ramaladni is sitting in my stash for now.

We got an 11.11% increase, boys. Woooooooooo

20M+ crits all day!?

Such dirty hot garbage.

Yeah, I’m thinking they don’t want super huge numbers because how many times we can use it. Unfortunately, when using it multiple times in a row the dmg drops each time unless hitting a stunned target.

Oh well, I’ll keep using it. Maybe they’ll do more tuning before season 1.

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warcry gives damage, lowers the cooldown of your other shouts, and lets you take a bleed on your basic. dswing wiill keep berserk up anyway so you really only need to proc it once rather than continously.

You really tink luckbringer is any good? Its only a multiplicative increase to chance to lucky hit.